The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good day
     We have 52° heading for 59° by noon and then they are to start falling. Gas has jumped a dime to 2.999. 

     I finished 2 more box car kits last night and had a couple hours watching a British detective show on Acorn TV.

     I get to take the week end off so I will work on my trains.  

      The local doper that the media latched onto for interviews about the disastrous train wreck (even though he hasn't lived in town for years) has joined the rest of his family in the great beyond. It didn't surprise anyone. (well maybe the media).  I went to school with his father who also died young. He was a very heavy drinker.  
Booze, drugs and cigarettes take their toll. 

     Have a safe and healthy week end. 


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 02-10-2024, 07:55 AM

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