The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

It is a cloudy 63 with a predicated high.

I have not been around much tis week. Of course with the week we had who could blame me. It started Saturday with our chimney inspection. The liner for our chimney that vents the gas water heater and gas furnace had collapsed. Now we finally had an answer to why the paint was peeling in our bedroom. It was from the carbolic acid that was being formed by the gases from the appliance mixing with water. Three thousand dollars later we have a new stainless-steel liner and a rubberized chimney cap.

Monday, I had to take the car back to the shop. The flat tire that was fixed on Friday had developed another leak or as I found out three more pin hole leaks. I had to get new tires for the front. I will get the back at the end of the month. Tuesday my wife is sitting at the dining room table working on cleaning some jewelry and she hears a loud ping followed by a cracking noise. My wife goes to the front door and opens to find the full-length window on the storm door shattered. She also finds the owner of our lawn service standing there holding a blower with a amazed look on his face. He was cleaning up and apparently a stone was blown into the glass. He has taken responsibility and is in the process of getting the glass replaced.

Wednesday my wife got a letter from her mail order pharmacy warning her there could be another shortage of mounjaro when she goes to order it in a month. Yesterday I had to be at work at 5 AM due to an early concrete. I was there until 4 PM. Needless to say I was exhausted, and nothing got done at home.

This weekend we are hoping for boring. There is laundry to do and runs to the grocery store, produce store, and pharmacy. We may try to get some gardening done. I found out yesterday that I will be having my second attempt to have the hernia taken care of on the 30th.

I a hoping to run some trains this weekend. I also want to work on the bridges, but we see how it goes.

I hope everybody has a good weekend.
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