Horrible discovery about the cost of the hobby!
Modeling industry reps would curl up in a corner and sob like school girls if they saw what I spend on this hobby. Of what I do spend, less than 10% goes to anything "new"...primarily parts, paint and glue. Most everything I buy is older, used equipment that doesn't get a second look at most trains shows. My spending policies started out as a necessity originally, but has since become a sub hobby of sorts, leading me to seek out that which is cheap or even free as a sport of its own.
...prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits...

My blog>>> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.misterbobsmodelworksemporium.blogspot.com">http://www.misterbobsmodelworksemporium.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->

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