N Tour Car Pictures
Well, Detroit looks like that in a lot of areas, especially the industrial ones. The Russell industrial is a massive building -- it looks like several buildings, but it was all one industrial complex at one time -- there are huge sections of the building that are being rebuilt, others are still in use, and then there are the sections that have fallen into disrepair like the one in the photo. Go to Bing maps and type in Milwaukee Junction, Detroit. The building/complex is in the north west corner of the junction (it used to be a diamond). The second photo is of the Packard Plant which is being slowly torn down. There are few sections of the building that are intact and being used; most of it has fallen into itself. Unfortunately, there are many areas of Detroit that do look like the photos. I love going back to my hometown and poking around those old industrial areas -- I don't know what it is about those old buildings, but I am fascinated by them. I am planning a "railfan trip" to go poking around the junction and Fisher Body plant area in a couple of weeks -- I'll post some photos on the Blue.

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