Pearl Harbor Remembered
While it is true that "today's youth" are "tomorrow's grumpy old men", America is at a significantly different social, political, and cultural crossroad than it has been at before. The "prejudice" card and the "race" card have been played ad nauseum, to the point it no longer has value, akin to the little boy who cried wolf. Instead of making conclusions based on emotionalism, many in America have started using reason and logic to determine the proper course. Since the 1970's, the welfare state, the entitlement mentality, and "victimism" have served to deny equality in America rather than "level the playing field." Statistics don't lie, and prominent observers of society such as Walter E. Williams and Bill Cosby are pointing these things out. Hopefully the rest of our society will stand up and take notice.

American Servicemen at Pearl Harbor and in World War II gave their lives for individual liberty and individual responsibility, not for the tyranny of marxism, socialism, and communism.

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