We are wondering what you think about this....
We were wondering if anyone would be interested in starting a freelance railway based here at Big Blue. We know we have The BB&G Railway, but we thought it would be a bit more fun to create a generations spanning railroad. One usable on any layout, in any scale in any era. It's up to the member/modeler what cars or engine he or she wishes to create. Just think, for those of us that are more into scenery and structures, we're not limited to what we can do for this new (or very old) railway.

Right now we’re in the exploratory stage. We need feedback on how feasible this is and to get an idea of how many modelers would be interested. The main thing to start with is that we need a name for our railroad. We need suggestions, and when we have enough, we’ll ask for a consensus (yeah, a vote) on what name works best. Remember, we are an international group here and so the name has to be able to span the continents as well as the ages.

If we decide it’s a go, we will establish a car and engine numbering system that anyone can draw from. We will then set up a separate forum where anyone can start a thread to show the progress of anything they’re doing. Remember, you still have your own road on your own layout, this can be a connecting road, or one where you have a frequent interchange or simply that you have a few cars that occasionally run on your road. We are not suggesting that you make major changes to your layout to accommodate this. You can make as much or as little of this as you care to, just as long as it’s fun. We will have no restrictions on how the cars and engines are decorated, that could change with your era or location. We could have a common herald or a set of heralds dependent on the era, these things are all up for discussion.

Just one other thing, this is not a contest. There are no start or stop dates, there's really no guidelines or rules. We are suggesting a concept, it's up to everyone to interpret it and fit it into your layout however you feel that it works for you.

Use this thread to post your comments and suggestions, especially to come up with a road name. If you want to discuss it privately, contact Catt, ngauger or ezdays, or any of the mods here, we’re all ears…
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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