My girlfriend's work thread
After many embarrassing moments when filling my own work thread with pictures of my girlfriend Vigdis' fine work, I'm now, with her permission, starting a new thread for her. This first post contains a pictional summary of her earlier work, which is also covered and commented in my own thread, but future updates will be posted in this thread only.

Her first Jordan model:
[Image: 1307_w790.jpg]

[Image: 1309_w790.jpg]

[Image: 1310_w790.jpg]

Her second Jordan model:
[Image: 1312_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1319_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1314_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1423_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1426_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1429_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1439_W1200.jpg]

[Image: 1444_W1200.jpg]

Her third Jordan model:
[Image: 1490_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1491_w1200.jpg]

Her first structure:
[Image: 2011_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2013_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2016_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2034_w1200.jpg]

Building a diorama, including scratchbuilding a timber trestle:
[Image: 2026_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2040_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2041_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2044_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2059_w1200.jpg]

And here's status as of today. The trestle is finished, as well as a small fishing shed from Bar Mills. She has also cut out the fascia from 6mm plywood and glued to the foam base. The boat is from a Preiser kit, and is right out of the box and not been weathered yet:
[Image: 2063_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2064_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2068_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2069_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2066_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2067_w1200.jpg]

And to round up this first post; a couple of shots of her Blackstone C-19 entering the trestle:
[Image: 2070_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2071_w1200.jpg]


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