Nachoman's 2012 resolution challenge.
It took me awhile to decide what I want to do for this challenge. I wanted to choose something that I had been putting off and that I simply just need to "jump into" and get done. For this project, I want to get ground cover from one corner of my layout to the other, and throughout my entire town. After that is done, most of my layout will have scenery. To complete this, I will need to:

1) make and install one tunnel portal;
2) finish some rockwork;
3) Build/kitbash one more structure for my town - a hotel;
4) add a few details to buildings, and glue them in place;
5) add ground cover and details.

It's a lot of work and I am unlikely to get it all done by april first, but I feel I need to set the bar a little high otherwise my town will probably sit there for one more year with little change.
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