Simple track section problem
Hi all,
I need to know what I am doing wrong here, I thought this should be a simple process but I can't get it to work!
I am constructing a simple end-to-end 00 gauge layout (terminus to fiddle yard style) and want to have two sections (station area and fiddle yard) controlled by separate controllers. I have split the track using isolating joiners. I have a H&M duette controller with each controller wired to each section. When I run a loco from one section to the other it stalls on track where the join is. A shunting loco passes over it fine and is then controlled by the other controller. I was hoping that having each controller connected to each section like this would enable be to run trains end to end with control passing between the two. How is it that the shunter passes between the sections fine but main line locos don't???
Many thanks in advance for any help offered!

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