Backdrops and clouds
Here I've used a kitchen sponge dipped in green paint to dab on "foliage" texture to the foreground hills. I've used a paintbrush dipped in tan paint to add randon "bare earth" areas in the hills and I've painted in some "man-made" structures (as this is supposed to represent the suburban hills).


I decided another mist of white paint was in order. Then I added a nearby "treeline" using a sponge dipped in green paint.

This completed the backdrop.


Here's what the scene looks like when you throw some Woodlands Scenics foliage clusters in front of the "treeline" painted on the one-dimensional backdrop.

I think the three dimensional clusters blend quite well and the whole scene has depth and "distance" (from the hard foreground objects back to the soft horizon)


Here is another shot, taken at the other end of my layout, once again half way through finishing my backdrop.

Two RailNet E8s (Lifelike) run "light engine" under the catenary over the yet-to-be painted and ballasted mainline.


Gavin Miller
Perth, W. Australia

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