The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is a chilly 40 right now. At least the wind died down. They are saying the high will be 47.

Dropped off the blankets, sheets, towels, and pillows at the animal shelter yesterday. They were very happy since it turned out to five bags plus a large throw rug. Made runs to the produce store and meat market. Didn’t make it to PetSmart. The email to say my online order was ready to pick up didn’t arrive until I was leaving the meat market. By then I had my fill of people. One thing I have noticed since the pandemic began is my tolerance or people and crowds has gone way down. I can only take so many people not wearing masks or wearing them improperly and not social distancing. While I was in the produce store, I overheard a conversation by two women. They were saying how disappointed they were about not having family over for Thanksgiving. Then one of them spoke about a neighbor who was having 30 to 40 family members over with some traveling from North Carolina and Florida. All I could do was shake my head.

I did not get to weathering the hoppers. I did enter more records into the database. I am close to halfway to recreating the original database that crashed.

I have to go to PetSmart which I did not get to do yesterday. But that is okay because I now have to stop at Rite Aid to pick up my wife’s prescription and some over the counter meds. I pass the Rite Aid on the way to PetSmart. I then need to stop at the bakery and pick up the Thanksgiving pies and perhaps drop some clothing off at Green Drop which is on the way to the bakery.

Tonight, we have to move and/or disassemble the table in the breakfast nook. We have a new one being delivered tomorrow. Hopefully I will be done in time for the chat tonight.

I will either weather some hoppers or enter more records in the database. If I am lucky maybe both.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I have proof that relatively inexpensive vehicles can still be purchased in my area.  Smile

With a budget of $5,000 I found a 2005 Dodge Magnum Crossover/Wagon for $1500 after taxes, title and registration and a 2007 Kia Sedona Van for $2,600 all in.

The Kia is absolutely fully loaded.  Everything is powered; side doors, mirrors, seats and windows. Even has a digital compass so i know where I'm going Icon_eek   I claimed it!  The ROW Baroness has the Magnum Icon_mrgreen

The Magnum was a great buy since I bought it from a friend of a friend.  It has a lot of gimmicks.  
Most interesting thing, both vehicles have the manual shift option to save fuel.  I may never use it, but it's neat.

So for $4200 I have 2 not-so-bad vehicles and now it looks like I'll be spending Thanksgiving weekend transferring the vital necessities from the 2 old vehicles to the 2 new ones....   

We have had 2 rainy days in the past 2 weeks.  One due this Monday too. Of course in between that is tomorrow and it's scheduled to rain.  ~~ How do that do that???

Someone says, somewhere:  Ah!  There's a holiday - Rain!!!!!  Eek Eek

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving!!!!  2285_ 2285_
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Tom: I was thinking that our COVID problem would be solved by football season. It was scary how all sports stopped when it all began but football season both professional and schools began pretty much on schedule. Unreal to say the least.

Same around here, some schools all virtual, some virtual/in person mixed.
All in person is voluntary. Really messing up the work places with employees forced to take off to stay at home with their kids.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Nice finds Mikey, enjoy. Nice that you both have something reliable again. Amazing the new do-dads that they add to vehicles every year. And yes, it is Thanksgiving tomorrow, and no, not a drop of rain here, even after getting the truck washed.

We had our zoom chat last night, great participation, just that the Zoom announcement of suspending their 40-minute time limit for the holidays didn't apply last night. We got kicked off again, but some of us were able to log back on and continue. We're going to look at a different venue, there are a few that don't have time limits like that. Still, it was good getting together again even if it was only 40 minutes.

Was going to Pat's for Thanksgiving dinner. but his son-in-law was working with someone that came down with the virus, he and my granddaughter have to be tested and won't know the results for a few days, so nobody goes anywhere until the results are in. That means that I stay home tomorrow and cook my own Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily, I have a backup plan that includes a small turkey. Was going target shooting on Monday, but shooting buddy is sick and needs to be tested as well. This virus thing has had a profound affect on my life this year, and I'm sure many other people as well, yet there are those that don't seem to care and go about  doing as they wish. We will not dwell on this, but it is aggravating when you get the, "do as I say, not as I do", attitude from those supposedly in charge.... Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Foggy and 35 at the moment.  Supposed to be  the low 40s later on.

Had an ok day yesterday.  good workout at the gym.  Decided that since the varnish for the toyboxes is water based I better do some testing to make sure it doesn't smear the craft paints.  The test was highly successful.  I'll be heading out the door shortly to get an eye exam.  This afternoon I'll be working on stencils for the toyboxes.  

Gas price here jumped 15 cents yesterday to $1.89.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the approaching holiday and increased travel plans. Nope

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 42 heading up to 55.

My daughter helped me disassemble the table in the breakfast nook. Then spent a good deal of time cleaning the floor and getting the shine back. Due to her schedule with her online class we had to work during the chat. I got on send hello and then had to leave. I was hoping to get back on but by the time I tried everyone was gone.

Mikey nice find on the cars. I had a 2010 Sedona I bought used. It was a nice van and I had planned to keep it for awhile until the front axle broke. Schools are crazy with the scheduling. Upper Darby never went to hybrid. They stayed virtual as they could find enough substitutes to fill in for all the retiring, sick, or on leave teachers and staff. The school my daughter works at was at a point that if 3 more teachers went out, they would have to go all virtual due to not enough staff. They asked that staff not travel during Thanksgiving and warned them if they did and come down with COVID they would not be eligible for COVID leave. They went into lockdown starting this week for at least two or three weeks. The district my wife works in is losing teachers and staff like crazy. They are getting sick from COVID, retiring, or resigning. They are making new employment postings several times a day. Even before COVID the working environment for teachers in that district was very toxic. Now with COVID their staffing issues are getting critical. It is one of those districts where the kids and parents are never wrong and everything is the teacher’s fault.

Last evening, I went downstairs and decided to two quick jobs. I removed the hook and horn couple from the front of my IHC Lehigh & Hudson River steamer and replaced it with a knuckle couple. It went very smoothly. Then I decided to put the couple back on the Erie-Built B unit. It has fallen off during my test running. It took a desperate search, but I found the coupler and the box lid. I quickly reinstalled the coupler only to have it fall out again. Upon examining things, I discovered one of the clips was broken and the rear steps were damaged. I tried to drill a hole in the coupler lid and screw it in place. That did not work. After trying several other options, I had to remove the sides of the coupler box and use a Kadee box to replace it. The steps were so damaged I removed them. A future project will be to find a replacement and install them. Later I continued entering records in the database. I have all my reefers and covered hoppers with 3 or more bays entered.

The new table is scheduled to arrive between 12 and 3 today. We will also be doing Thanksgiving dinner prep. The turkey is sitting in cold water in the sink thawing. It has been in the refrigerator since Friday and still is not thawed. I have eight loaves of bread I have to remove the crust and cut into cubes for my wife to make the stuffing. I have no idea if any modeling or train running will happen today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning.  Chilly 55 by now.  Cooked hot sausage patties and biscuits with OJ to drink.  

Errands and chores.  Train Box and put new husky stack on the track.  My "supplier" is a relocated Yankee.  His daughter from LA area is here helping him.  We chatted a lot.  Seems he has it all but disorganized.  She is trying to help with that.  Why sometimes he ships one item and then later gets to ship the other item I asked for.  Great guy.  She says they are real busy so that is good.

We found out why I was having door lock problem with 97 Chevy.  Power locks and key fob would not unlock and lock doors.  Key felt like it was going to break to open.  Driver's side lock switch was rubbing the trim.  Holding it in the locked position.  A little WD40 and it releases.  Later, body shop guy is going to remove door panel and we'll adjust. 

Hope all have a great Thanksgiving.  Wifey going to bake today. 

Stay well and safe.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all . Monday slipped by again without a post yesterday was a day of rest ,  today spent the afternoon on yearly can crushing  like 20 lbs. of them , now all i have to do is to get them to recycling place. tomorrows agenda is to finish garage wiring.
Good morning everyone, and a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all, even those that don't celebrate. It's a peaceful holiday, well, it is unless you head out to one of those stores that are open today. Eek 

Got a small turkey that will probably last me two weeks, but Pat is postponing their Thanksgiving dinner until the results come back on my grandson-in-law's Covid-19 test. so I eat alone today. My granddaughter's came back negative. My shooting buddy's didn't. He's down for a couple of weeks, don't know about his wife though. It's been just about a month since I last saw him, so I should be OK. Cars are lined up for miles around here, one line is for Covid-19 testing, another is for food. They're saying that the need is higher this year because of the number of people out of work due to the virus. Now is a good time to be working for Amazon, or as a delivery driver. I see delivery trucks dropping stuff off on our street just about every few minutes. I'm even getting deliveries, and I haven't ordered anything. Nope Seems like some drivers can't read house numbers.... Waiting

Have a great day whatever you're going to be doing. 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy Thanksgiving, gang.

The day is clear and will warm up nicely this afternoon. 32 right now headed for 45 later on.

Yesterday was good. Got my eyes tested and was able to drive home shortly afterwards. It was cloudy and foggy so no bright lights with my dilated eyes. Also worked more on stencils but at the rate I'm going I won't have these toyboxes done til next Christmas.

My big project for today is to get the oil changed on the car. Probably a nice long walk this afternoon and maybe a train and a fire in the fire pit.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Little showers off and on. Sun pops out and then gone. 67 degrees.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Its very long list I have to be thankful for.

Special prayers for all who are sick.

Enjoy the day. God bless.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Happy Thanksgiving Blue
Cloudy, wet and 50 this morning. No rain just wet.
In spite of our dicktators orders (Mich. governor Whitmer)we are having the kids here for dinner. 
I'm a little uneasy about it but no one has been sick and we will take precautions. It wasn't my idea but those of you that are or have been married know how that goes.
Be safe, have some plop plop fizz fizz handy.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, I hope yesterday was a good one. For the first time in my life, I had Thanksgiving dinner alone thanks to Covid-19. The good news is that everyone's tests came back negative, so we'll have our family Thanksgiving tomorrow instead.

I did cook a small turkey and watched some really lousy football for a while. Cowboys, fourth and one on their own 30 decide on a pass play. Eek What a joke, it didn't work and Washington scored on the next play. Turned to "Kung Fo Panda II", much more enjoyable. Did watch the Macy's parade as usual. I still can't get use to all those singers who I haven't a clue are, lip-syncing songs that I've never heard before, up on a float. And those gangs of people from Broadway shows singing and dancing. I know, they've been doing it for years, but that's not a parade. The few bands that they had passed through quickly, some didn't even stop to play as they usually do and the TV folks talked over them as they did. Big surprise, Santa did show up, but his wife was socially distanced away...... Waiting

Anyway, if you go out shopping today, be careful. I keep seeing articles about folks who get violent when asked to wear a mask, I really don't think that's too much to ask in times like this.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

26 and clear a the moment headed for 41 and sunny and just a little breezy with winds near 20 mph.

I had a pretty laid back day yesterday. Got the oil changed on the car and went for a nice walk. Decided not to do the trains and fire as I was busy fixing supper around that time. Supposed to be nice for the next few days so there will be more opportunities.

This morning I'll be heading to the gym. Then at noon is college football. If it's as bad as I expect it to be I'll probably just tape it and skim through it later.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Cloudy and foggy. Suppose to burn off soon. Already has west of us. 64 degrees.

Off to the hunt down east. Will be the only one there. Back tonight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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