Dan's N Scale layout project
Aye, the plan is by no means to scale, I'm terrible at that! 35

Considering the size of the layout is 6' wide, there's plenty of room for all those loops. Lots of vertical space in there too that I am terrible at representing.

Hopefully my latest progress shots should give you a better idea of the scale of it:

[Image: 20140113_204120_zps4ede9a9a.jpg]

[Image: 20140113_204126_zpsafaa0843.jpg]

Finally - we have power! Granted it's only a test connection, but it feels like progress! Big Grin

[Image: th_20140113_204135_zps40710238.jpg]
Tried to get a better idea of the trackplan put together.

Black lines are track, blue lines are "scenery" - bridges, walls, board edges, etc.

Is this easier to understand? Big Grin

Top level:
[Image: 20140114_133937_zps5a2dd866.jpg]

Middle level:
[Image: 20140114_133928_zpsc4d8def0.jpg]

Bottom level:
[Image: 20140114_133903_zps533a43e2.jpg]
I've started the mock up of where the upper level will be with the street running section and a small lumber yard and team track, so I can plan where the lift out scenic sections can go to allow access to the tracks underneath in case of derailment.

More work to be done but you get the idea. Smile
[Image: 20140114_192129-1_zpse16c8bda.jpg]
Yes that makes more sense, but it still seems like a lot of track.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
It is, but I get get distracted easily so it needs a lot to keep me amused. Besides, the more complex the switching the better. Smile
Small progress report for now, I have been laying a little more track. I've also decided to change the plan slightly and add in more switching and less running lines.

As it stands for now I have the following pictures, and the three tracks at the front on the upper level are now going to be industry spurs.
[Image: 20140123_114934_zps74c4d875.jpg]
[Image: 20140123_114940_zpse28f888f.jpg]
[Image: 20140123_114945_zpsd9ac091b.jpg]

And an overall shot of the layout so far:
[Image: 20140123_115202_zps94f59800.jpg]
Quick update so you guys know this thread hasn't died!

The project has been put on a temporary hiatus whilst I work on an exhibition layout for the Trent Valley North American Modelers exhibition in June.

I'll start a new thread for that layout once I've got the wiring finished because lets face it - baseboards, tracklaying and wiring are boring as hell! Icon_lol

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