Shutdown for maintenance
We rarely shut down for any reason, but this one is a biggie. On this coming Friday, May 11, we will shut things down here so that we can move over to a new server. It takes a good eight hours just to download our database, then another eight to upload it to the new server. That means we plan on being down for the entire weekend assuming that things go as planned. We will try to do this a quickly as possible, but there are things that we can't control that can get in our way.

We have our Big Blue Google group where we will try to keep everyone updated. Our objective is to get on the new server with new software but still maintain the look and feel of what we have now. The new software will be easier for us to maintain and it has many new features that we all can use if you want.

Remember, Friday, May 11 sometime late in the day is when we plan on starting all this.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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