Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
What do you do to hide the interlocking corners on your buildings?
Usually I add a further layer of card on the corners which is covered in brickpaper before being glued to the building. You can see it best on the brick factory building on the new module. Smile
I've finally finished, everything is done and tested - it all works! The layout has now been packed up ready for a 5am start tomorrow in the morning.

The first actual train running on the new, extended Cane River, rather than just posed for the photos! Big Grin

[Image: 20141004_225925_7_bestshot-1_zps9a4fa58c.jpg]
Hope all goes/going well Daniel ...

Attached Files Image(s)
Well, that's the exhibition over, and my first NMRA event as a member. Thanks Mr. Bachmann - I think it went well. I had fun and am exhausted! Big Grin

It was fairly quiet, as Sunday's often are. The layout got a fair bit of attention and plenty of people asked questions and chatted for a while, it was nice - and my operating skills have improved considerably since the layout's first (and only other) outing at TVNAM last June.

It would also appear that the operating crew for the layout has increased by one, as my friend Iain came along for his first ever experience of running a layout. To say he's hooked is something of an understatement.

Below are some photos taken of the layout on the day, as well as some new stock acquisitions from the day - 4 new locos and 4 new items of rolling stock - including a fantastic Southern Pacific caboose! Big Grin

[Image: 20141005_152252-1_zps5a87fc40.jpg]
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Well Done, Daniel - glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks Jack. Smile

I was very tempted to walk away with a few items of HO rolling stock, but thankfully resisted! Icon_lol

A few more pictures from yesterday. Smile

[Image: 20141005_143531_4_bestshot_zps2b26b516.jpg]
[Image: 20141005_144400-1_zps920ae00a.jpg]
[Image: 20141005_183720_zpscee63182.jpg]
congrats on the success of the day , regards the Mallet if she's the older version you may need to plaster the wheels with 'Bullfrog Snot' in order to gain puling power .

Mr. Bachmann - yeah, I hear that the pulling power is a bit tripe.

My layout isn't big enough for it to do anything other than pull a few cabooses around as a 'tourist special' for the moment anyway. Icon_lol
Small progress update - a package arrived from Unit Models yesterday - lots of detail parts for the layout such as stairwells, access doors, lineside battery boxes and even a pigeon loft! Smile

My plans for the next few weeks include working on my loco and stock fleet, as well as working on the details for the layout. I need to add in people, vehicles, telegraph poles, street lights, point control, signals, ground throws, fencing, etc.

Lots to do. Smile
Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Spent my lunch break dirtying down one of my B23-7's - so far just a basecoat of dirt. Much more to do - dirtying the trucks and tank with a suitable red-brown mud colour, adding oil and rust streaks and burn marks around the turbo. Smile

Still, it's a start.

[Image: 20141014_153902_6_bestshot-1_zps3e111c76.jpg]
[Image: 20141014_153922_7_bestshot-1_zps401a2ac0.jpg]
Lunchtime today saw work begin on weathering 5112. This is where I'm at so far:

[Image: 20141016_150122_1_bestshot-1_zps1638aecf.jpg]
Thanks for all the advice and feedback that has been offered forth on this thread. If I have failed to say so in the past, please know that it is very much appreciated. Smile

I've been working on the layout benchwork this week, and have erected this from some cut up pallets and my existing computer desks to raise the layout off the floor to eye level - this gives me a lot more storage space and much more realistic and satisfying view of the layout.

Here's the workbench as it currently stands - I intend to mask the front with a smooth fascia to go with the rest of the layout but will be extending the benchwork to the left and right as the layout expands too, so for now this is my setup:
[Image: 20141017_210516_zpsb61b09a5.jpg]

And here is the layout in place in it's new home:
[Image: 20141018_202750_zpsdd8fcac4.jpg]

Now the layout is set up and usable again, I've taken some more photos with some of my new locos and stock on show:
[Image: 20141018_221710_1_bestshot-1_zps75672242.jpg]
[Image: 20141018_221740_2_bestshot-1_zpsd020c4d8.jpg]
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[Image: 20141018_221805_2_bestshot_zpsb9eca600.jpg]
I've had time for a tiny bit of work at lunchtime today, which has seen 5100 and 5112 finished and ready for a coat of sealer. Smile

Let me know if I've missed anything:

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