Freelance 2017-1
The Freelance 2016-2 thread ended with:

"The long scrap yard in the foreground made the layout quite crowded. .... It will stay as wasteland. ...."
[Image: 31089586233_31882966d7_c.jpg]IMG_5263 by faraway52, on Flickr

The alternative 2017 is a plain long structure. It has a similar optical effect but emphasizes the industrial impression better.
Pressboard is a great material to get robust larger structures. I have not decided about the skin to be used.
[Image: 31910681871_5a477a782e_c.jpg]IMG_5269 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 31910682051_ed08928c62_c.jpg]IMG_5270 by faraway52, on Flickr
I know it's just one mans opinion, but I like the building there.

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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I like two things about that building,one is the way it looks already and two the fact that is big enough to be a realistic size for a industry. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Thanks for the kind words.
The structure got wallpapered with corrugated steel from "clever Models". The intense rust color got reduced with Paintshop. The roof got the standard asphalt road paint. It is a nice restrained dull gray tone well suited for larger tar paper areas.

[Image: 32019772416_843a99dfa2_c.jpg]IMG_5278 by faraway52, on Flickr

[Image: 31683883420_e947a84a2e_c.jpg]IMG_5274 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 31683884030_5a185e387d_c.jpg]IMG_5275 by faraway52, on Flickr

and a canyon in the rear. The building is not yet settled into the ground and some dull coat might be necessary.
[Image: 31683884980_2042e72fa7_c.jpg]IMG_5276 by faraway52, on Flickr

20:55 CET photos updated
gerat and very realistic looking extention!
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
Thanks Bernhard.

I am always astound how much the artificial light falsifies the colors on photos. The front wall looked far to red. This is a photo taken this morning with natural light only. That is about the color as I see it.
I will continue on the details today.

[Image: 31261148713_82efb4f98e_c.jpg]IMG_5279 by faraway52, on Flickr
Nice work! Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Awesome work as always. I really do love your fearless approach to changing things up - totally off the wall thinking that is encouraging me to rip up parts of my layout that I'm not happy with, instead of sitting there thinking "well, it's done now".

Clevermodels really is a treasure trove of awesome texture sheets, too. Smile
Lots of dull coat, some details and the building is "planted" into the ground. That's it for now. That was a nice start of 2017....

[Image: 32081360055_9da5ff2d77_c.jpg]IMG_5284 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 32081359715_ecb51438c3_c.jpg]IMG_5283 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 32081358725_9c1efa8b10_c.jpg]IMG_5282 by faraway52, on Flickr

2017 had another surprise for me. A bunch of engines derail on the transition into the 18' curve of the hatch at the door I built last fall. I tested it with mostly Atlas engines (GP38 etc.) and was happy when some long Bachmann and the RDC worked too. I learned yesterday that e.g. Genesis GP15, Kato GP35 don't like the curve. Also one SW1500 derails in one direction. I think 18' without any transition but a staggered cut in the rails entering the hatch is at the limit.
I made all possible adjustments at the axis and the rails. The rails are perfect aligned but it is at the limit ans some engines don't do it.

The hatch with the hinge at the right side (old photo)
[Image: 29443187541_9b653bebb2_c.jpg]IMG_5104 by faraway52, on Flickr

The offending location (old photo)
[Image: 28917003944_602a63ba29_c.jpg]IMG_5105 by faraway52, on Flickr

Two options:
1. Redo the hatch quite soon to run all engines again
2. Redo the hatch 2018 when the entire room is redone and a new layout is built from scratch and run in the meantime a limited set of engines only.
Great job! Thumbsup Applause The way you weathered that building it blends in like its been there for years. Worship

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Is the colour for the end of the building supposed to be the same as the side? The end looks silver while the side is red (indoors picture, anyway).
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
BR60103 Wrote:Reinhard
Is the colour for the end of the building supposed to be the same as the side? The end looks silver while the side is red (indoors picture, anyway).

The colors on the photos are a constant problem. The sides are not red or silver but dirty gray and some residual of rust brown. All four sides are wallpapered with the same image. This is a daylight photo:
[Image: 31261148713_82efb4f98e_c.jpg]
Well whatever the color it is a very good looking building!

Since I keep my models in the garage when stored and also I have to move things for Free-mo I have a shied away from the paper products. I have seen some amazing results I am just worried that after my hard work my model would be ruined.

Keep us posted on your 2017 endeavors!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
The generic building in the left foreground will be replaced with a building extending the iron and steel processing plant from the background. I plan a building housing a traveling crane to unload steel coils. The heavy weight crane is on order and the building will be continued when I get the crane and understand the options of kit bashing (the standard kit will be to long).
In the meantime lost the forklift the fork and became a lollypop lift as used for coil handling.

[Image: 32187180615_f17864dffb_c.jpg]IMG_5292 by faraway52, on Flickr
2017 shows some real promise as your thread moves forward.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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