Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works
Going to start a new project 

I like the large windows and the overall shape of the structure. The main structure has a footprint of 6.2" X 4.8" without the two annexes.  There are the two add-on structures, one wood storage shed, and one brick boiler room.  The kit comes with a number of exterior details, and a second floor, but no interior. I plan to fix that:

I've collected a number detail parts/kits from Interaction. I have their machine shop tools for the lower floor and Office furniture and equipment for the second floor. I also plan to build a boiler for the boiler room and add stairs to the interior. I may still scratchbuild a few other parts and add a few others, but the basics are there. 


This is what is included in the kit, laser cut walls, floors and roofs. The main windows are plastic castings and there are other 3d printed details.
I should be getting started on this in the next couple days.
Great stuff!
Keep us informed.

Will do Lutz.

I started to experiment with some colors this evening.

There is a fairly large surplus clapboard piece the I'm using to check out colors. I stained the lower 3/4 with A&I first, then I brushed my colors over it. The Gray is Ceramcoat dizzle grey, the white is Folk-Art vintage white. I wanted to see what they looked like over both the stained and unstained areas. I like the stained/painted look as it looks like the paint is wearing off the the wood is weathering underneath. My thoughts are that this is a turn-of-the-century building being used in the late fifties so while it's still standing and sound, it is showing its age as an industrial structure. 
I plan to use the gray on the walls and the vintage white on the trim and windows. While I plan to brush-paint the walls and trim, the windows are cast plastic and I would rather airbrush them. The only problem is neither of these paints are suitable for airbrushing so I'm going to look for a close Valejo match for the vintage white at the hobby shop. 

A bit of progress.

I stained the main building and shed walls with A&I last night and left them under some books to keep them flat. I'll be painting them shortly. I'll also be looking through the stripwood bundle and pulling out the pieces that are used as trim and staining them as well.


I also removed the windows and doors from their sprues and sanded the edges flat. I think that are Tichy. Anyway I'm primering them in white as we speak and I'll be airbrushing them in a Vallejo Off-white when they are dry.

I may have to interupt this build as I have another small kit on the way that I have to finish before Christmas.
It was 'painting day' today. Starting with the main walls:

I used a fairly stiff flat brush to apply the Ceramcoat Drizzle gray to the walls. I didn't go for an entire coat of paint as I wanted the A&I stain to show through in places.


Then it was time to add the signage to the front. There are two painting masks/templates included in the kit.

You can simply paint the masks and glue them to the front of the building as your signs, or you can use them as templates. I chose the former. The masks have small 'nicks' on the short edges for marking where the black stripes will go, as well as positioning them later to add the white lettering.


I first tested the masking template out on a scrap piece of basswood before trying the real thing. The instructions are set up for those that don't have an airbrush and would have to brush paint, but I airbrushed both the black strip and the lettering.


and the finished sign. The key to airbrushing with the template is very thin coats and trying to hold the airbrush far enough away from the target that the paint is almas dry before it lands.
I used Polly-S tarnished black and Vallejo Off-white for the signs. I'll be using Folk-art vintage white for any trim that will be hand painted.

While I had the Off-white in the airbrush, I painted all the windows and doors. 
This is where I'm going to hit pause for a little bit. A kit that I've been waiting for has showed up and I have to finish it before Christmas.
Really like the signage, and we'll have to forestall our future enthusiasm. Good tips on the airbrush - I bet I would have smeared that paint when I sprayed too close. That's going to be a great addition and I'd expect we'll see a few photo ops with it in the background.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Back after my Christmas projects are done. 


I added the interior bracing and then airbrushed the interior walls. I choose Polly-s 'earth' for the interior wall color. I'll be lighting the interior so I wanted a lighter color for that reason. Also I understand that many industrial interiors were lighter colored during this time. 


I also started to add some exterior trim in advance of adding windows and doors. speaking of those:


I was experimenting with some weathering for the window frames. I gave the  one of the left a wash with A&I and the other is just painted. I'm thinking of doing the side and rear windows as the one on the left as they wouldn't be kept as clean as the fronts. and then lightly weathering the front windows with a dirt overspray.
I made some good progress over the past few evenings.


I installed the first and second story doors. The first floor doors and laser cut parts and some stripwood. I did have to sand the doors down just a bit (maybe 1/16") to make them fit. I can't be sure if it was the door frame parts swelling a bit when I stained and painted them. The second floor doors are cast plastic and fit well with minimal sanding.


And then I glued the twelve front windows in place.


I also installed the doors and windows on the rear wall. I left one of the doors open for some visual interest. The bottom two windows will be covered by the boiler house and storage shed so I'll be adding a extra false wall to the interior to cover the window opening from the inside. 


I did start on the side walls, adding the corner trim and using my magnetic assembly try to both square them up and make sure they stay flat while the glue is drying. 
I have the next 10 days off for the Christmas holidays so we'll see how much I can get done on this project.
Looking good. Adding the windows makes a huge difference in the look.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Thanks for watching.
I did finish installing the windows in the side walls. The kit includes two optional window fans that you build up and add.

I airbrushed the parts in Polly-s earth and then brush painted the fans with testors aluminum.


Then the parts are cut out and the window has the lower mullions removed. I also trimmed the bottom of the frame down to the sill for a better fit.


the parts are layer together and them glued into the window. Looks pretty convincing to me.


Then I glued all the windows into the side walls. I'm going to do a bit more weathering before I add the window glass but the walls are almost ready to be attached to the foundation.
Looking good! Got my package from interaction last week which included the Christmas tree farm sales building, phone booths, Coke and ice machines.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
I've built their coke machine, it came in the gas station kit that I built for another modeller. I've also built both CPR tool sheds, the portable station, the tobacco shop, two of the model t's and a bunch of the detail parts. Here's the other kits that I ordered to get the Christmas caboose.

I plan to have a partially navigable river on the layout so I wanted the workboat. The 'Hoarder's Shipment' look like it was just too much fun to pass up. Where else are you going to find an HO scale Indiana Jones Ark crate?

I did get so decent progress today:

I took all the foundations and painted them. These are laser cut cardstock, two medium parts are the foundations for the boiler house and shed, the small is the rear entrance and the large is for the main building. I scribed expansion joints into the large foundation and then painted them all with a light gray primer, followed by Model master concrete and Model master old concrete. The large foundation has a trace of Vallejo dirt between where the front and rear doors will be.


While I had the dirt paint in the airbrush, I added some to the lower parts of the walls and windows. Then I also sprayed some around the window fans.


Then it was time to install the windows. each window takes two laser-cut pieces of clear glazing. It comes with a tissue paper backing that is easier to remove before you remove the glazing from the carrier (learned that the hard way) It took a couple hours to install all the windows.


But finally I'm able to put a couple walls up. I need to start thinking of routing wires for the lighting and adding the interior components next
"I plan to have a partially navigable river on the layout so I wanted the workboat. The 'Hoarder's Shipment' look like it was just too much fun to pass up. Where else are you going to find an HO scale Indiana Jones Ark crate?"

Don't know if you saw this Clyde Puffer Steamboat, but the price is right....

Clever Models Paper Models for the 21st Century - Catalog Pg 19X (
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
I built the Scalescenes Freighter a couple years ago:
T030 Cargo Ship - Scalescenes

But it's a bit large for the area that I have planned.

I figured out the lighting for both floors.

I bought this roll of LED strip lights off ebay a number of years ago. It will supply me with enough lights for a long time. 


I cut two, three led strips off and solders some leads.


Then I test threaded them through some styrene tubing. The plan is to put some tubing in the corner and then run the wires up the tube to both floors.


I painted the tube to match the walls and glued it in. I'll touch up the floor before adding the details.

Speaking of the floor, I glued the rear wall on and then test fitted the second floor. I had to remove some material to clear the lighting tube.


Then I had to figure out the stairs from the first to second floor. I'm using Central Valley's star and ladder kit. 


It took a bit of figuring as to the length of stairs and where and how big to cut the hole in the second floor. I made the stairs start right beside the rear doors, that gave me a point to calculate where everything else would land. 


and when it was all said and done, my LP can now get to the engineering offices on the second floor.
It is coming along nicely. It is very interesting to see the interior being done.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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