The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

34 going to 65 with clear skies.

Now that the dust has settled after the eclipse there will be lots of free space on your favorite website/newspaper/tv channel for more important stuff like "What's the latest electronic gizmo?  Click here to find out!"  I went to a nearby state park to get a few shots of the eclipse.  The local conservation agency sponsored a walk to a good viewing spot. Turned out very well.  Had about 20 people.  Lots of conversation.  There were scattered clouds which actually worked quite well for getting a few pictures.


Nothing else of import from yesterday.  Today looks to be the same.

Gas jumped from $2.99 to $3.34.

All tay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, eclipse, what eclipse? We were out in the desert target shooting, overcast but really nice. We should have been on I-10 around the time of the eclipse, but saw no difference, too far out of range I guess.

Costco and Sam's broke the $4.00 a gal barrier, at $4.05 they are four cents below most other stations and not worth the drive to get there. It's crazy, well over a dollar a gal increase in just a few weeks.

Got a busy day today, early morning appointment, the first in a series leading to an ablation procedure in the neck, really looking forward to it since it's painful to turn my head right now. We're looking at temps in the mid to high 80's and mid-90's by Thursday. No rain in the forecast for at least a few weeks. How they can guess beyond that would be baffling.

Y'all have a great day, stay safe and have fun, fun, fun....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun today topping out at 75 this afternoon. Rain later in the week. We watched the eclipse on TV. It got just dark enough to cause many outdoor lights to come on. Now we will be bombarded with TV coverage of the NFL draft coming to Detroit in a couple weeks. Got an outpatient follow up with my doctor today about the recent stroke I had.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

40 going to 70 with clear skies and light breezes.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. I did get the winter toys put away and the summer toys out. Still need to change the oil on the lawn mower. Also got the brake pads replaced on my second bike. The original pads squealed like a dying cat. Today I need to get the plastic off the windows on the north side of the house. After lunch will be a trip to the gym and this evening maybe a play at the local community theater.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people of Big Blue, Got in my truck early afternoon yesterday and the outside temp read 91, it cooled down as I drove but was still in the high 80's. More today and then Thursday should be our first 90+ day for the year.  I can't believe that the A/C in the truck kicked on when I had the heater on earlier.

Gas prices here are heading back to $5.00, there is one station in Arizona that's at $2.99, it's too far away to make a difference, lots of low $3.29 and up, all in the Indian reservations.... Speaking of Indian reservations, that's the only place they can build casinos on here. Well, they're getting tricky and trading  reservation land for land closer in town and calling it part of the reservation so they can build casinos on. They just finished one next to the Cardinals sports arena, and are in the process on building one off the 303 freeway, about five miles from my house. With those and the lottery, the poor are just going to be poorer.

I got my neck shots yesterday (on on each back side) and they worked. A few hours of reduced pain and headaches, so now the next step should be ablation. There, they cut some nerves to the brain and even if you do hurt, the brain doesn't know it. I had that done ten years ago and it was working fine but the nerves tend to grow back together after a while. Could be six months, 10 years is really good.

I hope everyone has a great day and are passed the hype of the eclipse. Just about everyone I talked to never even bothered to go outside, we were out of range and saw little or none of it.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Not as pleasant today. Only about 60 for the high with winds over 20 mph. 80 by the weekend.

Busy day yesterday. Outdoor chores accomplished followed by a bicycle trip to the gym. Swam a half mile the did some resistance work. Then took the pollution solution vehicle to Hobby Lobby to get some paint. Then last night I went to a stage play based on the board game "Clue." Very funny. Nothing major on the agenda for today other than a trip to they gym.

Unfortunately no 35 cent drop in gas price to match the 35 cent increase on Monday but the price did go down three whole cents. How generous!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks, I hope you're all doing well. I got an extra hour of sleep in this morning, going to a place for breakfast that doesn't open until 7:00, tomorrow, as usual, we meet at a place that opens at 6:00 and there will be a bunch of us waiting for it to open.

Temps hit 87 yesterday, and was in the 60's a few days ago while today's forecast to be in the mid-90's. Makes for an interesting week, but we are a bit behind for our normal 90+ first day. As for gas, it's going out of sight as well. Typical now is up a dime to $4.39 and heading quickly back to $5.00.

Going to try to talk to my ISP and my satellite server to see if I can't lower my cost. I do that occasionally and when I'm not successful, I change providers. This time I have more choices to deal with since they just finished wiring the neighborhood with fiber for ultra-fast Internet and wide-band streaming. Lots of neighbors switching over now. I don't particularly want to, but it's good leverage in negotiating a better deal.

Time to go, got a busy day planned, how much gets done is anyone's guess. Take care and stay safe, it's getting crazy out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Rain, wind and 50 for the day. Weekend looks better. 
No news as I'm still trying to recover from the mild stroke I had. However when we went to the doctor on Tuesday gas was $3.49.
S.J. Fri. 04/12.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

Currently the temperature is 58 with a high of 63. The weather has no idea what it is doing. Thus far today we have had several very heavy downpours and bright sun in between the rain. The rain was so bad before lunch everyone on the job site went home. Now an hour later it is bright and sunny.

I have been taking it easy with the surgery coming up next week. I am doing small things around the house that do require any heavy lifting or too much bending. I have been running some trains earlier in the week. Now I am in the process of putting those cars away and getting ready to create another train for some additional testing of the bridges. I repaired the coupler boxes on a couple of Roundhouse 50 ft express refer kits. The previous owner stuffed in the boxes the kits came in and they are too small, and the coupler boxes suffered as a result.

This weekend there will be the usual stops at the grocery store, produce store, and pharmacy. There is a backlog of laundry to do but I am not permitted to carry any baskets. I need to finish my taxes and help my son and daughter with their taxes. I need to prepare for the hernia surgery coming up on Thursday.

As far as modeling I plan to run trains and do some organization. I have some Roundhouse and Athearn blue box kits to build. I am hoping the kit building is something I can do during my recovery.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Gonna be a nice summer day here with sunshine and a high in the low 80s. Same for the next few days and then Monday night and Tuesday there is a 100% chance of rain followed by temperatures much closer to normal with highs by the end of the week in the low 50s.

Fairly quiet day yesterday with a trip to the gym the only daytime activity. Then a band/choir concert for the great-grandkids last evening. This morning is soccer starting at 10 and over by about 1. This will be my first day of sunscreen for the season.

Gas was down to $3.24 last night.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, it's Saturday and yes, got in 9 1/2 hours of restful sleep. We hit 95 yesterday, and by the end of the coming week, we'll be pushing 100. We're in an area where both my gas and electric utility bills are low. I had my truck A/C on already though, it's set for "auto" so I don't have to think about it. 

Gas has kind of leveled out, Costco/Sam's at $4.19, some others seemed to have dropped a few pennies to $4.35. Nothing significant going on, we did host the "final four" last week and all that hype is gone so all the news is back to the teem violence, shootings and hit-and-runs. Don't some folks ever give up and try to play nice? Oh yeah, our hockey team is threatening to leave town now that we, as voters, refused to fund their multi-billion dollar sports venue. Goodby, I hope they can afford you in Utah. Why do I as a taxpayer, have to support a business that I have no interest in and there's no payback, not even free game tickets. Nope

I hope you all have a great weekend, nice weather, fun things to do and of course, staying safe and out of trouble...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue  4/14
Sun and 70s for the day.
Just checking in as I'm still taking it easy. Monthly club meet last night but I didn't go. Saw a video this morning where they were running 3 trains on one small loop.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Dayle is hurting a bit and having trouble walking. The hurt has shifted sides. She is having physio.
We went off this morning to get muffins at our favourite place in Mennonite country, near a preserved railway. They were sold out of muffins (at 11:00 am!) except for one I'm not fond of. But we did have an 80 km trip in the country and filled the gas tank. (156.9 if you must know)
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Hi y'all,  68 in Memphis at 2AM, will get into low 80s today. Gas was at 2.85 this afternoon, liking that. Getting started on a new layout table, got a couple of sticks together. I'm slow. Not like I have nothing else to do...? Guess today will be a grass cutting day Icon_e_surprised Goldth my favorite.
Good morning good people, not much going on here, temps going up and down, just like gas prices. Today it might not get out of the high 70's, by the end of the week, we could hit 100. Gas is dropping a bit, Costco/Sam's now at $4.15, the Fry's station a few blocks from me is down to $4.04. Not going to last, they're saying that the wars in the Middle East will cause a jump in gas prices. I'm sure it will, and probably very quickly.

I've finished building that Jeep model, and am starting to look at the trolley car. They both have about as many parts, just that the trolley is spring wound and will run, the Jeep just sits there daring someone to touch it so something on it can break or fall off. I have a busy day today so I'm not sure if I'll get started on the trolley just yet.

Take care and stay safe, I see where some storms are expected back east, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and maybe New England.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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