Firestorm at Z's....
shaygetz Wrote:Boy, those guys are a hoot to watch sometimes...they need to get a hobby or something.
357 357 357 357
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
shaygetz Wrote:Boy, those guys are a hoot to watch sometimes...they need to get a hobby or something.
Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol

Too Funny!!!

You know what "I" think?????

I think you should lend them your "rocker" for a few minutes..... 357 357 357 357
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
ngauger Wrote:
shaygetz Wrote:Boy, those guys are a hoot to watch sometimes...they need to get a hobby or something.
Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol

Too Funny!!!

You know what "I" think?????

I think you should lend them your "rocker" for a few minutes..... 357 357 357 357
Would that mean he would be off his rocker?

Just akin'

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Yes, I had the error message too (No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator). Just curious as to what the original message said. Thanks, Rob
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Interesting, I never did anything to stir them up. I just "walked away when I got the email from EZDays telling me about the new Gauge. I haven't been back, but I didn't log out. Just went to look and perused the forums I used to use a lot. I'm still logged in, and it is showing the icons for all posts that are unread by me. Not one single section has more than 5 or 6 threads that have new posts in them since I last visited! A couple of the sections have 0 new posts, and I've been gone a year or more. I don't remember when this forum was started, but I came over as soon as I heard of this site and never looked back.
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Interesting, I never did anything to stir them up. I just "walked away when I got the email from EZDays telling me about the new Gauge. I haven't been back, but I didn't log out. Just went to look and perused the forums I used to use a lot. I'm still logged in, and it is showing the icons for all posts that are unread by me. Not one single section has more than 5 or 6 threads that have new posts in them since I last visited! A couple of the sections have 0 new posts, and I've been gone a year or more. I don't remember when this forum was started, but I came over as soon as I heard of this site and never looked back.
The cookies in your computer automatically log you in Smile We opened here the second week of last december..

HEY!!!!! We're 6 months old!!!! (in 2 days)!!!!

Interesting that we have a accurte time span to gauge by... yeah - it's been slow there..... but thanks for being here!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
You know...Our buds from the card models side started another forum, just as we did.
Reading the posts over there, they've asked members to not mention whats happened over there at the "Z".I think we should stop bashing CG and "the Shark" here, and believe me, I'm the biggest of the bashers. I don't agree with what CG and the "shark" has done to bring ruin to once was a great place, but they made thier bed, now they have to sleep in it.

We should all just let the place burn around CG and the shark. They didn't want to listen to reason, from the card guys or us, but rather ban members, and delete posts. We'll should just sit the flames get higher.....and forget what the number for 911 was.

Let sleeping dogs lie...eventually, they will get hit by a car.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Both Mikey and myself are in total agreement in what 88 just said. Post there if you want, just don't be antagonistic or go bashing anyone. CG has a rather large investment in Zealot and they are a "for profit" organization with stockholders and employees. They indeed are not in the business for the fun of it. On the other hand, we are here for just that purpose and you will never see Big Blue go the way they did there. I'm not defending the way they do things there, I'm just saying that they have to protect their investment and they have to allow it to produce some revenue in order to keep the company afloat. Right now they seem to think the loss of posts there are due to them being "hacked", and suspect disgruntled members and ex-staff for that. Our objective is to not bring attention to ourselves and to leave the chaos to those that won't let go. I would simply check some of those threads of yours that you feel are too valuable to lose, and perhaps duplicate them here before they get "hacked" again, and more stuff disappears. Just act with the grace and dignity that we all have and let them do what they think needs to be done. Who knows, perhaps they're right and they know more about our hobbies than we do. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
That's all well and good. I notice that z is attracting some new international members. This used to be one of our biggest features, that we were so diverse in our membership. Worship

I don't know that we are really less so now, but I just don't seem to see the posts from Spain, Portugal, Phillipines, Down Under, etc., etc. that we used to see. Nope

One thing I know: if you go on Yahoo and search for model train forum, or forums, or model railroad forums, etc we are invisible. Even including "gauge" we are still invisible. If you include "big blue" in quotes we come in on page 2. I don't really know how these search engines look up their search terms or sort their results, but it seems like we could find out and use this to our advantage in maintaining and growing membership (assuming that this is a goal.) Goldth

So I guess this would be a formal request to our admins to investigate this and possibly make us show up in this kind of search! Thumbsup Thumbsup I probably would never have been on The-Gauge at all if it were not the result of a Yahoo search!
The Gauge is one of 750,000 hits on Google also.
When the net was younger the search engines worked better, now there are so many hits on a search, regardless of what you are looking for, that they can be quite useless.
I just started a Yahoo group for Samoyed lovers, and elected to keep it private and hidden. We pass the info along to people we would like to join us. We just lost a forum due to over moderation, and it was around for 8 years. The owner just deleted it, losing a lot of valuable information that had been posted over the years. There were 350 members. We are less then a month old and have 55 members and have had 2500 posts.
I didn't notice Z in the top listings either, and my last visit didn't show many railroad posts either
Slow growth is the best growth. I think the cream of the crop has come to Big Blue and others will make it sooner or later. I haven't seen a question here go unanswered.
Yawn...just went there and essentially nothing happening as usual. I think a lot of folks keep looking for signs of a tempest in a teapot or an abysmal failure, but it's still got a better Logging and Mining section with more to offer, making it worth a visit.

And if I didn't get "tossed out"...? 8-)
cidchase Wrote:That's all well and good. I notice that z is attracting some new international members. This used to be one of our biggest features, that we were so diverse in our membership. Worship

I don't know that we are really less so now, but I just don't seem to see the posts from Spain, Portugal, Phillipines, Down Under, etc., etc. that we used to see. Nope

One thing I know: if you go on Yahoo and search for model train forum, or forums, or model railroad forums, etc we are invisible. Even including "gauge" we are still invisible. If you include "big blue" in quotes we come in on page 2. I don't really know how these search engines look up their search terms or sort their results, but it seems like we could find out and use this to our advantage in maintaining and growing membership (assuming that this is a goal.) Goldth

So I guess this would be a formal request to our admins to investigate this and possibly make us show up in this kind of search! Thumbsup Thumbsup I probably would never have been on The-Gauge at all if it were not the result of a Yahoo search!

I don't know about all of the search engines, but it seems to me I read a couple of years ago that Google decided to increase their revenue by selling priority on searches, so that when someone types in a search, commercial interests who paid the fees would find their site automatically at the top of the first page. If enough commercial sites paid, a non-profit like us would be relegated to the second or third page.
Yup - and thtat's what happened when Peter formed Zealot - he moved us to the top of the search engines and we got all kinds of spammers, ad bots etc.. it was brutal...

Not doing that here... Nope Nope Nope
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
cidchase Wrote:That's all well and good. I notice that z is attracting some new international members. This used to be one of our biggest features, that we were so diverse in our membership. Worship

I don't know that we are really less so now, but I just don't seem to see the posts from Spain, Portugal, Phillipines, Down Under, etc., etc. that we used to see. Nope

One thing I know: if you go on Yahoo and search for model train forum, or forums, or model railroad forums, etc we are invisible. Even including "gauge" we are still invisible. If you include "big blue" in quotes we come in on page 2. I don't really know how these search engines look up their search terms or sort their results, but it seems like we could find out and use this to our advantage in maintaining and growing membership (assuming that this is a goal.) Goldth

So I guess this would be a formal request to our admins to investigate this and possibly make us show up in this kind of search! Thumbsup Thumbsup I probably would never have been on The-Gauge at all if it were not the result of a Yahoo search!

Try Bing.
Quote:I don't know about all of the search engines, but it seems to me I read a couple of years ago that Google decided to increase their revenue by selling priority on searches, so that when someone types in a search, commercial interests who paid the fees would find their site automatically at the top of the first page. If enough commercial sites paid, a non-profit like us would be relegated to the second or third page.
Quote:Yup - and that's what happened when Peter formed Zealot - he moved us to the top of the search engines and we got all kinds of spammers, ad bots etc.. it was brutal........Not doing that here...

Isn't that basically paying good money to be the "Duty Moving Target"?? Eek

I was lead to the-Gauge by a post on the model railroader forum, by a gauge member.
The "pay for top billing" (I almost typed "play"'s an Illinois thing) has made search engines almost useless. The "for profit" results have pushed the information results several miles down the road, and my "feet" really aren't up to the "walk" any more.

P.S. I like not being the duty moving target. Goldth
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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