My girlfriend's work thread
After many embarrassing moments when filling my own work thread with pictures of my girlfriend Vigdis' fine work, I'm now, with her permission, starting a new thread for her. This first post contains a pictional summary of her earlier work, which is also covered and commented in my own thread, but future updates will be posted in this thread only.

Her first Jordan model:
[Image: 1307_w790.jpg]

[Image: 1309_w790.jpg]

[Image: 1310_w790.jpg]

Her second Jordan model:
[Image: 1312_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1319_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1314_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1423_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1426_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1429_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1439_W1200.jpg]

[Image: 1444_W1200.jpg]

Her third Jordan model:
[Image: 1490_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1491_w1200.jpg]

Her first structure:
[Image: 2011_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2013_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2016_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2034_w1200.jpg]

Building a diorama, including scratchbuilding a timber trestle:
[Image: 2026_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2040_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2041_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2044_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2059_w1200.jpg]

And here's status as of today. The trestle is finished, as well as a small fishing shed from Bar Mills. She has also cut out the fascia from 6mm plywood and glued to the foam base. The boat is from a Preiser kit, and is right out of the box and not been weathered yet:
[Image: 2063_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2064_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2068_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2069_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2066_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2067_w1200.jpg]

And to round up this first post; a couple of shots of her Blackstone C-19 entering the trestle:
[Image: 2070_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 2071_w1200.jpg]

Wow! She's good. you are a very lucky man!
Worship Thumbsup Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Great looking models! She's very talented and obviously a careful modeler. How nice to have this interest in common! By the way, Vigdis is certainly welcome to become a Big Blue member in her own right if she'd like! Thumbsup
Wow! Very nice work! My compliments. Cheers

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
As always - a pleasure to see the stuff Vigdis make. She has the golden touch, no doubt about it!

I've seen her work on your older thread and she's doing a fine job. They often say women have a special attention to details and I must she got it right. The car with the passengers is just too sweet. Makes me feel ashamed of my driverless trucks on the layout!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
All that, and narrow gauge too !! Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Wow guys, thanks for all the kind words! Smile

Actually, Vigdis registered here on Big Blue a while back, but since she doesn't feel very comfortable writing in English, I hope you don't mind me answering on her behalf. She's sitting right next to me as I'm typing this, and is very humbled and thankful for your nice comments. When she feels ready, she will write her own postings.

Svein and Vigdis
Same Jordan kit made with poor eyesight and clumsy fingers. She is really good, I know what I am talking about Thumbsup
[Image: IMG_1126.jpg?t=1325327309]
ps. I could not see the dust on the model until the photo has been posted....
your girl friend has really golden hands! Hold them highly!
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
She doesent really need to know English...Her work speaks for itself!..And puts mine to shame.
Excellent job! Keep it up..Keep posting.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
There's folks that can, and some (like me...) who can't. SHE DEFINITELY CAN.... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Svein---you're very lucky to have such a talented friend---make sure you treat her well,she's a keeper Thumbsup
modelsof1900 Wrote:Svein,
your girl friend has really golden hands! Hold them highly!

Cheers Thumbsup
greeting from the blade city Solingen / gruß aus der Klingenstadt Solingen


Scale Z and N
Scenery is coming along on the diorama. The rock faces are plaster castings with a wash of WS earth tones, and the first ground cover is a thin layer of real soil from our back yard. This was dried and baked in the oven for a while, then crushed and sifted to get rid of the bigger chunks before applied. On top are several layers of various WS ground foam; Fine turf (Weeds and Burnt grass), Blended turf (Earth blend and Green blend) and Coarse turf (Yellow grass):

[Image: 2102_w1200.jpg]

While the glue is drying, she has started over with the cut on the other side of the trestle. The rock texture was different from the plaster castings, so she's re-doing it with plaster castings on top of the old surface.


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