Shay construction

No, there's no update at the moment as it's to cold in the workshop to do some progress Sad
The only progress is done at the boiler makers workshop, where the copper boiler is in progress.

Due to business travel the next 2 weeks, christmas time and an exhibition, new progress will come in late January....
As soon as I do new progress, I'll show it here Wink

Bye, Gerd

last weekend, I was on a big live steam indoor event and the boiler maker was also there and showned me the boiler for my Shay. It's not finished yet, but will be done within the next weeks. Here's a photo from the test fit on the Shay frame. Looks good so far...

And yes - it feels like christmas for me :-D


Cheers, Gerd
The boiler is tested and ready !!!
Got the news today, that the boiler certificate was written and the boiler was tested with 10.5 bar (150 psi).
After cleaning, the boiler will be shipped to my workshop tomorrow. I can't wait for this.


Cheers, Gerd
Awesome thread! I have 5 acres and had thought of going this route but my land is very steep and the cost of building the right-of-way was just to much.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Cool,,,hooray Cheers ,,, Can't wait till steam up.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Hello guys,

got the boiler last weekend.
More photos and also some details are hosted on my website. Just follow this link -> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... iler_e.htm</a><!-- m -->

The boiler weights 27 lbs and is designed for 95 psi maximum pressure.

[Image: Boiler_4i.jpg] [Image: Boiler_5i.jpg]
Click thumbs to enlarge.

Cheers, Gerd
Hello again,

after another break ( :evil: ), I'm back on my Shay, working on the steam engine. Here's a new picture of the progress so far.
I try to get the steam engine running within the next 2 month...

[Image: col_11.jpg]

Cheers, Gerd
Congrats! I look forward to seeing the photos of your taking your first ride Cheers
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Hi Michael,

I look forward to held the maiden run in 2012. At the moment, I do good progress and spend a lot of time to get the steam engine done.

Last week, I made the mounting bracket for the steam engine and I could mount the engine to the locomotive frame for the first time. What a big moment.
Later I made the lower bearing brackets and this week, I'll go ahead to install the crank shaft. Once this step is done, only the valve gear, cross heads and piston rods are missing to get the steam engine running on air. I guess I'll get this steps done in July.

So here're some pics.

[Image: Mount_10.jpg]

[Image: Mount_12.jpg]

[Image: Mount_14.jpg]

Bye, Gerd
Gerd, how we say here in Germany: Graet Kino! Very, very good work! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
As a loco shed man I know to appraise your work seeing all your construction elements and I know what you must do befor finishing. I think on all the engine parts, steering mechanism and all others. Wish you success for next steps!!!
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
Gerd I could get a lot more done on my layout if I could get my little people to work as hard as yours seem to ! Icon_lol
Nice progress on a wonderful project. Cheers Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Hi Mike,

the little folks are great team workers...
In Germany we say - TEAM is a kind of short cut and means "Toll ein andere machts" - translated to English this will say "Great someone else is doing the work"
That's the true spirit of team work Icon_lol

Meanwhile, I celebrated the 400th work hour spend on this project (actually the counter is 407 1/4 h) And I did some more progress. The crank shaft is ready to be installed, but I need a new drill to bore the crankshaft hole... I already ordered one and I guess the drill will arrive today... The excentrics are also installed now and I did some more finishing work on the cylinders. Once the crankshaft is installed, I'll continue with the crossheads and piston rods.

Well, next week I'm going for vacation, so I look forward to get the crank shaft installed this weekend and will continue the work end of June.

Oh and by the way, here're some other countings from my building log :

- home made parts : 789
- screws : 1037
- nuts : 293
- standard parts : 1125
- drilled holes : 3256
- cutted threads : 983
- parts at all : 3350

- actual weight : approx. 63kg (130 lbs)

[Image: excenter_9.jpg]

Cheers, Gerd
Terrific work...!!! I can't imagine doing anything like that. If I have to work with pieces smaller than a quarter (25 cent coin) my frustration level quickly rises and I wind up ruining the project....
Can't wait to see the finished project..!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Good morning,

well, I like to get this project finished too *hehe*

Before I'll go on vacation this week, I installed the crank shaft. Here's a short movie, showing the Shay pushed on my curved track to check clearence within the universal joints and drive shafts. I'll continue the work in 2 or 3 weeks when I'm back from vacation.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->

[Image: Mount_23.jpg]

Cheers, Gerd
That runs very nicely !!! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

From what I know about shays :
Typically, the line shaft runs at 240 rpm, and produces speed of approximately 12 MPH.

2" = 1' , or 1/6 scale
1/6th of 12 =2,
Therefore; at 240 rpm this Shay should travel at 2 MPH.
Wink Wink

I do not now have the machinist skills you have, so I doubt if I could ever build a Shay, as nicely as you have done- - - even in HO scale. The video of your test was most impressive. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

:?: At what point does a "model", become a "miniature" :?:
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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