LED for headlight
What color type LED do you guys use for headlights on steam locomotives? I have used Miniatronics Yeloglo/white in the past, but I am not sure if that is the appropriate color for a steam generation head light. Would they're just plain white LED be more realistic? I am currently modeling some Bowser L-1 Mikados, just to give you guys an idea of what locomotives I'm refering to.

Plain white does not look good (too blue IMHO), I tried it. I prefer the warm white (check ebay, if you watch you can get them for a penny each including shipping), and if you are going back to the early 1900's yellow isn't too bad at all. I put some of the white ones in the E8's I have and they will be changed as soon as I can get around to it. To me even the modern locomotives look better with the warm white.
I've found cheap LED flashlights at the dollar store and salvaged the LEDs. But they all look too blue to me. I've got one steamer I am putting together now, and I had originally installed one of those salvaged LEDs, but I accidentally burnt it out, and have decided a yellower LED may look more appropriate. I actually tried painting the lens of a white led yellow, but now the light looks greenish Wallbang

Of course, I am modeling in a time period where locomotives didn't turn on headlights unless at night - so sometimes I wonder why i am bothering. But, for some reason I think if I ever want to run a night operating session, it's much easier to install the LED now rather have to tear into it later. Plus, for whatever reason, model locomotives just don't look right to me without a working headlight. Perhaps that dates back to my trainset days when I just thought it looked cool.
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My problem was in most cases that my wished types were not available if I did try to buy warm white or sunny white micro leds. However it was never problematically to get white leds in all thinkable sizes.
One day I purchesed additiobnal to white leds a small bottle yellow light bulb lacquer - a from this time on I have dip my leds and colored them yellow. After a short drying I do test all the leds on their grade of brightness and the yellow shine and in a few cases I solved a bit of color by alcohol. In each case I have got a good yellowish light for my steamers, I think.
Look here a few pictures.
- http://us-modelsof1900.de/wp-content/gal..._20-2k.jpg
- http://us-modelsof1900.de/wp-content/gal...us_28k.jpg
- http://us-modelsof1900.de/wp-content/gal...us_32k.jpg
Maybe you will find that this color will be too yellow? I think that these lamps and this light is used at old and very old engines where the light is not so brightly and more white like at more modern steam times. I think that this will be a good solution for my steam engines and models.
Cheers, Bernd

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