SP&S Shelf Layout - Printable Version

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Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - Steve - 07-13-2010

Greg, you are already getting some nice pics from the layout! Thumbsup This should be an exciting project.....for all of us! Wink Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Now get hot!

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - JohnyBotto - 07-13-2010

Looking good Greg!

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 07-14-2010

Thanks guys Thumbsup

I am sitting here getting an order ready so I can finish up the remainder of the staging yard. I had a few free moments yesterday and started playing around with some structure ideas yesterday.
I plan on following the basic design of this sawmill that is located in redmond. This is a sprawling complex and has a variety of different roof lines and building heights that I think will make a great backdrop building.

I will post some pictures of my mock up when I get a chance...

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 07-14-2010

As promised some mock up photos...

[Image: TODAYSCRAP043.jpg]

[Image: TODAYSCRAP045.jpg]

More of the website:

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 07-24-2010

Family has gone back home should be able to get back to trains!!

I have most all the parts for the staging yard but decided I need ME spikes and another #6 switch for a crossover. So back to the LHS on Monday. IF things go well I should get all but the crossover knocked out this weekend...maybe.

Also started my first structure you can follow my attempt here:

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 07-27-2010

So it was a long weekend...
but I did sneak into the layout room Sunday night and get one of my switches in the staging yard. I had to make a trip to the hobbyshop Monday to pick up another switch. If all goes well I should have a fully operational staging yard by weeks end.

In other news I have started my drawings on Ponderosa Moulding and am pretty happy with it so far...I guess Misngth
[Image: Drawing.jpg]


I promise I will get the rest of the layout up before I dig to deeply into the buildings Thumbsup

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 07-31-2010

OK guys staging is DONE

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+060.jpg]

I have also been getting some building locations figured out and a little mock up of scenery

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+059.jpg]

More photos on the blog [url]http://oregontrunk.blogspot.com/p/remond-shelf-layout.html[/url

I will try ton convince the better half to help hold up the Free-mo tomorrow so I can get measurments to build the last piece of benchwork. Then I can finish the track work and get to the FUN PART....

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 08-30-2010


I have been slacking and getting some other projects started and finished but I was able to get the final pieces of the benchwork up. I need to add a support to the Free-Mo and add some track supports. I have already got one piece of the subroadbed in but need to cut some strips for the other parts.

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+129.jpg]

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - tetters - 08-31-2010

Very cool Greg! Looking forward to seeing some more.

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 09-06-2010

Benchwork all done....

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+153.jpg]

Cheers Cheers Cheers

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - Steamtrains - 09-06-2010

Great job..!! I've been so busy with the structure challenge lately, I hadn't checked your thread out. That's some fancy trackwork you're doing...But best of all....
You're smarter than all of us....You did the backdrop FIRST..!! I'm going to have to scramble over plains & mountains to get mine in.... Wallbang

What are you using for the BD..??

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 09-06-2010

My backdrop is made from Masonite...can't remember the thickness but it is not important as long as it is some what flexable for curves. I then screwed it into 1x4 spacers on the wall...so the wall will be easily fixed if/when I move. I then sanded everything with a cheap sanding block to give it a little tooth. I then covered all my joints with joint tape and compound which I also used to cover all the screw holes. I then sanded eveything and repeated the joint compund, just like the walls of your house. I then made one more coat to give it that super finished feeling. After that was all dried I used white and super light blue working with three 4" brushes I would apply white on the bottom blue on the top and use the other brush to blend everything. I still have to decide what I am going to do to finish finish the backdrop. I will probably paint some mountains and use some photos to blend the scene togther.

Another thing...the benchwork in the middle is a Free-Mo module that I can remove and take to shows... This will also allow me to finish the backdrop without having to layover the layout.

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - Gary S - 09-06-2010

Nice progress, Greg. I am also a fan of using plywood for the structural members of the benchwork. Lookin' good!

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 09-11-2010


I have found that plywood is a great material and you can make exactly the size you need it.

I had to make some modifications to the layout but I think adding the crossovers will really make the layout work better and actullay makes more sense to have it on this module.

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+173.jpg]

Re: SP&S Shelf Layout - mountaingoatgreg - 09-18-2010

Ohh....just a little progress

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+175.jpg]

[Image: Redmond+Shelf+177.jpg]

More photos on the website http://oregontrunk.blogspot.com/p/remond-shelf-layout.html