Can someone please tell me.... - Printable Version

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Can someone please tell me.... - shortliner - 10-15-2010 to get rid of the wide blue borders that appear down both sides of the screen, and reduce my viewing area - when I try to see a posted picture, the only way to see all of it is to save to desktop and view from there, which is, frankly, a PITA! I can not see any way of getting the picture to scroll sideways either. The problem isn't help by the "posters details reducing the size further. I've enclose a screengrab to show what I mean

[Image: query.jpg]

Re: Can someone please tell me.... - MasonJar - 10-15-2010

Hi Jack,

Couple of questions to help diagnose the problem...

What resolution is your screen set at? And which browser are you using? It is likely that the way the screen displays is a function of those two things.

Have you tried any of the other display "schemes" that can be found under the User Control Panel? Do they make a difference?

And what happens if you click the picture itself?


Re: Can someone please tell me.... - tetters - 10-15-2010

Go to your User Control Panel and select the Board Preferences Tab. Make sure the tab on the left side is on Global Settings. Look at My Board Style about a little more then half way down. If you have selected "se square left" from the drop down menu select anyone of the other three options, The Gauge Dark, The Gauge Lite, and "prosilver". I like "The Gauge Dark" as my board style. The white font on the dark back ground is easier on the eyes...especially for an insomniac like me.

The se square left is the only way I see the dark blue boarders on my screen.

Re: Can someone please tell me.... - ezdays - 10-15-2010

Yes, "se square left" does appear to have these dark blue side bars. In fact, it is really a dark blue background. When we started Big Blue, we wanted to mimic what we had on the original Gauge forum and we went with the white text on a blue background. We were working with a different forum style now, and had to make due with what we were given, but Path was able to match the color we used to have. But there were some here that had problems with this combination, saying that it was hard to read for them, so we tried to accommodate them by adding a few different schemes. Our, "The Gauge dark" took a lot of work on Path's part so we went a bit easier on him and he simply added the necessary inserts and overlays to personalize several already available styles for phpBB. "se square left" is somewhat vertical, while the other styles are more horizontal. I prefer the original Gauge Dark myself, try it or another style if you would prefer to fill the screen from side to side.

Re: Can someone please tell me.... - shortliner - 10-16-2010

Thanks for the help - I was set on "Lite" - resetting to "Dark" seems to have solved the problem.