Yard Sale Find
Looks great on the layout! I like the looks of that liquor mart too!
Unless I have had a total memory crash, that kit was the Revell Superior Bakery kit. Over the years, it was repackaged under other names, and then by different manufacturers, but I don't recall what they were. I have a box somewhere containing a bunch of those walls and windows. I have used some of the skylights in other applications.


Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Bil's right: that kit was first released as Superior Bakery, then appeared as an enginehouse, and again later as the Daily Herald printer/newspaper. I wanted the bakery version but ended-up with the Daily Herald, which had a really cheesy-looking (well-done, but not in character with the original structure) modern front. It was saved from my first layout and later languished for many years in a box, broken down into its components. I finally resurrected it, with some simple modifications, as the auction building at the Lowbanks Stockyards:

[Image: Foe-toesfromfirstcd235.jpg]

I remember that layout Smile feel free to post more photos :mrgreen:
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Very impressive SG. It works well with the liquor store, enhances the area's industrial & working man look. ... Thumbsup

Great entrepreneurial skills, from a .50c unused warehouse to a million dollar business in a few lessons.

..... Abandon the search for truth
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