Religious incitement
Is my response to SgtCarl's "jab" at MountainMan. I will PM SgtCarl as soon as I submit this.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Ouch. That most certainly should have been sent via PM such as the one I already sent him earlier this morning. Also, this is taking place in the Lower Berth (NOT the Upper Berth) where the subtitle says, "Talk about ANYTHING here." So far, the thread was civil. I feel you should have brought it up among the other moderators first before posting such a response.
Quote:Ouch. That most certainly should have been sent via PM
It has taken me this long to compose and send my PM.
As for my post? I stand by what I said, and it was addressed to "all". The fire of religious beliefs can all too quickly consume those who get into it. Let's keep religion, and politics at a minimum, on the board. There's no greater "flame war" than inciting the "fires of hell".
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Come on Don... Where are you? I've been holding back waiting for your words of wisdom. Don't know if I can hold out much longer...
Sumpter250 Wrote:
Quote:Ouch. That most certainly should have been sent via PM
It has taken me this long to compose and send my PM.
As for my post? I stand by what I said, and it was addressed to "all". The fire of religious beliefs can all too quickly consume those who get into it. Let's keep religion, and politics at a minimum, on the board. There's no greater "flame war" than inciting the "fires of hell".

I fully believe a public statement was needed to stop anybody else from responding..

A very good call! Thumbsup

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
TrainNut Wrote:Ouch. That most certainly should have been sent via PM such as the one I already sent him earlier this morning. Also, this is taking place in the Lower Berth (NOT the Upper Berth) where the subtitle says, "Talk about ANYTHING here." So far, the thread was civil. I feel you should have brought it up among the other moderators first before posting such a response.

Sorry,But I must disagree..I been moderating since 2002 and 2003 on 2 other forums..I seen way to many religious topics turn to a free for all.Its better in these cases to go public and nip it in the bud before it gets out of control...

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
While not exactly how I may have handled it I agree that a preemptive strike was needed. Actually I think it was worded pretty good. No attacks, just stating the facts and why such posts are discouraged.

I find it funny that the folks who always say that they tolerate others’ views post these kinds of posts know full well what the repercussions can be. I always get the feeling that they are baiting the trap.

We may see more of this creationism vs. evolution over the next few months. This year is the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. I have seen a few of these debates on other forums (not all train related) where this topic has stirred up trouble.

Ironically, my wife is working all day tomorrow at the museum as they are hosting a Darwin Day.
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Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
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TrainNut Wrote:Come on Don... Where are you? I've been holding back waiting for your words of wisdom. Don't know if I can hold out much longer...
We actually went to Chandler to look at some kitchen stuff, stopped off at IKEA on the way, and had a late lunch in Peoria. Now where were we? I think Pete's intervention might do the trick. If MM want's to pursue it further, than we just might be locking our first thread.

BTW, if you follow the arrows on the floor at IKEA and don't stop to look at anything there, you can walk about a mile and it can take you a good hour just to find your way back out of the store.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I think I need some time off before I do or say anything that will get me banned. Sumpter, ....awww forget it.
I appreciated Pete's response in my absence. This seems like one of those situations where a public moderator response needed to be made quickly before things got out of hand. Faith vs science is a conversational powder keg. Pete's response was well thought out and respectful to all parties, in my opinion. I reiterated the call for some self moderation by members. While it says "talk about anything here" , we really don't need to have conversations that are so likely to flame up the membership. This is the time for moderating staff to take responsibility for maintaining at atmosphere of responsible posting...which sometimes involves limits.
TrainNut Wrote:I think I need some time off before I do or say anything that will get me banned. Sumpter, ....awww forget it.
Whether you agree or not with what was said by anyone there, one thing that does not pay to discuss in any forum not dedicated to that subject is, politics, religion and sports. Sometimes women and cars can be added to the list. What starts out as an innocent, or in some cases, not so innocent remark can quickly escalate into a full-scale opinionated brawl, usually with things said that can't be taken back and that are designed only to hurt. Yes, it says, "discuss anything here", but it doesn't say that you can say what you please, anyway you please here. We have a potential problem that I think Pete very diplomatically, tried to nip in the bud. Let's hope it doesn't go any further.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Ralph Wrote:I appreciated Pete's response in my absence. ...Ralph
Yeah, I agree, especially since neither one of us was around to monitor what was going on there. MM is very volatile and he's been acting very cool and human-like in this thread. We really don't want to start a war of words and get him going again.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I think(as well as a couple of the members) what Pete did was right. Publicly correcting the people in question with the response Pete gave, may have hampered someone else from posting a reply that would of started the war, that we are all trying to avoid.
I probably would of done the same.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Thank you each and every one. There are some subjects which we all are "passionate" about. When one of these subjects come up, our passion takes over and we forget, sometimes, to be civil.
Besides religion, and politics, which are the most commonly shared passions, I can also get seriously entangled in discussion about justice/law, gun control, and cell phone use/texting while driving.
Quote:If MM want's to pursue it further, than we just might be locking our first thread.
I'm hoping MM will read my post, and take the moment to think, before responding. He can, at times, be reasonable.
I did what I though was needed at the moment. It was MM's thread, and Sgtcarl1 posted what could have been the "detonator". I did get a kick out of Squidbait's reply, He could have jumped right in and spread the conflagration.
Quote:Sumpter, ....awww forget it.
I think we've already found ourselves on opposite sides before, I understand where you're "coming from",... It's forgotten.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I think this was well-handled. It's an old adage when talking to neighbours: never discuss religion and politics if you want to get along. Or something like that.

There are circumstances where an offending post can be deleted immediately, but I think in this case the educational value of Pete's response was worth the "public scolding".


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