Generic flat car for On30
Here are some copies of GFC and a kitbash stock car and a box car to be kitbashed as well.


Nice work! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
Thanks, anyone wanting to try something like this it is not that hard to learn to do(scratch building) will try to keep this and the kitbashed thread updated as often as possible.
For all who are watching this thread, I will update soon as I need to get some paint to finish the cast copies of the GFC and will need more stake pockets as well 35 Still undecided about which type of coupler to add to the flatcars link and pin or knuckle couplers Icon_lol
Here is a test to see if acrylic paint will work with the Resin castings of the GFC(s)


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