Why do I have a white screen instead of a blue one?
I didn't realize until I posted my question about how to edit posts that I was supposed to have a blue screen with both an edit and quote button on it.
i think earlier you mentioned you were using firefox?

I'm on a mac, but these steps should be the same/similar on windows.

Go into the settings/preferences screen and click on the "content" icon.

There should be a section called "Fonts & Colors", with a "Colors" button. Click that button

In the window that appears, make sure that the option "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above" is checked.

If this is NOT checked, you'll simply get a white background, so I suspect this is the cause for what you're seeing.

So make sure that option is checked and let us know if it fixes it.
Russ Bellinis Wrote:I didn't realize until I posted my question about how to edit posts that I was supposed to have a blue screen with both an edit and quote button on it.

Do you live down south & are there eye holes in it? Nope
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
I've gone through all of the tools I could find on the tool bar, but I see nothing that resembles a "settings/preferences" screen and nothing about fonts or colors. I am on firefox. I like that it seems much more stable than I.E. but I really don't understand how to use it beyond opening web sites.
Got my Vista laptop running now.

open Firefox

- Click "Tools" in the top menu

- Select "Options"

- Click "Content" icon

- Click the "Colors" button. Halfway down, right side.

- Make sure that the option "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above" is checked.
Thanks Nolatron. I just tried that and nothing changed, but at least I've seen some indication of color choices. I also tied to reload the page, but it still ade no difference. I also still do not have edit or quote buttons.
Do you have any sorta of Norton anti-virus, spyware, adblocking software running?

It appears something is blocking the webpage from loading style sheets which load the background colors and the post editing buttons. Just a matter of finding out what.

IF this happens in BOTH internet explorer and firefox, then it there's got to be some 3rd party application running possibly that's interfering.
I don't have a clue. I just shut off my anti-virus software. Exited out of Firefox and then went back online with the anti-virus software off and reloaded Big Blue. It made no difference art all. I would rather have the blue color, but that isn't important. I just don't understand why I don't get "edit" or "quote" buttons?
The edit button is loaded using what's called a CSS stylesheet. These are used for setting colors, fonts, text sizes, images, etc... on a webpage.

Since your computer for some reason is not loading the style sheet it won't ever load those buttons.
Russ, I am too using Firefox (and Windows). When I uncheck "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above" Firefox can’t use the settings made in the CSS stylesheet to display the site and the background color is turned to white. The white background color simply makes the "edit" and "quote" buttons invisible. When I move the cursor over the area with the buttons, the cursor will change its shape when I hit the buttons. The buttons are still there, you just can’t see them. Try it out, the buttons are just a little to the left of your username. So I think the problem is all in the color settings of your Firefox. I can easily switch between blue and white background by checking and unchecking "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above".
If you are seeing the blue color or the correct buttons, then the style sheet isn't loading. I haven't ever witnessed something like that. :? :?

All I know is something is terribly wrong. I would try backing up your bookmarks and deleting all of Firefox's application data. Maybe reinstalling it. Something isn't right and I don't know if I'd be much help on the other side of the Internet.
Ok, I've tried everything with the colors that I can think of with no change. I'll try removing Firefox and reloading it when I have the time and am more fresh. I don't understand why I have the same problem with both Firefox and Internet Explorer. I could understand if one were messed up, but both browsers?
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Ok, I've tried everything with the colors that I can think of with no change. I'll try removing Firefox and reloading it when I have the time and am more fresh. I don't understand why I have the same problem with both Firefox and Internet Explorer. I could understand if one were messed up, but both browsers?
Ok - first - Is it ok now???

I found a button:

Override user style:
Replaces user’s style with the default.

It's "on" now, That might do it, Let us know! Big Grin Big Grin
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
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~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
No change. I have 2 boxes to check under "color" in my Firefox tool bar. I tried unchecking each one in turn and reloading the page, then I unchecked both and reloaded. Nothing made any difference. This is a weird problem I've never seen before. All of my web pages download exactly as intended, I even had the blue background on Zealot and still do, but for some reason all I can get here is the white back ground. At least now that I know about where the "quote" and "edit" buttons are located, it isn't a big problem anymore.

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