Peco electrofrogs shorting ????
Hi Bil

Didn't know you were experiencing problems with your Peco points, and only discovered this as, coincidentally, I'm adding a post also about the Peco product but on a different topic.

Whilst I'm here, and for what it's worth being a newbie, may I add my penarth's worth: Have you directed the wiring from the 'vee' and adjacent stock rails through a Single Pole Double Throw switch?

You probably have and I'm just repeating what all these better qualified contributors have said eons ago- it's just that electrickery is Irish to me and just doesn't register Nope

In for a penny, in for a pound as the old adage goes: you say you've placed double breaks where the rails of diverging tracks meet; have you placed a non-conductive material between the gaps (beginning to sound as though I know what I'm talking about, it's just that I had problems here initially until I was advised to place small bits of plastic, even blu-tac or whatever suitable you have to hand between the gaps - I believe epoxy glues are good).

The same is required in the gap between the rail (immediately adjacent to the crossing vee) going in the 'dead ahead' position for each point in the crossover - the opposite rail of the dead head foesn't require 'gapping'.

Out of the box, the points have soldered wires joining each switch rail to its corresponding wing rail, although by gapping each wing rail in the vicinity of the knuckle as you have done, should null and void the wires as a previous contributor has already ventured.

And that's the sum total of my knowledge in relation to anything that could be referred to as 'proper model railroading' I'm afraid Icon_lol

Please forgive me if I'm teaching my granny how to suck eggs.

And now for my query which is far more fundamental than this...............................

Best wishes,

This site is also worth a read regarding correct wiring and power routing.
My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog Please come by and leave a comment.
I've found that "Wiring for DCC" is something of a misnomer....I wired my layout EXACTLY as I had wired my old DC layout. Not knowing any "better" I just did it the way I knew how (minus the DC blocks). When my DCC system arrived, I just removed the DC power pack I had been using to check out the wiring, and plugged in the DCC command station. Ran (and still does) like a fine watch....
The thing is, electricity is electricity, no matter how we "brand" it. It needs two wires, and never should the twain meet....

P.D. I also use Peco turnouts....The "power routing" kind (live frog).
Gus (LC&P).

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