The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Big Grin 
Good Morning everyone. 
       I finally got the mowing finished and the leaves mulched as I did it. I leave them so they can give back what they borrowed from the soil. 
I didn't start the snow blower so I will do that today as well as test the generator. It's propane so I don't worry about the ethanol in the carburetor.
My sister in law is coming for a short visit. She will freeze because we have a wet cold.  Icon_e_biggrin

      I hope to get a little more done in the train room today. I have a 8 amp booster coming and I need to add a few more power districts. 

Good morning everyone, yesterday we were in the 90's, today the 80's, tomorrow the 70's and Sunday, the 60's. Whoopee, even a chance of rain starting today. I had to stop working out in the garage yesterday, it got way too hot, but I am making progress on my workbench. No rush, but I thought it was July again....

Was at the small Walmart yesterday, bottled water aisle was full back up, no Piranha-like feeding frenzy loading up on cases of water like the day before. I didn't check the paper goods aisle though, but I still wonder why that sudden burst of panic buying the day before. Maybe they were thinking that they needed to get these things in quantities in case we drop down to sub-zero temps. Nope Well, it could be ya know....

Too early for jokes, but I always read the comic strips before I come here and that kind of puts me in a mood for being sarcastic, which may or may not be funny, depending. Icon_lol Waiting 

Take care and everyone have a great day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Another gorgeous day underway here in the remote reaches of northern Iowa, 49 right now headed for the mid 70s this afternoon. Gonna be a little breezy though with winds over 20 mph. Even windier tomorrow and Sunday with winds over 30 mph.

Interesting evening. There was a cop (looks to be about 12) hiding behind a tree on the side of my house looking to the south. Not sure
what it was all about but he just left. He was out there for about 5-10 minutes. I saw him again about 15 minutes later as he drove by and slowed way down at the intersection while looking to the south, then sped up and left the area in a hurry.

Another productive day under my belt. Got the yard cleaned up and the leaves hauled away. Got more of the toyboxes cut out. A second one is
partially assembled. While I was out riding my bike I discovered some gas stations were still at $1.77. Took
the car back and filled it up. Also stopped in to Menards. When I got home I put the car in the driveway. Later on the two young ladies
showed up to play basketball again so I moved it to the street. They played for about 5 minute and left. Oh, well. Apparently they have a
short attention span. ?

Today will be more toybox work and also more leaf herding. A BUNCH of leaves came down overnight so I'll clean those up before it gets warm.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Real warm. Goofing off this AM. Watched NBC news with Wifey who doesn't watch the news. Her words, "Go ahead and call it." "Tired of hearing this."

Virus is more important. Seems the mid-west is exploding especially in the rural areas. SD is at 51%.  Nation wide, we have set records for the last two days. 

Off to the hunt around noon or so.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

We are supposedly at our high of 69 now.

I have to go out and get the trashcans form the curb. They still have not come around and picked up the recyclables yet. Given this is a holiday schedule it is not surprising. Our usual recycle day is Wednesday but with the Township being off on Election Day we put them out on Friday.

Still putting Halloween decorations away. The wife wasn’t feeling well yesterday so not much got done. She has a system for putting them in the bins and you tamper with that system at your own peril.

It was another unsuccessful night of trying to get to the basement to do modeling. I will try again tonight.

Tomorrow we are going to head up to Bethlehem for their Christkindlmarkt. It is held on the property of the former Bethlehem Steel Plant. It is something we try to go to every year. Usually we go after Thanksgiving but this year it will end that weekend. In the past they used three huge tent structures to house the vendors and there is little space. With COVID restrictions this year no tents. Everything will be outside, and the amount of people admitted will be limited. I guess since it is outside, and it gets very windy in that location they decided December would be too cold and the crowds too big. I may get to see some trains as they roll by the former plant.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We are going to have a steam locomotve move in town next weekend.

They are making progress on the new stand.
I don't quite understand the description of how they'll move it. Sounds like the truck will go through either the station or City Hall.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good Saturday morning to ya all. Got an extra hour of sleep in this morning, as usual for Saturday. Thought I'd wake up to wet streets, but not a drop. It really looked like it wanted to rain all day yesterday, but our hopes now ride on today and tomorrow. Still nice a cool though.

David, when we lived in Wickenburg, they did the opposite. The moved the engine and tender from a park to next to what used to be the train station. Since Covid-19 was still some 17 years off, they let us hang around and watch.



Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 56 headed for sunny, windy, and 74.

Interesting evening again last night. I was sitting on the porch and noticed a young man standing on the porch of the young lady across the street, apparently having a conversation with her. He finally left after making a rather rude gesture. A short time later he came back and I could hear knocking. I went in the house for a couple of minutes and when I returned there were two police vehicle outside her house. After about 15 minutes of discussion the young man was driven away by a friend. Oh, the drama of youth!

In other, less exciting news I finished assembling the toyboxes. Next up will be sanding and staining. Piano hinges are already in the plans along with soft closing mechanisms to protect little fingers. This morning will be another round of leaf raking. Nebraska football at 11 interrupted by a great-grandson's basketball game at 1. Thank heavens for recordings. I'll watch the rest of the game when I get home.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
We re going to have about five days of 70s before it turns cold again.
I was going to have a couple club members over tomorrow for some train time but the virus numbers have jumped  so we canceled it.
So far the grocery stores here have what we need and unlike last time most are putting limits on certain items.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, still no rain here, suppose to be a better chance today and tomorrow, but I'm skeptical. It was 99 a few days ago, today will be in the low 60's, big change and about 20 degrees below normal.

Sunday, church, eat breakfast in, read the Sunday comics, maybe even the news, maybe a few minutes of football. I usually watch a game until these multimillionaires start acting like kindergarten children when they actually do what they're being paid to do. Oh for the olden days of leather helmets, knickers and players that acted like sportsmen. Might try to go to the pawn shop and see if they have any ammo, that's about it for today.

Wednesday is Veteran's Day, they moved a lot of holidays to Mondays, but not this one. Still, try not to forget just because it's in the middle of the week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

A little breezy and 55 at the moment bu that will change as the day progresses. The high for today is supposed to be in the low 70s with winds approaching 45 mph.

Yesterday morning I got the leaves cleaned up and hauled away and had a nice chat with one of the neighbors. then I watched the first half of a football game before leaving to watch a basketball game featuring one of my great-grandsons. Came home and watched the (tape delayed) rest of the football game. Fixed a nice steak on the grill and called it a day.

This morning I need to run to Menards for hinges, wood filler, and maybe some stain. The remainder of the day will be spent working on toyboxes. Burgers on the grill tonight as it will in all likelihood be the last warm day of the year.It's still supposed to be warm tomorrow but with the predicted rain it won't be a nice day for cooking out.

Congratulations to the winners and condolences to the losers in the past week's elections.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Back from the hunt last night.  No big ones but more deer moving.  Guess all the acorns are gone and they are back to the feeders.  Big gobblers love to steal corn and pellets.  Too hot to hunt.  Low was 55 and highs in high 70's.  November and short sleeves in the stand.  Even when you come down at night.  No frost as of yet.

Rain guessed for the week starting Monday night. 

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, windy and chilly all day yesterday. Standing in line outside waiting to get some ammo at the pawn shop (they were metering how many were in the store), and it started to sprinkle. Had wipers on for probably 30 seconds on the way home, and that was it for the 50% chance of rain forecast. At least I think it was rain, could have been just a large flock of pigeons. Icon_rolleyes High temps today in the very low 60's and even less chance of rain. Gotta go out and water the cactus, turned the dribblers on a few weeks ago for the first time in three years, but not sure what they water, some of those cacti are huge and can soak up lots of water. I did pick up some 9MM and another brick (500) of .22 LR. They are now allowing everyone to get one box of each caliber of ammo. Pricing is still reasonable compared to others that say they have ammo in stock and 9MM is very hard to find right now.

Speaking of pricing, gas has dropped another .04, to $2.25. I saw one station close to downtown yesterday down to $2.08. I still fill up at Costco for $1.92/gal.

Still working on my workbench, got to start emptying shelves in my train room to get ready for moving my layout and associated furniture.

Have a great day, sounds like Frank has our kind of weather, 70's and rain.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 62 outside my window this morning. The temperature may go up a few degrees as the morning progresses but it will be falling this afternoon along with some much needed rain. Rain (and the temperature) will continue to fall overnight with rain changing to snow by tomorrow. Looks like our Indian summer is over.

I did some work on the toyboxes yesterday but not as much as I should have. I also replaced the insulation on the air conditioner lines going into the house. More sanding in store for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Sunny and too warm for November.

Groomer on the way.

Errand later.

Wifey having fits to take down fall and put up Christmas. She already has two trees up. She wants to decorate outside. Guess we skip Thanksgiving.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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