The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Snow, fog, freezing mist and wind are the weather words for this morning. Got about an inch or so of snow so far with more on the way. Winds not too bad at the moment but could hit 40 mph later. The temperature has dropped 5 degrees in the last hour to 27 and is predicted to be 19 by 5 PM-ish.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Today looks to be the same. A trip to the gym may or may not occur.

All stay sfae.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

Temperature is 30 heading up to 38. There is a rumor floating around about another nor’easter on Sunday.

Did not do much yesterday. It was a recovery day from the snow removal on Tuesday. Even though I used the snowblower there is still a good deal of labor involved maneuvering it. I did eventually get out to the pharmacy. I also stopped at Party City to pick up the wife’s online order. Since Michaels is next door, I wandered in. Paint aisle is still devastated. I did find a brown and red paint I could use and got some brushes, so it wasn’t a total loss. Wife was in a strange mood last night. She wanted pancakes for dinner. My daughter went to Popeye’s, so the wife had pancakes and chicken while the rest of us had chicken.

No modeling. I did finish entering the last of the RTR rolling stock into the computer database. Now onto the locomotives. There are still about thirty plus rolling stock kits o the workbench to be built and five RTR cabooses to weather. Maybe today I will get something done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Not much to offer this morning.
It's cold @ 28 and today is the last day above 32 for at least the next ten days. sigh. February is always the worst month of our winter.
I visit a few train forums each morning but except for a few layout projects there's nothing much going on.
Snow melt is down to about grass high but we have some new expected tonight.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, yesterday was nice, how nice I can't be sure. The reports put us in the mid-70's, my outdoor thermometer said we got into the mid-80's. Who do I believe, the guys with the million dollar's worth of weather equipment and years of experience, or my $10 wireless thermometer that I got at Walmart, and five minutes experience reading the instruction sheet???

Regardless, we're going target shooting this morning. Got to be careful about how long we stay. A $1.50 box of .22LR is now selling for $10 while a $10 box of 9MM is now a bargain at $35, that is, if you can get it. Some are selling 9MM for as high as $90, and I guess there are those out there that are willing to pay that. Did get lucky the other day, stopped by the pawn shop on a whim and they actually had a few boxes of 9MM for $32. I got one, called my shooting buddy and he came and got the last one. Not bad, plus they give vets a 5% discount.

Still patching potholes on my layout, just about ready to pave the roads again for at least the fourth time. Now I know why the city will block a street for days just to fill in cracks and potholes or to repave it.

They opened up 21,000 appointments for vaccine shots, they were gone in just over a half-hour.

Take care, have a great day.... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
        We have an appointment for our covid shots today. Anytime between 9 and 3. Its a drive thru sponsored by the county.  They have a huge tent set up, they take 12 cars at a time, give the shots, then you are sent to an area where they monitor you for 15 minutes. I guess if you are still alive after the 15 minutes you can go home.  We figure to hit it around 10. I figure that will have given the early birds time and they won't be out of the vaccine. 
        I am still working on those old locomotive photos. I have about 400 to clean up in photo shop and then I will start sharing them.
        It's heading for 28 today with a low of 11 tonight. 
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 6 headed for sunny and 18 with 20 mph winds so not all that nice of a day. Bitter cold starting tonight and lasting most of next week.

Wound up getting about 4 inches of snow. Cleaned the sidewalks and did a few chores around the house yesterday morning. In the afternoon I noticed the young lady across the street hadn't cleaned her sidewalk yet so I went over and started. She came out and tried to pay me. Told her it was for my benefit so she could get to work an pay my social security. She got a good laugh out of that. Said she had a bad reaction to her covid shot and was working form home. In the process one of the shear bolts on the auger broke so I had to stop and repair that. Took about 15 minutes and I was back in action. Trip to the gym is the only thing scheduled for today so far.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is currently raining with a temperature at 35. High is supposed to be 43. Good thing the rain waited until the temperature rose above 32. At one point they were calling for freezing rain during rush hour. Only my daughter would be affected. She works at the same high school I worked at when I was in college so I know how nasty the roads can get in that area.

I ran a train last night. I will provide details later. I hope to start some more demo on the layout this weekend. I have all but one turnout, which is in West Virginia heading this way, to lay the inter loop. First however I have to do the work to expand the width of the layout. Then there are those five cabooses needing weathering on the layout.

I have some shopping to do today but not much else.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning. Got back from farms at 6:30 last night.  8,942 steps.  Fixing the timers for feeders was easy.  Then my buddy Fred made a mess of the funnel in the feeder.  Had to empty and fix that.  Then refill.  Last night, my head hit the pillow and that is all I remember. Woke up at 4:00 and got two Tylenol Arthritis and back to sleep. Woke at 5:30 wide awake. ??? Been up since then. Wifey got up at 7 and we have been chatting since. She just turned TV to QVC. Had to leave.  50 degrees and I think that part of the weather station is not working. 34% humidity and raining.  Only had .2" which is about right.

Donut Friday.  Got a Food Security meeting at the Wake Co. Extension ofc at 1. Will run by Krispy Kreme on the way. Had thick Egos with real maple syrup.

Flooded in a lot of the woods.  Path to deep woods stand and feeder flooded.  Gortex leaks. 

[Image: enhance]

Have a good one. 
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greeting, gang.

3 headed to 5. Not gonna be a pleasant day.

Gym yesterday was routine. Otherwise goofed off a lot. Today is laundry day and maybe some house cleaning.

Gas dropped a nickel yesterday. Down to $2.24.

Frank - I think my yard is going to look like that once all the snow melts.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, beautiful day yesterday. Went target shooting, into to 40's when we got there, but warmed up as the sun came out (we got there early).

Going to put my new router on line this morning. That shouldn't take long, what will though is going to all my Echo devices, smart switches and other things and getting them reconnected to my new WiFi network. Two new router ID's and passwords since this is a dual band router. I'm told by a few folks that I should see a marked improvement in my Internet access as opposed to what I'm using now.

Take care and have a great weekend, snow or sunshine, it shouldn't make much difference, enjoy what you have where your are.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning 
        Sunny but cold here. Even the dogs can't decide whether they want out or in. Bonnie would stay out all day, it's what she is designed for but Clyde hasn't quite decided what to think. I'm sure he has enough of a coat but not massive like a Samoyed. 

        We got our first shots yesterday. The county is in charge of it and they have a huge tent set up that will contain 12 cars at a time 6 to each side. they take 12 cars at a time in. You stay in the car. When all 12 cars are done they send you out and you wait for 15 minutes to see if you have any side effects. The EMT said no one has had any since they started so we were in that crowd too. I did notice when I got home I was thirsty and it took 3 pints of liquid to fix that, but at supper time I didn't have any desire to eat so I skipped supper. Other than a darned sore arm we are fine this morning. 

        Tech got me again. I bought new phones several months ago for my wife and I and switched companies. I went with US Mobile which is a prepay plan. They had a great deal and my time was up with trakfone so I switched right away. We had been with trakfone for 10 years and I gave up a lot of minutes, but the support was getting really bad. My wife's time runs out this week and US Mobile sent me an email that they had some new plans and they are really reasonable and they offered 10 dollars off on a new service and another 10 off mine so I switched hers last night. The switch was faster than I thought because she wanted to keep her number.  I had to call trakfone and get an account number and a pass key, and you know, suddenly they had all kind of support, kind of like my biannual call to comcast Wink.  (why do you get support when you are going to quit?)  Anyway, she had not backed up the contacts and apps so that was an additional step to getting her up on the new system. We got our plans, unlimited calls and texts and 5 gb data for 15 bucks a month, of course the added fees bring it to almost 20, but no more trakfone.

         Nothing scheduled for today, I will work on the Harry Shodde collection and maybe do a decoder install later today.
hi all . another day of sunshine  2285_ 2285_ but clouds are called for next week . had to replace a turnout on switching yard  one reason I haven't ballasted any track yet .  as stated on other post my digital camera died and haven't found a replacement yet that i can afford . Icon_eek
Wifey and Sister are off on chair shopping trips. If Wifey buys one, get call and go pick it up. "I'll feed you."

Train Box. Sun is out until later this evening. Biggie TV station guessers says wintery mix. Other say maybe. Temps in the 50's. Never gets below freezing all night.

Train Box and install new building.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, another day in Paradise. Temps have been just right, highs in the 70's, but feels like the 80's. Mild temps, no rain until next weekend says most soothsayers.

Got the new router on line. Took a while, not that it was difficult to set up, it just didn't want to play the game at first, then all of a sudden, it started to work. Got all my WiFi devices connected again in about a half-hour, all but one. I have a Echo Connect that allows Alexa to use my landline for 911 calls. It's always been difficult to set up. One time I spent about a hour with Amazon chat, and their solution was to give me a discount on any other Echo product since they no longer make or support the Echo Connect. I surly see why.... Icon_cry It's not broken, it's just a giant PITA.

Isn't today Super Bowl Sunday? They play the Phoenix Open golf tournament with the final round on the same day as the Super Bowl. Why they can't pick a week before or after, I have no clue, but there's a clear choice every year, football or golf. To me it really doesn't matter, I'll probably watch a few minutes of the game, then go back to doing something else. My Walther's order showed up yesterday, and I've got lots of parts I can build with now, plus I still have to get my Echo Connect to work.

Have a great day no matter what you do. Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

18 below and cloudy this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. The high for today is supposed to be about 2 above with a 50% chance of snow tonight and tomorrow morning. Maybe an inch.

Got about a half inch of snow yesterday morning. Not enough to run the snow blower so had to scoop it by hand. Tonight's snow may be the same. Got a call from my daughter last night. Her son's hockey team had a special game last night with a theme of "Stick it to Cancer" where they were playing for someone they had lost to cancer. My grandson selected my son. Some tears may have been shed by my daughter. He played very well last night, scoring a goal and 2 assists. Considering he plays defense that's doing very well.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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