The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is 21 at the moment. High is supposed to be 28. Weekend could be messy. We have a chance of a wintery mix tomorrow and a chance of freezing rain on Sunday.

Did not make it here yesterday until late in the evening, I had a rough night on Wedsenday. My knee was driving me crazy. I could not get comfortable I the bed. Finally went downstairs and for some reason I could get comfortable on the couch and slept there for several hours. I got up about 5 and went back to bed until the alarm went off at 7. Made breakfast, helped the wife get setup for her classes and went back to sleep until 1 PM. Did a few chores.

I laid out the biggest curve on the track plan. With 68 inch wide I have about 2 inches from rail to edge of foam. I am thinking I will go with 70 inches. I would like to start cutting wood and building the expansion frame.

Today I have to run to PetSmart to grab an online order. Also need to make a grocery store and possibly pharmacy run.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Mostly cloudy and 16 degrees. Nothing above 32 for at least 10 days. No new snow. There's probably about 3 inches of the stuff frozen to the ground.
Got my second China virus shot this morning, wondering what effects it might have on me tomorrow. The first one didn't bother me at all.
We only leave the house when necessary but I noticed the roads are already taking their spring crumble. We have gained an hour over the darkest of winter. A good thing I would say. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning everyone.  Took the kids to the Railroad Park yesterday as a reward after work.  Hardly anyone there.  Afterwards we went out for dinner in a mostly empty restaurant.   First time we have been out to eat in a year.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->
Good morning everybody, what's today going to bring us? Around here that could be rain, then again, maybe not. Most likely, just more snow up in the high country. The record for this day, in 2003 we got over an inch of rain here. That's hard to fathom, last year we only got about 5" for the whole year.

Still going to take it easy today, work a bit on planting a few structures on my layout. I'm going to wire some LED lights so I need to do some experimenting on what size resistor to use to match the intensity of my other incandescent lights. I took one of those free flashlights from Harbor Freight (I probably have a dozen), and removed the white LED's. The leads are short but still soderable, and one should be enough to light up an N scale building. White LED's are fairly cheap now, but free is better and this keeps me occupied while my back heals. 

Frank, you talk about not always knowing where something is made, I used to ignore buying "imported" cars, until I found that the Honda truck I liked was built in Kentucky.

Have a great weekend y'all (been watching too many Barnwood Builders). Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and -6 headed for more clouds and 0. Then the bottom falls out of the thermometer tonight. -17 tomorrow morning and -23 on Monday morning.

My motivation froze yesterday so I never made it to the gym. I did get to the bank and got the process started to close that account. No word back yet from my son's bank in eastern Iowa but I'm sure they have to verify everything. Went to visitation yesterday afternoon but his wife wasn't even there. Very strange. Shoveled the sidewalk yesterday afternoon and need to do it again this morning. Also had a chat with the neighbor about his porch lights that light up the inside of my house. He has shut them off until we can figure out a solution, During the conversation he mentioned that his wife had told him the light were probably too bright. A little over an inch of snow overnight. I should be able to get it cleaned up pretty quickly with the snow blower. Laundry is about the only other major task for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
34 and rain. No ice except a little on pines out back at neighbor's. No icy roads or bridges. Biggie TV station is trying to make it big news. Preempted the national news so they could have continued coverage. Finally a reporter found an old oak tree in a town near the VA line that big limbs had fallen off. Now they would really have it made if they could find a tree that fell. [I just laugh at them over fallen trees]

Will stay in and maybe finish project in the Train Box.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
After 3 days, The arm where I got the first dose of the COVID shot, is still a bit tender.

It's 37 and icy out. Had freezing rain all night and we have a tenth of an inch coating on everything.

Since it's Sunday morning, no one is out yet. It's supposed to melt around 10:00, so I'll wait until then to venture out.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Happy Valentine's Day, gang.

Cloudy and -14 with a wind chill of -33. The "high" for today is supposed to be -8. Not my favorite day of the year so far!

Got the sidewalks and driveway cleaned up after yesterday's snow. Also drove my son's car for a while. It's been sitting for about 10 days and needed a little exercise. It's a light weight rear wheel drive car so not much fun to drive when the roads are bad. Today will be a day of goofing off interrupted by trips to the kitchen for food.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, and yes, a Happy Valentines Day as well. Shoulda, coulda, woulda rain, but I see no signs that it did. Apparently the did get .04" a few miles north of town and some way to the northeast, but nada here. There is still rain in some of the forecasts, lots of 1 and 2%, a one shows 40%, but again, why such a discrepancy? Waiting

Still taking it easy, getting better slowly. Strange, the older you get the easier it is to get hurt and the harder it is to heal.

Mikey, I'm with you on the sore shoulder, mine is still tender after almost three weeks, and I get my second shot on Wednesday. Hmm, ever try to pronounce "Wednesday" the way it's spelled? Nope I have trouble spelling a few words, and that's one of them.

Have a great day and enjoy Valentines Day. Oh, it's also "Admissions Day" here in Arizona, we were admitted to the Union on this day in 1912. Nope, no parades, no fireworks, no speeches, no dancing in the streets. Maybe back then, but not now.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning Blue
23 headed for 29 today and then tonight the area will be closing down because we might get     

A possible 6 to 8 inches. All the modern equipment to remove snow and keep roads open and the "authorities"  haven't a clue how to keep society moving along in a snow storm.  Schools are already closed as well as a lot of other activities. 6to 8 inches of snow won't come to the railhead in most places yet I would not be surprised to see some Amtrak trains annulled.  
I will test the generator just in case. 
Have a good day all.
More rain.  Wallbang  Stay warm and safe.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Sun an 11 degrees. It doesn't seem so bad with the sun shining.
Typical for our Feb. was another pesky inch of snow yesterday. There's probably about three inches frozen to the ground.  
Got my second China virus shot yesterday but my wife is saying no. Don't know why she would do that.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, and yet another holiday, mostly for those folks working for the government. It's President's Day, a day where there's no mail delivered and schools are closed as are most other government services. I remember when I was going to school we liked February with Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays off about two weeks apart.

Not sure about the weather, temps dropping a bit into the high 60's, rising slowly getting to the mid 80's by next week. At least that's what some of the forecasts show. I don't think it rained here yesterday and I doubt that it will today regardless of what those soothsayers say. One forecast calls 40% chance for tomorrow, we'll see...

The next few weeks are busy ones, seems like I have a list of medical appointments including getting my second shot this week. If anyone doubts the effectiveness of the vaccine, Arizona dropped from 15,000 cases a day down to 3,000. It was hard to find those numbers, some folks just don't seem to want anyone to know this. Pat was telling me that a friend that works at a local hospital said they once had four floors of patients with the virus, now they only have one.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

-20 going to -5. Yuck!

Very quiet day yesterday. Biggest excitement for me was finding a small chunk of ham in the freezer. That, along with potatoes and gravy and green beans made for a very tasty supper. To put me in the mood for spring I fixed the string trimmer. Just needed to untangle the line. A trip to the gym is the only item on the to do list for today other that to stay warm.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning 
         Snow here this morning, but not what I was expecting. Now they say it will come in round 2 later today.  No closings because it is Presidents day.
  I just returned from the doctors office and it is so nce to find a doctor that is not telling me I am going to die. Yes, I am overweight and I know it but other than that she says I am in good shape for my age and to me that is great news. 

         No plans for the day, I will just take things as they come. 

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