The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
77 and cloudy right now. Suppose to heat up with a slight chance of showers.

Need to lightly weed middles in garden. Dr. says I can't today. Got to hang around and can drive short trips. Showered and all dressed. Had to take Band-Aid of back and Wifey had to put new one on before she went to the shop. Dr's orders. No blood on the one removed. undefined

RIDING to the farms with Fred tomorrow. [that may prove dangerous as he can't drive worth a d--n undefined why I always drive] Sit and watch him work for a change. Don't want him there by himself. He refuses to call SonIL or other hunting partner. undefined

No trips to WakeMed for a few [I hope].
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, I now have a smart thermostat, not sure how they got all that smarts in one little unit, but I can now set temperatures from my cell phone anywhere and can even yell at Alexa to do the job. It can even sense when no one is home and set the temperature accordingly. Installation as per the package label, around 30 minutes, actual install and setup took the best part of two days. You can get error codes when it doesn't think something is right even though it is, and you have no choice but to go on the Internet to find out what they mean and what to do about it. You may also be told to wire it wrong and deep down somewhere you find that wire should go to a different terminal even though they told you to put it somewhere else. Getting an Amazon device (Alexa) to work with a Google device (Nest), wasn't as hard as I thought it could be. Still, you cannot use you desktop or laptop to set this up, given into the trend to someday making desktop computers obsolete.

Temps getting up into the 100's, still planning on going target shooting next week. Heading out about 5:30 to try to beat the heat. Gas prices going up everywhere, you can tell that it's a holiday weekend. You do not want to go north on I-17 starting around Thursday, or going south starting Monday morning. You don't want to use I-17 most times anyway, but this weekend you can count on averaging around 20 mph in bumper-to-bumper traffic starting around the Carefree Highway all the way up to Flagstaff.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 
Our forecast for southeast Ohio is much the same as Fiatfans. I was up early and mowed along the fence at the north side of the property. I also cleared the leanto so I could put the mowers undercover once again and I got the car and truck both in their shelters so if we get the predicted hail they won't be damaged. 
The yard needs mowed once again. Seems like it is non stop this year. 
      The shop next door has security lites that shine on my house and I got to see the owner today to ask him to adjust them. He said he would call the power co. today. I know these things have a pretty good fee. I mentioned he could get good LED floodlights and mount them a whole lot cheaper. I just hope he does it one way or another. His lights light the whole neighborhood and there are no light pollution ordinances in our area.
Have a good day everyone and stay out of the storms. 
Good morning Big Blue. A holiday weekend looming, I think the "heading out of town", treks start later today. Some folks take an extra day or two, and as I said, make a parking lot out of I-17.  Same goes for US93. Why, well it's hot and I-17 goes north to Flagstaff, lots of places with cabins in the woods along the way and many campgrounds too. And for US93, that gets folks up to Las Vegas, or Laughlin if you don't want to drive that far and still like the bright lights and want to just gamble. It is Memorial Day on Monday, and I have a feeling, lots of these people haven't a clue what that means anymore other than another day off with pay and chance to get out of Dodge for a while.

As for me, no difference, no plans to go anywhere until Tuesday when we can have the shooting area almost to ourselves. We'll go early too, need to beat the heat since it will be 100+ later in the day. Going shooting on weekends is crazy, going on a holiday weekend is even crazier.

Have a good day and have fun doing whatever it is you do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Rain. 57.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Gym was routine and I goofed off a lot yesterday afternoon. Went to my first beer and bereavement in over a year. Just not the same with only two of us. One passed away in Dec. of '19 and another has Alzheimer's. The other two are not back from Nevada yet. Maybe next week.

Only thing on the agenda for today is a walk in the rain after breakfast. Going early before the rain quits.

Charlie - I understand about the annoying lights. There are a couple of houses at the other end of the block that put up new outdoor lights that are on all night. They are bright enough that from a block away they light up my bedroom. I put in a solar screen material which seems to help somewhat. It's at least not as much as before.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
HOME ALIVE!!!! Can tell you how many rivets in the back of an 18 wheeler trailer at 75 mph.  Eek  Fred tailgated everyone on 4 lane highway and suddenly jumps over to other lane.  Eek  Loved to get up and personal on two lanes.

He did all the work.  Icon_e_smile

Rest. 8:30 AM appointment at Duke Raleigh.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
74 and sunny.  Thick Egos and coffee.  Off to meet my Duke Raleigh team [including my WakeMed Dr. WakeMed and Duke are partners].

Have a good one. 
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, not much going on this way, warming up, but still tolerable, tops out around 100 give or take a few degrees. Looking ahead, I don't see 110 in the forecast for a while yet. Saw a guy yesterday afternoon walking around without a shirt, he wasn't carrying it, and had no water with him. He had to be new here, If he was out more than a half-hour, even with sun blocker on, he's feeling it this morning, you just don't do things like that here regardless of how "cool" it is, it's the sun that gets you.

Hit Costco yesterday, I have been going there around mid-afternoon when it's not so crowded. Still hard to find a parking spot close in, lots of of long lines at the checkout when I got there, hardly anyone there when I was ready to leave. Lots of folks with paper towels, toilet paper and cases of water in their carts, no panic buying though, they had lots of stock in different brands as well. I remember a year ago when all that stuff was rationed by the store because some folks went crazy with hoarding. Let's hope those folks stay home for a while.

Ya all have a safe and fun weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, cold, and windy this morning. 43 at the moment headed for the low 50s. Frost warning out for tomorrow morning. Got just short of an inch of a nice slow steady rain yesterday. Just the type of rain to allow everything to soak in.

Went for a nice long walk yesterday in the aforementioned rain. Late afternoon I got a call from one of the guys in my beer and bereavement group. He wanted to know if we were going to dinner. After I picked him up he said he wasn't sure how he got the idea. I explained to him that we had talked about it the day before but he had said that he couldn't go because his son was coming. Anyway, got him straightened out and we had a nice visit. He's the one who has been diagnosed with dementia so it's always a little tricky dealing with him. I have reached out to one of his sons on Facebook but have not heard back yet.

Not much on the agenda for today. Gym this morning and maybe a trip to Menards this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Rain and 47 this morning. We went from A/C back to furnace.
Big news of the day, my wife gave me a haircut. Feels good.
Gas has topped $3.00.
We grocery shopped yesterday, was busier than usual but in/out went ok.
I hope everyone has a safe weekend.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Big Grin 
Good afternoon
         I finished (my part) of building a windmill for my wife. Her brother made a frame with a 24 inch bicycle wheel in it and I convinced her it would be a nice windmill. I made the blades from hard rock maple that I threw out of a gondola when I was working the Kiski. They actually were well balanced when I put them on the wheel. My wife thinks it's neat so I am a hero for a minute or so.  Big Grin

         Worked an hour trying to put headlights in a locomotive but nothing was going right so I just walked away. 

         Rain here today so playing inside.  I may sit on the porch and watch the tomato plants grow if I can get that much energy. Smile

Good afternoon folks

It is 59 now and raining. We already hit our high of 66.

The wife and I have been doing outside stuff trying to finish before the rains came. I think we just made it. I got the fishpond filter clean, and she took care of a couple of water lilies that kept falling over. Their roots had grown out of the bottom of the pot, so she had to trim them. We did some other gardening and weeding.

The wife and I spent two days and night in Ocean City, Maryland getting home late yesterday. It was out first overnight venture since all the fun began last year. It was nice little getaway, not too crowded and the weather was nice. Stopped at a few of our favorite places to eat and shop. The drive down on Wednesday was easy. The drive home Thursday was a little rougher but then again, we hit the evening rush for a while. Southbound traffic through Delaware, on the other hand was crowded and stop and go in certain places. I can only imagine how much worse it will today and especially this evening.

No modeling the last few days. I am hopeful over the long weekend to get some work on the layout and the passenger cars.

Tomorrow my wife, daughter, and I are going to Strasburg to ride behind N&W #611. We are doing the Wine and Cheese Train. I have not ridden behind or seen 611 in person since the 1987 NRHS Convention in Roanoke.

The rest of the weekend is up in the air at the moment. I know there will most likely be some shopping.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Here it is:

I have small cell lung cancer in my lower back side of right lung. Small. Trying to spread to the bones. Fooled all the Dr.s as didn't have "signature" of cancer. Why I have been in lots of pain. Not in any organs. Spent most of the day in Oncology at Duke Raleigh [they partner with my hospital WakeMed]. Lots done. Had my mask done for next weeks radiation. Got Sharpie marks on my body with stickers over them. Lines me up for zapping. Will do a few over several days instead of all at one time. First one is neck where I have the most pain. Dr. Kim [pretty Asian descent lady] says the zapping will kill the bone ones and bones regrow. She is good. Great personality. Not so bubbly but suppose to be outstanding in her field is Dr. Stevenson. She will administer chemo. That will be three weeks from now. 2 week delay as sent to a special lab to get the gene makeup of the tumor. This is to insure the right chemo. When finished, will continue some type of antibody treatments as cancer will hide and try to fool the body's antibodies. This prevents it from reoccurring.

Dr. Kim was very concerned that no one had addressed my severe pain and not sleeping. I am now on Oxy and have a sleep aid. Trying the Oxy regiment first. If still can't sleep, add the sleep. It is safe to mix with Oxy. Oxy makes me real drowsy but I'm still in some pain. I'm one that does not like that type of meds so "treading" lightly on the Oxy.

The other night got a text from a buddy on the "rifle forum".  "Cancer will not kill you but riding with Fred will."  Humor at the right time.   
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Frank, I will keep you in my prayers. The radiation is not too bad but the chemo can be a bear, but there is a great chance for a good outcome with todays technology. 
Continuing prayers for you, Frank. The medical advances have been great in the last 7 years since my wife's diagnosis.

Greetings, gang

Clear and cold this morning. 36 outside my window. High for today is predicted to be in the mid 60s.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Gym and then a trip to Menards. Today is Saturday and that means two things - #1 Don is sleeping late. #2 -Laundry! Other plans for today include a bike ride and applying an insect control spray to the yard. I used some Off a few weeks ago but that doesn't seem to be working. Menards used to carry a product made by Bayer but they don't have it anymore. Found some stuff at a local farm supply store. I guess I'll find out it if works. With the warmer weather this weekend I hope to spend quite a bit of time outside.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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