The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
76 and sunny. Trying to convert from opioids to Tylenol. Neck hurts. A little slow today. I'm sure I'll bounce back soon.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and comfortable outside right now at 68. The temperature is scheduled to increase to the low 90s.

Yesterday was fairly routine. 19 miles on the bike and laundry. This morning I'll take a short tune-up ride. Tomorrow is the big day for the bike ride. I've never ridden in a group before, let alone a group of several thousand. Should be interesting.. Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be babysitting three of the great-grandkids.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good July 25th, yeah, we are but a week away from August. Time is really zipping by. At least the, "Christmas in July", and those "July Black Friday" sales will be behind us. For some reason, they irritate me. Speaking of irritating, they were suppose to stop all those spam calls with phony phone numbers, they haven't, at least Cox Communication hasn't, they are as prolific as ever.

Well, us folks on the west side finally got some rain. Got woke up around 11:30 and again around 1:00 with thunder. Was too sleepy to get up and see if we got any rain. Friday we had lots of thunder, but barely a dribble of rain. The rain map shows we got close to a half-inch last night, less than those on the east side, but we'll take what we can get. Temps never got past the mid-80's, but then again, right now they're saying we have 97% humidity, so it's muggy at best.

Not sure what my plans are for today, still working on those Main St. stores, need to plant them and do some landscaping. Also have to fix a site to put my scratchbuilt "Hayden Flour" grain elevator. That survived five moves relatively unscathed. I think that's enough to keep me busy and out of trouble for a while...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Watched a lot of Church on TV today. Shower drain full of hair.  Yes, coming out like all get out. SonIL coming to mow. Off to SisterILN's for a thick ribeye BIL purchased at butchers. BTW: remember the worse Chinese I ever had SisterIL brought the other night. Well, seems all but SisterIL agrees with me.

Had to take some ozy. Pain got too much to take.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is a 83 going up to 87. When I first went out I thought it wasn't bad but after a few minutes I got my butt back inside. The humidity feels like it is stating to pump up.

Did some running yesterday. Had to go and pick up an online order in Delaware at Bed Bath and Beyond. Stopped in the PetSmart next door but they were out of the canned prescription dog food. That means the adventure starts for trying to find some later this week. Not sure what we are doing today. I was going to clean the fish pond filter but I cut my finger the other day and it has not healed as much as I hoped. I don't want to play in the muck that will be in the filter until the finger is a little better. Last thing I need is an infection.

The wife has part two of the stress test tomorrow so she is stressing a little today over it.

I did get to run some trains. I started converting an old AHM Burlington Northern sleeper to Kadee couplers but I can't find my #56 drill bit along with a few others. I ordered some new ones from Micro-Mark. In addition I ordered a new cradle. I was going to work on the Bachmann steamer but my homemade cradle is too small.

I am going to see how the wife feels.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Went to SisterIL's for steak. Great stake and baked potato. Watched movie with the crew. Monitored blood ox. Never below 92. Rode home. Checked as soon got inside. 92 Means no more aux O2 unless outside in heat or strenuous activities [which I will not do].

Soon will look like boot camp haircut as falling out. 

Now some TV [all I can do]. Not needing aux O2, go to Train Box and work. 
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

A small thunderstorm just north of town headed east. After that moves away the skies will clear the the temperature will go from its current 66 to 91.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. A short bike ride in the morning. Otherwise movies, reading, playing video games, and eating. Not much planned for this morning. I may go to Walmart. Otherwise not much until this afternoon when I go for a bike ride with several thousand other people. Of course it will be the hottest part of the day but it's only 13 miles so it shouldn't be too bad. Lots of hydating before and again after.

Frank - interesting footnote on the hair loss. After the first time my wife lost her hair during chemo it grew back very dark, like her father. Prior to that she had been blonde.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all and welcome to another workweek (those of you that actually work, that is). Well, finally we made the rain map proud. It started to rain very early yesterday, and really came down around 8:00. By noon we had 2 1/2" and flooding. Scottsdale holds the record right now with some areas there getting close to 5" in the past few days. We have catch basins all over that are usually used as parks and playgrounds. They all looked like lakes with plaything tops sticking out. Streets and freeways flooding all over town. The downside is that they lost one little girl swept from the top of the car in a flooded wash, and a teenage girl who tried to cross a flooded wash up around Cottonwood. These things seem to repeat themselves every year during our monsoon season, bad enough to try to cross a flooded street, but there are those that try to cross raging washes that are normally dry. Prayers for these kids and their families and hopes that no one else tries to do these things.

Not much else going on, got a free day today, the rest of the week is going to be busy, will try to get some work done on my layout, caught up on my household chores, not going too far from home until they've cleaned up the messes from yesterday's storm, some folks had their front yards washed into the street, others got parts of trees laying all over the place.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Just got back from Walmart. Gas has dropped again from $2.99 on Friday to $2.77 this morning.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello, hello and hello. Was a little slow this AM as usual. Now better. Shedding like a lab or golden.  Mine use to have some red tones in it.  We'll see. 

85 and hot per Wifey.

Got call from some Humana homecare service. They are going to start monitoring me and helping with anything needed. Wish they had call earlier during this thing. Dr.'s appointment [pulmonary] which is first since left hospital. Since I'm 95% off of aux O2, wonder what he will say now?

Hope all are OK.

Again, bored. Hope to get to Train Box in a few days. That will help.

Have a good day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and hot are the weather words for today. 93 the predicted high and 97 for tomorrow. Cooling down again by the weekend.

Yesterday was fun. 15 miles on the bike with several thousand others. It was a very easy ride. Almost entirely level and with a tail wind to boot. Only time I started sweating was when we stop in a small town along the way. Got home and took a shower then walked downtown to see the vvendors and the crowds. Should have driven or rode the bike. My shirt was soaked by the time I got home. Had to take another shower.

This morning I'll be headed out the door shortly to babysit 3 of the great-grandkids. All boys ages 10 to 2. Could be a fun day. Same thing for tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
71 and partly cloudy. Guessers hit it after midnight with a small shower. Southeast of us 5".

Getting ready to go to pulmonary Dr. Back before noon and Fred bringing me lunch.

Have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, a dry day yesterday, rather, a drying out day. The only rain I see on the map is out where we go shooting, and not much. Still, the rain that we had on Sunday is enough to make the road in muddy since it's full of ruts and hard to navigate. We still might go shooting next week, dependent on the weather.

Unfortunately, they did find the 4-year old girl that was swept away in the wash, they have a few hundred of searchers looking for that teenage girl up in Cottonwood. They say her car got stuck crossing a wash and was hit with an 8' wall of water, not uncommon when we get these summer storms in the desert. There were a lot more water rescues, but everyone else is safe.

On a sad note, I've been going to Brenda's Kitchen for breakfast for quite a while now, feel like they're family. Well, Brenda tells us yesterday that she has cancer and they have sold the restaurant. She and her husband's last day is Friday. Everyone is concerned about Brenda, but they are also wondering how it's going to affect the regulars that come there.

Frank, keep going, you're still in our prayers, as is Brenda now.

Take care everyone, and enjoy the day..
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Some sun and 87 today, 90 yesterday.
Took a trip to Ohio over the weekend with some of the club guys. 
Got a tour of the Age of Steam roundhouse on Sat. Did some train watching on the way home Sunday.
Overall a nice trip. 550 mile total.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
94 in the sun [86 shade] and partly cloudy.

What a day!! Surprised pulmonary Dr. He could hardly here and congestion in lungs. Blood ox was 93 and above. No more aux O2. Will keep it in the utility room for a few. Changed daily inhaler [one I have now landed with Noah when the arch hit dry land]. I'm sure improved and only once a day. Then walk test. Walked up and down the hall with nurse watching blood ox monitor. Started at 93. Surprise as it went to 94. After several trips, nurse could tell hips were hurting [no pain meds since last night] and said stop. Got down to 92. Go home.

Fred brought Smithfield bar-b-q and slaw sandwiches for Pam and I. Great visit from Fred. Old cuss is really a good guy. Peculiar. But, aren't we all.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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