The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Frank - great to hear from you!

Foggy and 61 headed for cloudy and 74 with a chance for rain.

Stayed home. Half the family still sick and granddaughter's mother-in-law is in the hospital facing possible surgery and there's hinting of possible liver cancer. I so wanted to be there. Sometimes it sucks being a grown up. I do have kids' football here so it's not a complete loss. Always fun to watch the little ones. I was having a brief chat with the nice young lady across the street when that got rained out. So far almost 2 inches of rain since Thursday morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
None of that traffic will be headed your way. In that direction, the border is closed to casual automobile traffic. Flying over is permitted, and the Yanks can come up here.
Apparently there is a dodge where people fly to Buffalo and have their car/RV transported there to meet them.

We went to a concert this afternoon -- the Concert Choir.

Despite what I may have posted, there didn't seem to be any work on the downtown railway bridge today.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning, Sunday already, got up the usual time, go to church early, always have for some reason. Temps in the mid-90's for a few days, then into the 80's starting Tuesday with a decent chance of rain.

Took it easy yesterday, worked a bit on my layout bench, I keep changing how I want to solve my alignment problem, I think I have a workable solution, need to go to Lowe's or Home Depot to see if the hardware they have will work. They have lots of pictures, just no dimensions.

Snowbirds are a persistent group David, they will get here by whatever means they can. I already see Ontario plates on cars, they got through the gauntlet someway or another. Michigan, Wyoming, North and South Dakota are just a few more that made it. New York, Mass, New Jersey, I think  most of them head to Florida. Why not come here? Regardless of how snarky I am about them, they are all welcome, I just wish they wouldn't spend so much time in line at the Post Office or clogging up shopping center and restaurant  parking lots. Icon_e_biggrin

Speaking of parking lots, many of our Walmart lots allow travelers to park overnight. I have friends that was traveling in their RV this summer, and were chased out of a Walmart lot by security when they stopped there to only shop. Where's the logic in that?

Have a great and peaceful day, do whatever pleases you.... within reason that is.... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 58 headed for sunny, a little breezy, and 74 later on.  

While I didn't get to go to Omaha I did get an unexpected surprise yesterday.  One of my great-grandsons had his first communion yesterday afternoon.  Very nice ceremony and afterwards we went to a nice restaurant.  Food was good as always there but we did run into the dreaded "lack of help."  We were there for about an hour before we finally got our orders taken.  After that it took another 20 minutes for our food to arrive.  In addition this was a very popular restaurant and was quite busy as can be expected on a Saturday evening.  Then when I got home I watched Nebraska actually play a real football game.  We beat Northwestern 56-7.  This is a team we normally play very close.  Most games against them are decided by one score or less.

This is what I missed seeing yesterday.


Not much on the agenda for today.  Football game in Story City (about 40 minutes away).  Still undecided on whether or not to go.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Going to be a bit warmer today, into the mid-90's, but regardless, we're going target shooting this morning. We leave around 6:00 and so it'll still be cool enough by the time we're getting ready to leave.

Did watch a bit of football yesterday, saw a good portion of the Cardinal's game where they trounced the Rams. Bounced around a bit, even saw Brady break the passing yardage record. Also got to see an episode of "Barnwood Builders", neat show, nice folks makes each show worth watching. They do stuff that I wouldn't think of doing even if I could. Oh, I did get some work done on my layout bench. Got the two sections to line up each time, just need to add some hinges to use as locks to keep them that way. My son Pat came over on Saturday to help me with my bench top, it is over my weight limit for now. I really am doing much better, I just don't want to screw that up....

Well, it's early, but got to get ready to load the vehicle, have to wait for my shooting buddy to show up, I still have two more weeks before I'm allowed to pick up some heavy stuff.

Take care, stay safe, and everyone have a great day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and somewhat cool at 47 degrees this morning. High near the mid 70s for most of the week. Great-grandson's football game was fun as always. About an hour away so I was gone most of the afternoon. Gym this morning along with paying the bills. This afternoon I'll probably clean up some leaves and mow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 70 with a high of 78. Humidity has returned and there is 70% chance of thunderstorms.

Saturday, I chased and removed a couple of vine s from the gardens in the backyard. A couple were really intertwined with the bushes, and it took me a while and some acrobatics to find their source. The wife planted some ornamental peppers in the pots by the pond. Sunday, we drove down to Delaware to get gas for my car. Paid $2.87. Closest station to our home wanted $3.35. Cheapest Pennsylvania price we saw was $3.13. On the way back we stopped at the nursery to pick up mums.

I relayed the track through the area I painted. I tested the inner loop. I still need to test the outer loop. I will run trains for a few days before I move toward installing the foam roadbed.

I did most of the chores for the day. I went for my walk after I dropped my son off at work. I have to empty the trashcans from the upstairs and make a run to PetSmart. I need an air pump for the fishpond
to operate the air stones. Aeration keeps the algae from building up.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Sun and 70s today. A little rain Sunday evening. 
Our first indoor club meet since Feb. 2020. It was well attended. 
We have had several outdoor ones with modules and a couple zoom meets. I did attend and hope no one gets sick.
Can't play any slot games as Facebook has been down since before noon this morning. I don't pay money, just the free games.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 50 headed for sunny and 75.

Not much to report this morning. The local parks department is having an "active aging" week. Today's activity is a nature walk followed by a light breakfast, whatever that is. I'll take the camera along and see what happens. Yesterday was bingo but I'm not that old yet so I skipped that. Not sure about the rest of the week.

Continuing prayers for Frank, Don, Tom's wife, and all others as needed.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, heard some thunder and looked outside and saw that everything is wet. I checked the rain map and apparently the gauges in our area are still sleeping because they show no rain when I see rain... Cool, temps in the mid-80's.

Good thing that we went target shooting yesterday and not today. That was the first time in five months and we were not as bad as we thought we'd be. Still, we wasted a bunch of ammo though, trying to hit a golf ball at about fifty yards. I calculated once that a one degree difference in your shooting position will result in a one foot difference at fifty feet, so easy to miss your target and at our age, holding a gun steady is just not in our pay grade.. Nope Going to stay home today and work on my layout bench...

Went to Lowe's for some hardware for my bench, and OMG, they have Christmas trees up already. Icon_e_surprised I'm betting Home Depot has too and Walmart isn't that far. Amazon is advertising their "Black Friday" events starting now. Geeze, and no one even seemed to care that yesterday was Taco Day and Halloween is still almost a month away... Waiting 

Breakfast time, go to make sure that the windshield wipers aren't stuck to the windshield. I've had that happen after a long hot and dry summer.

And Tom and everyone else, thank you for your prayers, they are working, I'm feeling better each day, still tired, still can't lift heavy things but I'm grateful that I'm doing as well as I have been.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all . well another monday down the drain , todays agenda is butchering roosters from spring chicks oldest son from colorado came down to help so i need to get buzzy . 
Good morning everyone, beautiful day yesterday, rained on and off until early afternoon. Everyone got some, we got about 1/4". Temps in the 80's this week, down into the 70's next week. I think our 100+ temps are gone for the year. Applause Seems fitting now that the stores are starting to put up their Christmas decorations. Looks kind of stupid though next to the witches and bats, worse yet is when they get the Valentine and Easter stuff up right after Thanksgiving Day. Icon_rolleyes

Not much else going on, one appointment today, then start laying track and see how my section transition works out.

Went to the Post Office yesterday, had a hard time finding a parking spot. The snowbirds are back....

All take care, have a great day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

61 and cloudy at the moment with a predicted (guessed at?) high in the low 70s. Warmer through the weekend.

Not a lot going on today. Seriously considering giving myself a weeks vacation from the gym. Just no enthusiasm for it at all this week. Big project for today is to charge my cell phone for the week.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
We have had a cloudy day with the temp at 67 right now.
Looks like 70s for at least the next week. Also some more rain coming, wish I could share with those of you who need it, we don't right now.
Eye doctor this morning, postop visit after cataract surgery. She seems satisfied that all is well.
Another forum: reports Frank Eagles is back in the hospital, no details.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning good people, Phoenix hit 90 yesterday, we got to 88. One more day and temps start dropping. Today's low should be 66, next Tuesday, they show that as the high for that day. Weird.... No real rain in the forecast, but the weeds seem to be appreciating that which we did have. I chop a few off everyday, there's not enough to call the yard guy, but more than enough for us old folk to deal with. I'm just trying to keep ahead of the HOA weed police....

Was going to do some trackwork yesterday, but found the foam pulling up, so it's being glued with caulking and held down with clamps. I'm giving the caulking 24 hours to dry, I didn't do that the last time.... Nope

Streets are getting congested, parking lots are hard to find open spots, snowbirds have found their way back, right on cue... Need to go to Costco today, my membership needs renewing, it let me get gas yesterday with a warning I need to renew. For some reason, I didn't get a renewal notice this year.

Everyone have a great day, prayers for all in need especially Frank, he seems to be struggling right now.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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