The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. 
Have a safe, fun and thankful day.
Good afternoon folks


This Thanksgiving my family and I have something to be truly thankful for, my wife came home from the hospital after a week long stay. She is doing better but has a ways to go. She still has a cough at times and is tired. She is glad to be home. We will know more of the plan for recovey on Monday when she sees the doctor. She felt well enough to help with making the stuffing last evening.

I finished weathering the track in the area of passenger station over the last few days. Next is I have to add some foundation for the passenger platforms to bring them up to track level. Then begins the ballasting.

The turkey is stuffed and in the oven thus begins the long wait.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Happy Thanksgiving Blue.
Wife says turkey is done we will eat in about an hour. Burp, pardon.
Tom good news glad your wife is doing better.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
We taped the parade on both channels. We fast-forwarded through most of the staged singing numbers as it's not our taste in music. One of the networks seemed to show more of their commentators than the parade. The commercials seemed to go on for ages.
Almost all the guests and performers were "famous people we've never heard of".

We saw the parade in person two years ago -- an effort to finally do all the NYC Christmas things.

I really object to people talking through band and choir numbers, especially high schools who have must have made a major effort to get there.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, they call this "Back Friday", I think "Crazy Day" might be more like it. I'm not rich my any means but to stand in line for hours hoping to snag something that's selling for $10 less just isn't my thing.

David, you must have watched the same two stations that I did. I recorded one, the one where they chatted and had guests and talked over the parade. saw more of them than the floats. The other station is being blocked at DISH so I had to watch that one using an antenna. As usual, folks I never heard of singing songs I'd rather forget to the point of being painful. No Christmas songs until just about when Santa was ready to show up. Everything is lipped-synced, I noticed one group of ladies didn't move their mouths during their whole performance which included moving around like robots. Still, I can see where the kids there were eating it up and that's what it's all about.

Every year I say the same thing, I'm not going to cook a turkey next year, either go out to eat or bring in take-out, and every year I go cook a turkey anyway. Cooking is easy, it's the cleaning up that gets me. But, now I have bags of turkey in the freezer for at least six more meals. They were saying that turkeys were in short supply, I heard ads selling them for $3 and $4 a pound. Was in the small Walmart on Wednesday and they had turkeys for 87 and 98 cents a pound, and there were plenty of them there without folks fighting to get a piece of the action.

Today is "stay home day" except for breakfast and maybe the Post Office. Hope you all have a great day whatever you do, and if you do go shopping, good luck and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning all.
 We went to our sons house for dinner last night. I took the home made noodles and everything was great. There were a bunch of little toe headed little girls that were cute as buttons enjoying the festivities. We have 18 great grand children and 15 of them are girls. 

I cooked a turkey about 2 weeks ago and froze a lot of meat, now I too can have left over turkey sandwiches which is really the only drawback to going out for the meal. 

My wife watched portions of the parade and I did from time to time but to me a parade is about marching bands playing marching type music and floats with people having a good time. They need to make it more of a Christmas theme or take Christmas clear out of it. The blabber mouths should be off screen and in the background and only announce the band playing, or the contributor to the float/balloon.  The one record wonders of the year don't even need to be featured as far as I am concerned.  

Last week we had a bank robbery at a local bank and there was a robbery at a local church store, both caught on CCTV. The bank video was grainy and black and white and impossible to make out the perp. The church store video was in color and you could almost read the inscription on the guys ring. He was nailed within an hour. They got the bank robber too because there was a CCTV outside that showed his car and license plate.

We have some snow flakes falling and 2 inches may fall Sunday.  

Stay safe everyone.

Hello Blue
Store brand turkeys were 33 cents a lb. here. They are good and we have had them in the past. Butterballs were 79 cents lb. Two of our three families of kids were here so after a large meal they set up the Christmas tree for their mom. Some snow expected this weekend but above 32 temps won't leave any for long.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Today was layout conversion day. Dayle took the summer/Hallowe'en stuff off (the pumpkin car and the music camp) and put out winter (skaters and winter buildings).
There is a very small amount of white stuff caught in the irregularities on the driveway.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning after Black Friday to everyone. I did go to the store yesterday, the Walmart Market looked like any other day except they had bunches of empty shelves. Still had some turkeys, no cranberry sauce, milk was almost all gone. My son went to Big5 Sporting Goods to pick up some ammo they had on sale, and said it was easy in, easy out. I guess a lot of other stores were crowded, but not like past years. Don't know about anyone else, but I've been hearing the term, "Black Friday" since about June, it's getting run into the ground and I'm more than tired of hearing it.

Today we have Thanksgiving dinner at my son's house, lot's of rest, some football maybe. annual, "shootout in the desert" game today between Arizona State and Arizona here in Tempe. ASU has been dominant the past few years but are a bit behind in total wins. They've been playing this game since 1899 now, started back when ASU was "Tempe Normal", a teacher's college, who actually won the first game back then. 

Weather should be nice for the game, mid to high 70's, not a chance of even sprinkles. They did open the Snow Bowl outside of Flagstaff this week for skiing. No, it didn't snow, but after a long legal battle (long story), they are now permitted to make their own snow.

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I hope everybody had a great Turkey Day and remembered we still have some things to give thanks for.
" No, it didn't snow, but after a long legal battle (long story), they are now permitted to make their own snow. "
I guess with water being as scarce as it is out your way some folks take a dim view of using it to make snow. They probably want it waste it on stupid stuff like showering, flushing toilets, washing dishes and drinking it! Big Grin

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
(11-27-2021, 09:13 AM)Tyson Rayles Wrote: I guess with water being as scarce as it is out your way some folks take a dim view of using it to make snow. They probably want it waste it on stupid stuff like showering, flushing toilets, washing dishes and drinking it! Big Grin

Not exactly, they use filtered and treated wastewater that once did all these things, but the ski slopes are on what the local Indian tribe is calling, "sacred land". They object to them using, "unpure" water that once flowed in the sewers (a veiled attempt to shut the skiing down). After years in the courts, it was decided in favor of the folks running the ski slopes. I don't know where that water would go otherwise, but it's probably safer to use than tap water. Just think about what those astronauts at the space station are drinking.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Spent Thanksgiving on the road in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. After a jaunt to Iowa I am headed back to Indianapolis for a day off. Maybe I will find a hobby shop with truck parking ? Thrn back to work Tuesday morning.
Modeling the East Broad Top as it was between 1937-1942
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 25 at the moment headed for continued clear and 43 later today. 50s for several days this week.

Over 800 miles in 35 hours. 14 hours driving, 5 hours sleeping, and the rest with family and friends. Got home about 9:30 last night. Grandson won one and lost one in a hockey tournament in Sioux Falls. Nothing much on the agenda for today other than watch the Nebraska-Iowa game and get caught up on laundry. With the mild weather this week I could push well past the 1500 mile mark on the pollution solution vehicle.

Tom - hope your wife is continuing to improve

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, it's Sunday once again, looks like it's still going to be around 80 today, high 70's for the rest of the week. There's such a slight chance of rain for next weekend, I'm not sure why they even bother to mention it.

Went to my son's house for a family Thanksgiving dinner, a lot of effort went into preparing all that food. I came home with two grocery bags full of goodies, good old microwave, here we come.

Arizona State did a whipping on the U of Arizona yesterday. Watched Notre Dame beat up on Stanford, but was too tired to see it all. Today, we get to see some millionaire players ridicule themselves with choreographed dancing and whooping and pointing to themselves each time they do what they're paid big bucks to do. It is now part of the game and trickling down to the pee wee league.

Everyone have a great day, prayers still for Tom's wife and for Charlie and his surgery tomorrow.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
We have cloudy skies with about 4 inches of first snow on the ground. Pavement is clear and this snow won't last as the daytime temps will be above freezing.
A sad day for us Buckeye fans but on the other hand both big Michigan teams won.
Leftovers are gone so we can now go back to our normal menu.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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