The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
Just checking in.
Cloudy with a dusting of snow that will be gone soon. Hi of 38 today, then down she goes.
I have not been too active with the trains here at home lately but have been meeting with some of the club guys for some track time. 
They are meeting again tonight but I feel like a home body today. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Very sunny day here and hoping for more snowmelt. A few small chores but that is the extent of the task list.
Am I imagining things or has the default font size shrunk? I am sure it used to be larger. I Think it was more like this.  I think I will submit a request for a larger default size.
Seems like I am always complaining about something. I edit this because I discovered that I can use the Ctrl key and + key to increase font size and it doesn't effect other sites (In chrome at least) 
Good morning, a bit late in posting but got tied up doing other things and just plumb forgot. Big standoff in Phoenix this morning, nine officers wounded, suspect killed and one woman seriously hurt. All over a baby, who is safe, just craziness all over the world right now.

Going to enter the new challenge, just don't know which category to enter. Still got a few weeks to decide.

Got a few more things to do right now so no long stories or opinions today, just stay safe out there, it's getting dangerous.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and cool this morning at -1. Staying clear and headed to the mid teens by this afternoon. Same forecast for tomorrow then a slight warmup to start the week.

I broke down and went to Des Moines yesterday after all. The lure of the new tv was just too much. The clincher was that the Skecher store was right around the corner from Best Buy. New shoes and new tv. Had a very good day yesterday. Had to have the neighbor help me carry it in and set it up. It's a 55 inch but physically the same size as my old 47 inch. Thanks to the improvements in the manufacturing process the new one essentially had no border like to old one did. Next week I'll be hauling the old one off to recycling. On the plus side I also got to see the neighbors' new twin girls. They are about 8 months old and very cute. Looking forward to seeing them outside this coming summer. I told dad he would probably not get a good night's sleep for the next 25 years.

Enough rambling for today. Time to feed me and start laundry.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. Light snow and 33 degrees with a predicted high of 36. 
I am continuing the organizing of the historical society's photo scans. I had planned to go for a drive but I just don't want to go even in light snow. 
Everyone here is well for a change and my oldest grandson is going to the shelter to see a couple pups and try to adopt one
I got a letter from mu PCP yesterday. She has had a job offer out of the area so tomorrow will be my last visit with her. I should have realized she would not be around long because she is really a good doctor. I will check out the 3 choices I was given that will be in the office to replace her. Truth of the matter I don't need much except a signature for my prescriptions. I got my blood work results via email Tuesday and everything is great.  Best bloodwork I have had for 10 years. 
Prayers for everyone and especially prayers for the folks getting hurt by the high inflation. 
Good morning all. A rough few days here, we had that big shootout yesterday, nine police shot or injured by shrapnel, shooter shot girlfriend, police shot shooter, nether one made it. A member of the tribal police was shot to the north of us and a few miles north, an F1 crashed in the desert. All the police and pilot are OK, although six of the police are still in the hospital. You know, things are really getting out of hand all over the country.

Temps are still around 80, there could be rain maybe Wed or Thurs, no two forecasts agree when or how good the chances are. So we just wait and see.

Still no word on whether we'll have baseball Spring Training thanks to a labor dispute. "Gee coach, I'm only making ten mill this season, how do you expect me to even feed my family or maintain my Paradise Valley mansion on that?" Inflation I guess gets to us all....

The other day I recorded "The General" with Buster Keaton, made in 1927, silent and fully restored.  Is not that engine in a museum somewhere?

Take care, enjoy the games tomorrow. Yeah, we have the Super Bowl, but the Phoenix Open will be on TV as well. I might just watch "The General" instead...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 54 but there is a cold wind making it feel colder. High is supposed to be 56. Tomorrow is supposed to be a 70% of snow. Current guess is a coating to 2 inches. Could this be the first one the weather guessers get right this season?

Wife wasn't feeling well yesterday. Her back decided to flare up and thusly limited her movements. I did get some laundry done. More to do. Laundry is truly the never ending story.

Didn't get anything done on the layout. Maybe get some today.

We did our pharmacy and produce store run for the day. Now we are trying to acclimatize one of the cats with the puppy. It is our oldest, a 15 year old female. Not only our we dealing with the cat and puppy one of our other cats likes to stalk and chase the female and she does not like it at all. He is locked in the basement at the moment and she is in the living room with my wife and the puppy and our other male cat who she begrudgingly tolerates.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Clear and cold a 3 this morning with a guessed at high in the mid teens. Maybe the upper 20s for tomorrow. Got a light dusting of snow overnight. Not enough for the snow blower so shoveling will occur later on.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Laundry and some light housekeeping. This afternoon I'll at least watch the start of the super bowl. I don't care who wins. Just want to see a decent game.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. 
         We are having some family in for brunch today. It was supposed to be lunch but I slept in and I am not allowed to eat breakfast hence the fancy wording. 

         We had some light fluffy snow overnight, about an inch and it is a cloudy 21 heading for a balmy 25 for the high.

          I see it is another day for the big game. We watch the puppy bowl instead. 

         Have a good day everyone.

Good afternoon all, just trying to rest up for the weekend, really tired. Spent Friday trying to find someone to finish the repairs on my ceiling, seems like even the handyman business is running short handed.

Going to be a nice couple of more days, taking a bit of time today to get ready for some target shooting tomorrow. Just not sure just how much football I'm going to watch today, my norm for the Super Bowl might total 30 minutes, non-contiguous. One guy I saw said that he can't wait to see the "Iggy Shuffle", that's the point where I switch channels. I want to watch a football game, not a dancing contest.

Hope you all have an enjoyable day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy Valentine's Day, gang.

Well, we are half way through February and in 29 days we will be half way through March which should bring us generally much improved weather. 21 going to 25. 40 for tomorrow.

Very quiet day yesterday doing not much of anything. Today looks to be the same.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, another nice day in store, but by Wednesday we're back into the 60's. Rain chances have gone way down this week, better chance next week they say.

Heading out to target shoot in a few minutes. Should be in the high 40's when we get there, high 70's around the time we go home. That's not a guess, that's just what the forecasts show.

Well, I doubt that I watched ten minutes of the game yesterday. Was glad to hear that everyone stood for the National Anthem, just one stupid rapper at half-time took a knee to show how he forgot when he lives and earns a living. I guess LA won, I could tell when the game was over thanks to a neighbor that had some leftover fireworks. I guess, "his" team won. Unless he bet on the game, his team gets $250K each, he gets zip.

Take care and have a great day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
Back from the doctors. Everything was great so 6 more months before the next visit.
Sunny and 21 headed for 25 here.  A trip to the bank is my big one for the day. 
Prayers for everyone to heal and praying there will be some truthful information coming about the pandemic soon.
Happy Valentine's Day Blue.
Twas +3 this morning, maybe 20 for the day.
Watched THE football game last night, didn't win any money.
Watched something else during half time.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . another Monday week has rolled by . not much going on been working on layout getting ready to start scenery on mine and lumber area  need to get to tucson soon as i need a #4 left switch to finish the industrial area .

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