The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning good people, our "wetter than normal monsoon season" so far is a bust. We had one good rain a few weeks ago and that's been it. Decent chance of rain next week says one forecaster, so-so chance says another. That is so inconceivable that their forecasts can be off by that much, (like, 55% vs 12% for Wednesday). The only thing they agree on is that it's going to be hot.

Not much else going on. Good time to get an oil change, can spend an hour or so in the auto shop's waiting room. A/C, TV and coffee that looks like drained oil. This shop used to send out coupons before the pandemic, now I see they give a 15% discount to military and vets, so that's not so bad.

Tompm, how are you doing from that accident? Dealing with insurance companies and doctors is no picnic, but I hope you're doing better by now.

Take care, be  productive, but have fun doing it..
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy National Nude Day, gang.

Sunny and 71 right now. Headed for close to 90 by this afternoon and the humidity is definitely back. Chance for strong storms overnight tonight.

Had a decent day yesterday. Called a company to see about removing the green ash tree in the back yard. After looking at it he said there is an 80% chance of saving the tree. Cost for treatment is $140 for 2 years. Well worth the money rather than wait for another 20 years for a new tree to fill in the void. Also ran the track cleaning car around the Backyard & Southern for about an hour. All set to run trains soon. Not much planned for today. Thursday group this afternoon followed by a trip to Menards. Never did make it there yesterday.

Matthew - hope you are recovering from your surgery.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Nude day, darn, I got dressed this morning. Coulda save myself the trouble.
Sun and 80 today. We have been getting just enough rain to keep things green, even had a small tornado north of here last week.
All quiet on the toy train front.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, I seem to miss out on all those good days, missed Pizza Day, Hotdog Day and now Nude Day. True to form I also missed Rain Day. Yeah, rain all over the valley yesterday except where I live. I'm sure when I go out this morning I'll find mud spots all over my vehicle meaning lots of wind and just enough rain drops to stick the dust on.

Got one appointment this morning and all clear until Monday. What to do with all that free time? Don't know until I get there.

I hope you all are doing well, Matt, I hope you're pretty well on your way to recovered by now.

I just made a typo and instantly, my computer pointed it out. Can you just picture what's going on inside your machine, allowing you to type as fast as you can and anxious for you to screw up so it can correct you.... It's doing that while it is keeping track of time, making some smilies bounce, looking to see if someone sent you email or if you have an appointment scheduled and painting the picture on your screen. It's doing that and a whole lot more, busy little bugger eh? The first Univac computer I worked on had lights that told you what it was doing, was the size of three refrigerators, could only do basic math and had a  5K memory drum the size of a washing machine. I just bought a 32 gig SD chip the size of a thumbnail. It is astounding how technology has advanced and where it's going. Oh, and that Univac I worked on, it cost around $5,000,000 in today's money including a line printer and card reader. I've got less than $1,000 invested in mine including two printers.

Just a short walk though history. Have a great day today.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 73 and heading up to 86.

The big cannot miss doctor's appointment my wife had yesterday turned out to be a bust. She saw a pain management specialist who basically told her there was nothing that can be done. She could do therapy, take medicine, apply heat, loose weight. All the things she is already doing. The other doctors made this appointment out to be the appointment to solve all her pain issues. No it was just a waste of time and money even though she paid nothing since she had a credit. I unfortunately had to burn three hours of leave time.

I got an estimate for the car repairs. $5700 to start. I am sure there will be more. Can't get the car in until August 22, however. Once it is in the shop it will take two weeks.

I have an appointment with the orthopedic doctor on Tuesday. My pain level varies depending on my level of activity.

No trains.

I am hoping to get the shower soap dish reattached over the weekend. There are also some rugs that need to be shampooed and a few other cleaning chores around the house. Depending on my how my back and shoulder feels there is some gardening to be done.

Maybe I can finally working on tuning p the large collection of rolling stock that is sitting out. There is a train show in town this weekend but I am not sure I can make it.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Well everyone I went for my post op appointment yesterday and didn't get the news I was wanting to hear. I have to go for an EMG of my foot because as soon as they unwrapped my foot, half of it went numb. They did a small test to see if I could feel anything and I couldn't. They are thinking there is nerve damage now since I have no feeling in half of my foot. This is a step backwards that I didn't want. So now I have to wait for the doctors office to call me with an appointment time for the EMG. However I am able to move my foot more now than before.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, humid, and 70 at the moment. Looks like I will get a respite from the high temperature but not the humidity. Only going to the mid 80s today and tomorrow.

Pretty quiet day for me yesterday. The tree guy came y yesterday and treated the green ash in the back yard. Otherwise not much happened. Today is Saturday and we all know what that means - I will be doing laundry and Don will be sleeping late! This evening is a birthday party for one of the great-grandsons. He turns 11 today.

Matthew - I hope your struggle can be resolved quickly.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, yawnnnnn, stretch, snap/pop/crack... Sleepy Oh! time to get up already.... just an extra hour and a half this morning, but I'll manage.

Just checked the NWS, says it hit 112 yesterday at the Phoenix airport, no rain, no new snow and snow depth=0". Good information. Icon_rolleyes Lots of flooding up around Flagstaff thanks to the wildfires a few weeks ago. Remember, one guy pooped in the forest and then tried to burn his TP and caused almost 30,000 acres to burn instead. Not sure if he's out of jail yet, but they should have put him on the fire line to help put it out. Today we're looking at 114 with a "maybe" rain forecast, usual for this time of the year.

Got a few things I can do around the house today, nothing exciting and nothing that I can't put off for a while. Pat and his family are due back from California this morning, maybe I'll just wait and ask him to help an old man with a few chores... Awesome 

Take care and enjoy the weekend, remember, tomorrow is National Ice Cream Day. Some stores are offering free delivery as a lure, come on, whatever happened to the ice cream truck with the music  or that peddle cart and the jingle-jingle, they never ever charged for deliver, so why is that such a big deal now?
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun 70/80 for the day.
Our household will be invaded by my wife's relatives this afternoon. Three of her sisters plus the usual assortment that goes with family. I have no place to hide so I will just man up and go with it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 
     I woke up to a very nice and much needed rain. It is cool and pleasant and the rain appears to be over so maybe I can finish mowing grass today. I mowed half of it last evening. 

     I got my first cucumbers from the garden and enough strawberries for a nice sundae last night. I bought annual strawberries by mistake and planted them in my raised beds. It was a good mistake because they produce all summer and are the sweetest berries I ever had. 

     Wishing every one a safe weekend 
Don - today's Dennis the Menace.


Forgot to mention earlier - gas is down to $4.09

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(07-16-2022, 10:49 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Don - today's Dennis the Menace.

Forgot to mention earlier - gas is down to $4.09


Yeah, I remember posing for that cartoon. Fortunately, I didn't have to stand too long.... Nope 

Gas here just dropped below $5.00 by $0.001. Costco down to $4.50.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Mostly cloudy and dark in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 70 headed for 86.

Woke up this morning about 2:30. Dozed off and on until about 4. Finally gave up and got out of bed. Went to a birthday party for one of the great-grandsons yesterday. He had most of his baseball team there. With 10 or 11 eleven year olds it was really noisy at time. Nothing major planned for today.

Gas priced dropped another 3 cents yesterday. Down to $4.06.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Sunday morning everyone, and Happy Ice Cream Day. We did have a storm roll through around 8:00 last night. Lots of thunder, lightning, wind and even some rain. I checked the rain map this morning and it said we didn't get any rain, yet I swear I saw moisture falling from the sky. Rain gauges to the north of us showed about 1/8", so I'm guessing we got at least that much. Haven't been out yet but I expect my truck to be caked in mud spots. Temps today suppose to be a mild 111, down from 115 the past few days.

Like Tom, I had a bad night too. Woke up around 1:30 and finally got up a little after 3:00. Going to either be a long day, or nap time, payback for sleeping in yesterday. Waiting  Still got a few house chores to do, definitely not today. Pat and his family made it back from California OK, we should start seeing his "Flatt Bear" strip back this week.

Matt, I wish you the best with your foot issue, let's hope there's no permanent damage, like I said, the older we get the longer it take to heal

Everyone have a great week...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

70 already headed for the 90s all this week. The electric meter will be spinning!

I had a good day yesterday. First up was a 12 mile bike ride. Then I took some implements and supplies and cleaned the head stones for my wife and son. After that i took the car through the car wash. After lunch I got the Afternoon Special (passenger train) out and ran for about an hour and a half while sitting on the patio. Finally had to give that up as the sun was getting past the tree.

I did sleep much better last night. This morning I'll be heading back to the gym for the first time since my surgery. Nothing planned yet for this afternoon other than hide in the house.

Matthew and Tom - hope all is going well for you.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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