The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 65 headed for cloudy and 85. There's a 40% chance for some light rain overnight tonight.

Activities for today will include house cleaning for a pending visit from my sister-in-law and her husband. Considering going to see the Top Gun movie this afternoon. I bought a new game for my Xbox yesterday and of course they only put a portion of the game on the dvd. The rest has to be downloaded. I left it to run overnight and it still has 2 hours to finish up before I can play it. I have a really s-l-o-w internet connection.

Gas price was down to $3.74 yesterday when I was out and about.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, a wet one it was yesterday. I can't tell you how much it rained but I was going out around 5:30 last night and it was really pouring and continued that way for at least a half-hour, then rained lightly for another half-hour. I actually used an umbrella for the first time in years, yet, the county rain map shows light or no rain at all for most of the valley, none here, just like a few days ago when we got a heavy rain. So be it, it's our tax dollars hard at work.... Waiting

Needed something ordered from Amazon, called Pat around 4:30 since he had Prime and he said that for $2.99 more, they would deliver it by 10:00 PM rather than the next day. Four hours later, the package was delivered. Unbelievable that out of the millions of things they sell that they can find a warehouse nearby with that product, pick that one item, get it on a truck and give you same-day delivery.

Don't know what the road to our shooting area is going to be like after all this rain. It's filled with ruts and dips so it could be impassable, but we're going to try to get out there early tomorrow. There are a few alternate "roads", but even when it's dry, it's a effort.

Take care everybody and have a fun, but safe day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 78 on its way to 87. Nice day but the humidity is starting to climb and with goes the niceness.

The wife and I got our haircuts last evening. AFter we got home I was feeling very tired, more than normal. I guess being outside in the humidity most of the last couple of days caught up to me. Did not get anything done other than making dinner. I hope maybe to do something tonight.

Speaking of gas prices they are starting to drop around here. We went to Delaware on Saturday to get gas for my car. It was $4.33 and with my grocery store discount I paid $3.93.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 81 for the day.
We got haircuts yesterday, seems the price has gone up with each visit. Great Clips.
We went to the local Walmart this morning so as promised. Price for 18 large eggs was $4.18.
Gas we saw was $4.29 for reg.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, very early, not even 4:00 yet. Going to try to go shooting this morning, want to get out there before it gets too hot and possibly some t-storms in the Tonopah area. We go shooting to the north of there. Big issue is how the road to there is. Lots of ruts to begin with and could be full of water. We'll see....

No rain here, nice on the east side and up in Wickenburg, but that's OK, we had a good rain the other night even if the rain map doesn't show it.

Gas dropping a bit, filled up at Costco yesterday for $4.39, it's now down to $4.35. Some stations still really proud of their gas and still over $5.00 for regular.

Primary elections next week, whoopee, getting real tired of calls on my landline for surveys, "vote for this great guy" and "don't vote for that scumbag", problem is that according to the TV ads, and now even the posters on every corner, they're all liars, cheats and otherwise dishonest. Filtering out all the scum of the earth, there's no one left to vote for... They should stop these negative ads, but they won't.

Have a great day everyone and stay cool, we're still suppose to be in the 90's today, that's why we're going shooting in the desert...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 59 headed for still clear and 78 but very humid. Got almost a half inch of rain last night.

Finally went to see top gun yesterday. It was ok. The flight sequences and and special effects were the best part. More house cleaning for sister-in-law and her husband's visit over the weekend. Family picnic here tomorrow evening.

Gas price down 2 more cent to $3.72.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Looked outside when I got to my computer and it was dry. Went out a bit later to load the truck, and there was rain. Called my shooting friend and we aborted for today. Going to try for Monday, still suppose to be under 100. A bit disappointed, but hey, it's rain.... Applause Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
We finished our shopping at a local chain this morning. Could hardly see to drive home with tears in my eyes.
Bought gas @ $4.19 was waiting to see if it dropped but 1/4 tank is my low limit.
Cloudy and 81 for today.
Thanks to however deleted my double post yesterday.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

It is 88 and humid. High is supposed to be 89.

Did not get much done after work yesterday. Made dinner, ate, and crashed. I did eventually water the plants.

This evening the wife has an ultrasound. The new bedframe was delivered but I am not sure if I will have the time to deal with it tonight. It may get pushed off to the weekend.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Another sunny day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Right now it's 57 in the back yard head for a high of around 80. Looks to be a lovely day.

The nice weather is much appreciated as I will be having family over for picnic food this evening. My sister-in-law and her husband will be here later on today. He has relatives in the area and they will be attending a family reunion. He will be returning to Nebraska tomorrow but my SIL will be staying through Monday when she heads to Michigan for a week. My participation may be somewhat spotty over the weekend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks, we did get a bit of rain yesterday, about a half-inch giving us a good inch for the week. Now we're starting to cook. Not helping to fill our reservoirs, but I'm sure our groundwater can use it. As for reservoirs, Lake Mead is down a bit and yes, they found another body. There was a gangster, Anthony Spilotro that ruled Las Vegas and lots of people disappeared while he was there. They found him and his brother in a corn field, just like in the movie "Goodfellas", but his work is just now starting to surface. Icon_rolleyes 

No shooting until sometime next week. The area there was under a flood watch and I don't think the dirt road is going to be passable. It's barely passable when it's dry, really deep ruts and narrow bypasses, some made by four-wheelers. They are so bad that you can see them on Google maps...yup pretty bad.

Getting ready for yet another weekend and a whole new month in a few days. Geeze, how fast time goes, I'm already thinking about what to do for Christmas presents.

Everyone have a great day stay safe, stay cool and stay dry....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 81 looking to get up to 83.

We had a real window rattler, floor shaker, gully washer last evening for about an hour. We had three lightening strikes within 500 feet of the house during the storm. Luckily no damage and the power stayed on. I did have to go and bring our trashcan home as it decided to visit our neighbor's. They say we could get a repeat this afternoon.

My wife had the ultrasound last evening and we are waiting to hear rom the doctor with the results. I gotten even lass done yesterday if there can be something less than nothing.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, missed another "day", I think yesterday was National Drive-thru Day. I wonder who made that one up? Waiting 

Had more rain yesterday morning, it was raining steady when I went out for breakfast and was still sprinkling on the way home almost two hours later. Friday at the old Brenda's is kind of "old timers day" there. We have 6 or 8 at our table including Brenda's husband, plus another 8 to 10 more scattered around so we tend to hang around a solve world problems. Inflation hit there, last year when Brenda and Rich owned it, coffee was a $1.00. When that witch took over, it went to $2.00. Yesterday, under the guidance of the new owner, coffee is now $2.69. No surprise there, coffee at Denny's I think is now $3.49. One guy said that there's a place on the way to the Grand Canyon where coffee is still 5 cents. One more change, we can no longer get up and get our own coffee, new owner does not want the liability.  Nope FYI, Brenda is doing better, had her last surgery this week and should be home by now. I'm guessing one day she'll show up for breakfast as soon as her hair grows back after all the chemo she's had.

Typical Saturday, got lots of things I can do, not to sure if I'll do any of it. It's cool, hit 100 yesterday, but humid.

Take care and enjoy the weekend....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun 69/84 for today.
No special news but I did see that Vegas had flooding rain. We were there one time when that happened. Didn't take too long for the water to disappear though.
Kentucky also got flooding rain, been there too during a flood. I guess it used to follow us.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, another new week is upon us and tomorrow starts a brand new month. Big rain yesterday, "flash flood" warnings rolling across the TV screen. Just looked at the rain map, and once again, our area is in a donut hole, not a drop. Today, we're looking at under 100 with rain forecast for this afternoon. It's no longer a "Dry heat", humidity right now is 65%. So far, no big dust storms in our area, flooding and wind damage on the other side of the valley though.

So much for the weather, now for gas prices, going down, $4.59 seems to be the norm here, several stations below $4.00, just not in our area. Meantime, oil companies are making a record profit.

Did not leave the house yesterday, had leftovers for dinner, just too sticky out to want to go anywhere, so going to take it easy again today, nothing pressing that needs immediate attention, there's always tomorrow. Watched some older episodes of "Alone", on antenna TV (ch 51.5), the start of series 6. The History Channel is about to start series 10.

Everyone take care and enjoy what's left of the weekend...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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