The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, fall weather here, high 80's for this week, a bit lower next week. No more rain for a while. I see in the news that out where we go shooting really took a hit, well over 2" of rain this past weekend and lots of flooding. I was a bit taken back the other day when the TV show I was watching showed people exploring an area in this world that never gets a drop of rain. Apparently there are several areas like that, and I thought it was bad here with under 10" a year. Of course, not too many people living in those areas, we've got around 5,000,000.

Finally got my yards cleaned up of weeds, they shot it with pre-emergence that should keep the weeds down for another six months. I wasn't happy about the cost, but they spent four hours, plus the weed spray they used is not cheap.

I'm making headway on my second log cabin, need to take a few photos if what I've done is still standing this morning. Icon_rolleyes 

Gas here is still crazy, Costco and Sam's Club down another 20 cents to $4.28, most are still around $4.79 and a few over $5.00. Tucson area still a  dollar cheaper.

Take care, have a great day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning, folks

It is 43 with a high of 55. It was pretty chilly along the river at the job site this morning.

Yesterday was crazy as we had an impromptu meeting with some of the bosses from the Water Department regarding the contractor’s claim of soil contamination. Let’s say there is currently a disagreement over whether there is any or not. The meeting took about 4 hours and involved a site visit.

I spent the evening getting the heater up and running in preparation for the coming cold. Over the weekend we got the rest of the outside decorations up and did some gardening.

I went through the flat cars and separated them into groups and placed them in bins accordingly. I checked the coil cars for coupler height, wheels, and weight. I switched out couplers on several Athearn and Roundhouse RTR cars.

This evening I am supposed to get an MRI. How I feel afterwards will determine if I work on trains or not

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, not much to talk about, was a lazy day, no change in the weather, gas at Costco/Sam's Club down to $4.19, everyone else seems to be holding tight at $4.79 or down two cents at best. If Costco can drop by that much, that means the distributor's costs are down and everyone else is hanging on to higher profits.

Got a few house chores to do today, but there'll be time to work on my ranger station log cabin. That's about it.

Getting so tired of those negative political commercials, I even see them on non-local cable stations. Not only for our local politicians, but for some I haven't a clue who they are or where they're running and for what office. Hey you guys and gals, I've already mailed in my ballot so you can stop pestering me now. Had a guy stop at my door yesterday, "I'm from the NRA and want to know if you're going to vote for ____?" Uh, none of your business so flake off.... From the NRA he says, no ID, just a stranger with a cell phone and my name which is not that hard to find. The current state of the world has made me very suspicious and super cautious and with good reason, scammers and thieves at every turn.

Take care, have a great day and remember to do what you need to protect yourself.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.
        Don, I so much agree about the political ads and the scammers. One of the big scams around here is duct cleaning. They make a FB post like they are local and want you to message them. I have not gone deeper and I just report the post to the group administrators. I don't know if they are phishing for cc numbers or what ever but they are just no good folks trying to make money without working. 
        I worked on the layout some yesterday and with the rotten day here today I will get some more modeling time in. I have a BLI J1 that acts like it has a loose connection some place so that will be one thing to check, and I am replacing the rubber bands I put on my switch throws temporarily 10 years ago with springs. I am also making cables from the levers to the bellcranks that hold the trip wire. I am using steel fishing leader wire and clamps and it appears to be the right way to go.
         I wish everyone a nice day. Years ago Reege  Cordick had a radio show on KDKA
  He referred to Wednesday as "the morn of the mid week bog down."

Happy trails to all
Good morning, folks

It is 49 up from the 38 on the job site at dawn. High is predicated to be 53.

I finally had the MRI last evening. They did two studies as they call them: one on my neck the other on my lower back. The neck one was twenty minutes of pure hell. You have to lay flat and for me in my current condition that is near impossible. I am not sure how I made it through. The lower back was slightly easier since they could place pillows under my upper back and neck. However, due to my anxiety level being high from the neck study I almost didn’t make it through the lower back study. I hit the panic button just as they finished.

I had to bring some plants in and cover others as we had a frosty advisory this morning.

I have been working on putting “glass” in the windows of a Western Maryland, and a PRR Roundhouse kit caboose. I finished the WM and about a third done the PRR. I changed the wheels out on a Roundhouse Billboard Reefer and a wood express reefer. I bought both cars used, and both were built. Other than the wheels the billboard reefer needed nothing else. The express reefer needed Kadee couplers. The weights are loose, and the car is light. I am currently working on accessing the weights and figuring out how to add additional weight.

Today is an easy day at home (I hope) as nothing is planned. I do have to stop at the produce store and grocery store on the way home from work. Depending on time and how I feel I may continue on to the pharmacy. If not, then I will go after dinner.

I want to continue with the cabooses. I have several Roundhouse/Athearn cars to add screws to the coupler clips and change the couplers to Kadees.

I have to get ready to head back out to the job site.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
(10-19-2022, 06:18 AM)ezdays Wrote: Getting so tired of those negative political commercials, I even see them on non-local cable stations. Not only for our local politicians, but for some I haven't a clue who they are or where they're running and for what office. Hey you guys and gals, I've already mailed in my ballot so you can stop pestering me now. Had a guy stop at my door yesterday, "I'm from the NRA and want to know if you're going to vote for ____?" Uh, none of your business so flake off.... From the NRA he says, no ID, just a stranger with a cell phone and my name which is not that hard to find. The current state of the world has made me very suspicious and super cautious and with good reason, scammers and thieves at every turn.

Don your right I'm getting very tired of one sleaze bad scum bucket calling his opponent a sleaze bag scum bucket kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.
Hello Blue
I have been away for a while, no train news, just really crappie weather. Haven't seen the sun in three days, with a high temp of 45. 
There is 12 inches of snow in Northern Michigan.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

34 and clear at the moment headed for 63 and sunny later on.

Busy day yesterday. Had a good workout at the gym. Then dragged the table saw outside to cut some new slats for the louvers. Got them cut and painted. This morning I'll assemble and paint them. Not sure if I have enough paint so I may have to make a quick run to Menards. Hoping to get that project behind me. At noon there is a presentation at the library about photography. Sounds interesting. After lunch I hope to get the second coat on the louvers and install them late this afternoon. This evening I need to pack for my trip to Nebraska. It's the annual train show of the Beatrice Area Railroad Enthusiasts. I'll leave here in the morning and be back Monday.

Gas price is its usual pogo stick ride. Jumped 20 cents yesterday to $3.69.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, today looks like yesterday, temps in the high 80's, gas still no change. Why did Costco and Sam's Club get such a break on the gas from their distributors that they can sell it for 60 cents less ($4.19) than just about everyone else and no one else has? They wouldn't be taking advantage of us, would they? Well, except for those on the east side where gas is as low as $4.05 or down in Tucson at $3.05.

Still got some home chores to do, one entails climbing a ladder so we'll think about that for a while.

Going to try to go shooting on Monday, it should be nice, a bit chilly when we get there, maybe in the 70's by the time we're finished shooting.  Regardless, much better than leaving because it's over 100 and hard to hold onto a hot gun.

I hope you all have a mighty fine day, do something you enjoy doing and stay safe doing it...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Tom, I am glad you are progressing on your louvers. I too am going to start on more outside projects....tomorrow. It is still cold and windy here today. 

I worked on the trains some more last night. I had a BLI J1 (PRR) that the headlight flickered off and on. I replaced the LED bulb and that did the trick. I also got 2 switches (turnouts for modelers) upgraded. (We went to switch the mill daily for 15 years. Never once did we go turnouting the mill Wink ) I have another J that is headlight impaired so I may check it out today. 

     The yard and drive are covered with wet leaves but if I wait until tomorrow they may dry and be easier to remove. There are still a lot of leaves on the trees here. 

      One rule in one of the railroad employees rule book says don't lay metal you are cutting with a torch on a propane tank.  Our FRA man said every rule written was written because someone did something stupid. 

Greetings, gang.

Clear and 48 headed for sunny and 81 in Beatrice where I'm headed to for the train show. I'll be there until Monday.

Finished and reinstalled the louvers yesterday after a trip to Menards. Ran out of paint half way through the last louver. Almost forgot about the photography presentation at the library. Got there about 5 minutes late. Not as interesting as I thought but still entertaining. The only thing left to do is finish last minute packing and I'm ready to hit the road. The train show is fun but the people I hang out with make it that way. Train friends are the best!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
It's 50 now but started the day at 34 w/frost. We finally have sun this morning.
Gas was $3.99.
Gonna go to the kitchen and get me some grapes.
York train show this week, I have gone but not this time, will follow from home.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, let's call today, "rubber stamp Friday", no change  from the past few days, temps still in the 80's, gas is still at the gouge level. Oh, I did go to Walmart and was going to buy some eggs when I almost had a heart attack. A dozen and a half extra large eggs used to be around $1.60, the last time I bought some (a few weeks ago), they were a bit over $4.00. Today the were $7.24, that's over 40 cents an egg, up from 10 cents, just a bit, well a lot, over the inflation rate. A box of 60 large eggs are only 35.5 cents each, but if you buy their 36 pack of large, they're only 20 cents each. Wow, the more you buy the more expensive each are. Waiting

We don't get train shows in Phoenix anymore. The last few that I remember were in the middle of the summer. Doesn't make sense, temps are around 110 and the retired snowbirds won't show up until October. Why not schedule them in the winter instead of Michigan, Chicago or New Jersey. Bet they'd have a better showing. I know I'd go for sure.

Nothing else of any significance to discuss, going shooting on Monday, working on my ranger station log cabin, that's about it.

Ya all have a great day and a fun weekend....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Sun and maybe 72 for today.
Eggs here, well the store I was at were up a dollar a dozen. So I passed. Their milk was up too, so I didn't buy that either. 
I will try the big store(s) during the week.
A good Buckeye win yesterday, was the only game I watched.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, Sunday, kind of cloudy suppose to be some chance of rain. Hurricane Roslyn hit Mexico, but it's heading a bit NE and won't affect our Arizona weather. That's good because I'm heading out to the desert in the morning for a bit of cool weather target shooting.

Regarding eggs, last week they were $7.24 for 18 extra large, today they're $2.52, what the heck is going on????

Making progress on my new log cabin, will post a few pics later today. Might want to spend a bit of time resting and watching some football. I read about the college center that overshot the kicker four times yesterday resulting in four safeties. Must of had his Wheaties for breakfast.

That's about it for now, might want to practice my football centering just in case they call me up. Oh, sorry, I guess I'd have to go back to college and I'm not quite ready for all that partying. I also see where they fired a professor because the students thought that his chemistry class was too hard. My, my, back in my days that might result in the students getting expelled for not paying attention in class. The professor was taken back when he saw some students actually got a zero on their tests.

Take care and enjoy the day.... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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