The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, chilly and damp. Had a really loud storm roll through last night, lots of lightning and thunder. Almost 3/4" of rain too. Today, sunny but cool. Still snowing up north for a few more days.

As for gas here, some stations up, some down. Stopped at a QT yesterday morning, the sign says $3.19, but the pump said $3.15. Checked Gas Buddy later on and it showed $3.39 for the same station. Some Circle K stations are down to $3.09 if you pay with cash.

Been a busy week so far, today is no different and next week is even worse. Next week is the beginning of Lent, I'm sure by now that Walmart has all the Valentine candy off the shelves and replaced with Easter candy by now. Sorry, I'm not only giving up candy for Lent, but for life after looking at my glucose numbers.... Icon_e_surprised 

Remember, we now have a book up for our second auction. It may not be one that you'll snuggle in bed to read cover to cover, but will look good in you railroad book collection. Take a look and bid, it's right here

Time to head out for breakfast, need to fast after that for my test, no lunch today, but I'll get through it. Take care, have a great day and a safe one...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, windy, and cool are the weather words for this morning. 28 now headed for 22 by this afternoon along with 35 mph winds. 30% chance of snow for tonight. Anywhere from a trace to 3 inches are predicted.

Yesterday was spent on the porch with my trusty space heater enjoying the rain and mild temperatures. Today will be spent indoors enjoying the furnace and lack of wind. Glad I don't have to go anywhere.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks.

It is 45 on its way to 62. We had some sprinkles a little while ago and may get some more.

I am in recovery mode today. At work we had a 240 cubic yard concrete pour starting at 6 AM. This meant I had to be at the trailer at 4:30 AM to do some prep work. Then out to site about 5:30 to make sure everything was ready. At 6 the concrete trucks started to arrive. Originally, we were scheduled for 200 yards which equals 20 trucks. My job was to collect the delivery tickets, verify the concrete was the correct mix, and that the trucks had not timed out. We were pouring in two locations due to the size of the foundation slab so I was running back and forth. A few trucks did not have the paperwork so I had to speak with the concrete supplier’s QC person who was onsite. As the pour neared its end 4 additional trucks were added. The first 18 did good arriving by 9:30. The last 6 trucks were spread out over the next two hours. Next week we pour the top of the slab which will be approximately 180 to 200 yards.

After work I had to take my wife to the first of three doctor appointments this week. This was the orthopedic doctor for her knees. They discussed her options. She is a candidate for surgery down the road but they don’t want to do it unless there is nothing else. The doctor would like to put her on some anti-inflammatory medications but can’t currently since she is on a blood thinner as a result of her having a blood clot nearly two years ago. She needs to see the hematologist to see if she can come off the blood thinner. The hematologist mentioned about a year ago of her coming off of it.

I did not get any train time yesterday.

Not sure how today will shake out. We have number two doctor appointment for the wife. This is with a new primary care doctor. She is changing doctors since our current doctor has been missing since December. Every time we call the office, they say he will be back next month. No word on why he has been absent for the last three months. We have had issues with the other doctors and office staff in this practice to the point where we do not want to deal with them. The only reason we stuck it out so long is we have been using our current doctor for the last 15 years and he took such great care of my father-in-law. We followed him into the current practice when he joined them during the pandemic which forced him to give up his solo practice.

I am thinking more and more about DCC so I will be posting a question later in the DCC forum.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

17 going to 24 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 40% chance of snow this morning.

Pretty quiet day again. I got 2 newspapers in the mail yesterday, one from Monday and one from Tuesday. Seems the local postal service didn't bother to deliver mail to my neighborhood on Monday. I'm not real happy about the newspaper's switch to mail delivery but not much I can do about it.

I can tell the weather is getting milder. The neighbor only lets his truck run for 20 minutes for a 10 minute trip. When it was colder he would let it run for 30 minutes to take his daughters to daycare, normally less than a 10 minute trip.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, today is "plenty of sunshine, but chilly". There is an early morning freeze warning for the valley, low 30's until 9:00AM, then up to 60 later on.

Hazmat situation in Tucson, tanker truck rolled over releasing nitric acid. I-10 has been shut down for a couple of days, "shelter in place" for anyone in one mile radius, but if it were me, I'd be outta there if I lived withing five miles of the area, nasty looking plume.

Not much interest in the current auction, if we don't see any bids soon, we'll pull the book. Someone must want to add it to their collection, and Fiat Fan has offered to pay for shipping, so someone please bid....

Today is a free day for me, been working on a gun that needs repair. I'm not a gunsmith but I can fix this problem. It came apart easier than I thought, and thanks to YouTube (what can't you find there?), I find that the barrel is reversed threaded... Why, I haven't a clue, but it's true.

Gas prices are kind of wonky, some holding steady at $3.19, others up to $3.99 except that one up on US60 looking to get $4.99 because they're the only station between here and Wickenburg.

Heading to Brenda's for breakfast. Yeah, they changed the name back, dropped coffee to a dollar and working at getting some of the old customers back, so everyone, take care have a great day, stay warm and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 53 heading up to 64.

Not much happened yesterday. My wife’s appointment with her new primary care doctor went well. Now she as to schedule an appointment with her urologist to clarify the medication he has her on and whether it is still needed.

I did get a few minutes to work on trains. I repaired three brand new Intermountain boxcars. Two had doors that need to be reattached and the third one had a ladder. I also may have finally gotten the brake wheel to stay on an Accurail single sheath boxcars. I spent some time researching decoders until my brain was ready to explode. I got out one my new Rapido PRR flat cars and tested a 35 ft trailer on it. Looks nice and seemed to run fine.

Today I have to take my wife to see her new endocrinologists. She got tired of the issues with her current one. They have had her insulin prescription screwed up for the last eight. My wife has been told one dosage to take by the doctor but the prescription dosage is different and this has resulted in my wife running out of medication early. Every time we have spoken to the office they say they are going to fix it but they keep sending the wrong prescription to the pharmacy. The final straw was when the office told the pharmacist that they don’t answer questions from the pharmacist about the medication and would only discuss it with my wife. Of course when my wife tried to discuss it they didn’t have the time, took a message and never called back.

I still need to decide what to do next on the layout. There is a short stretch of track I could ballast just to feel like I have done something.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

The sky is clear and the temperature is cold this morning outside my window. 6 now headed for maybe 30 this afternoon.

Not much going on around here. I have one house plant to re-pot. It had been sitting on an upper shelf and I was watering it pretty much blind. When I got it down to bring it downstairs I discovered one whole side of the put was broken out with about a 2 inch diameter hole in one side. Tried a couple weeks ago to get into the lawn shed for some potting soil but the shed was frozen shut. I was finally able to get in the other day. Also located a new pot under the basement steps (that's where my wife stored them). I've never re-potted a plant before so this should be entertaining.

I received my new mp3 player yesterday and it's all charged up and ready for the gym. The other nice part about that is that the box it came in is the perfect size to ship the auction book to its new owner so mosey on over to the auction thread and get your bid in.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good Friday morning to ya, weather and gas prices are unpredictable. Yesterday, it was freezing early, and by mid-afternoon, I went out without a jacket. Glad I'm not up in Flagstaff, lows there have been -9, highs +17.. Down here, we'll be in the 70's in a few days. I think our news reporters have one-track minds....sports. We had the Super Bowl, the Phoenix Open, the pickelball national championship. Now all they talk about is our new basketball player, our new football coach, the Arabian Horse Show and, of course, Spring Training.

Gas has gone up from $3.19 to $3.59 overnight, even though the price of oil has dropped. Go figure...

Yes Tom, looks like everyone is waiting the last minute to bid on the book, just ready to jump on it. Well, if they wait too long, they're going to lose out, so someone start the bidding please. Tom is paying the shipping charges and now he has a box to ship it in, what more can you ask for?

Take care, everyone have a great weekend, and remember, Monday is a holiday in the US, meaning that garbage pickup will be delayed by one day next week. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 56 and raining. High is supposed to be 59. This morning when I was getting ready to leave the weather guesser said we would get some showers today. Well, we are getting a lot more than showers. It has been raining steady and heavily at times for the past two hours and does not appear to be letting up for the next couple of hours. It is raining hard enough that all the ironworkers and carpenters went home for the day.

My wife’s visit with the endocrinologist went well and had a few surprises. The surprises confirmed to us that it was time to change doctors. The new doctor had several changes to my wife’s medication and answered some of the lingering questions she has had for the last couple of years that the old doctor’s office never seemed to give an answer to.

I didn’t get any thing done on the workbench or layout. I did, however, continue my research about DCC decoders. I also priced out some.

This weekend I am not sure what we are going to around the house. I have a bunch of little projects that I need to finish.

I am at the what do I do next phase on the layout. Do I continue the ballasting, glue down more track, work on wiring, start a new building, layout roads? I do plan to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Happy Saturday, gang!

Cloudy and 23 at the moment with a supposed high in the low 30s.  Warmer for the next couple of days and then downhill again.

I needed a potato for supper last night so early yesterday i decided to run to the store for one.  Ok, check the chalk board for whatever else I need.  Write everything down.  Hit 2 different stores.  Get home and put everything away.  Only then did I realize that I had forgotten to write the potato on the list.  Eek Nope 

For a long time my cell phone only needed to be charged once a week.  For the last few weeks it had needed to be charged a couple times a week.  After some digging I found that an application for Youtube had updated itself and was running in the background.  Got that shut off.  Still looking for other programs that are running that shouldn't be.  Grrrr!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, temps in the 70's for the next four days, then drops into the 50's on Wednesday with a chance of rain. I see where that's coming from, Flagstaff has a high of 28 and snow on Wednesday. So far, they've had almost 98" of snow this year. It's suppose to be the snowiest place in the country, but there are those that debate that.

Tom, we've all been there, done that. I keep my shopping list on my cell phone now. Even now, I think of something to put on the list and by the time I get to my phone, I forget what it was. Icon_redface 

Gas here has gone crazy, oil prices drop, gas in the Phoenix area goes up. Costco at $3.34, major brands up to $3.99.

Monday was a record at the airport, some 200,000 people flew out, 15,000 rental cars checked in and you have to wonder where they put them. As for private jets, they're saying there were around 1000 of them, plus another 1100 other planes parked here. Can't you see the humiliation, coming in on a single-engine prop Cessna 172, parking it next to a $25,000,000 Gulfstream 650... the shame of it all Wallbang

So much for now, did get almost ten hours sleep last night, don't know if it's activity or just being old.  Waiting Time for breakfast, then heading to Loews for some plywood. Going to make a display case for my wooden engine. Have a great weekend, stay safe and enjoy what you're doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
31 degrees and sunny this morning in Northeastern MD. Starting to get the thoughts going about getting outside and renovating the property. It's a yearly operation, maintenance of about 25 garden beds and 50 or so tree rings on my 4-acre hilly property, and the installation of about 30 yards of mulch and/or compost I get from the county landfill. Hence spring means very little work on the model railroad. Grass will start to green up and demand cutting as well - which also makes me think about maintenance on my big zero-turn mower. Oil and filter changes, sharpening blades, lubrication.

My youngest is coming over in about an hour to do his taxes with me. Dog's grousing about my delay in taking a hike this morning as a result. The bride's gonna start to get impatient about flooring replacements in the bathrooms. Golf season starts in a little more than a month. More things that keep me away from model railroading.

Didn't keep me from running some trains last night. Had one locomotive that was doing fits-and-starts. Put a couple of drops of Rail Zip on her and she's running like a champ. The stuff is great, but don't overdo it - the film it leaves can really change your coefficient of friction between wheels and rails and you do more slipping than gripping.

Long weekend has started, and on Monday, I will have reached my Minimum Retirement Age. I intend to continue working for another 5 years and 8 months, but if they really tick me off, it's nice to know that I can pull the lever.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Hello Blue
Sun and 38, yesterday it sat at 22 all day. all the cars were covered with ice.
Got the tax's done yesterday. Not a hurry for refund, just want to file before someone else does using my name. Got a turkey roasting, bought 2 at Thanksgiving, that's when prices for them are lowest. The house smells extra good right now. Never bought an airplane, for that very reason, would be embarrassed parking it next to a larger one.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, no change in the weather, gas is up another dime. More shootings around the valley this week than we can count, many by teenagers. So many criminals let out on no bail that either commit another crime or disappear, yet we have a farmer here that shot a trespasser in self-defense and they're holding him on a million dollars bail. Sorry, but it's aggravating...

Stopped by Loews to pick up some plywood for my display case, couldn't find a decent parking spot, bunches of folks heading in. Too crowded, I'll go back later but this is a holiday weekend and I guess everyone has a project to work on. Would have gone across the street to Home Depot, but they're out of what I want. Supply chain issues I guess and their parking lot was probably full anyway. One advantage of being retired is that you can go to places most any time, why I chose the weekend to shop is kinda stupid....

Going target shooting on Tuesday, got all my guns back to working again, even was able to replace a missing spring. It's a tiny compression spring that is famous for getting lost, I know, I've lost three so far. But it's not worth ordering or going to a gunsmith since there aren't any that close, so I started taking some ballpoint pens apart that had springs. The springs come in all sizes, they were just a bit too round until the very last one, a really fat pen had the smallest spring. It fit, so I cut it in half and now I have a spare. Icon_cool 

Ya all take it easy and enjoy the weekend...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 29 outside my window this morning. Supposed to get to near 40 later. Yesterday turned out much better than predicted. Got to 42.

Yesterday was pretty routine for a Saturday. Laundry and some minor house cleaning. I did get the plant re-potted. Let's hope it survives. With the warm weather yesterday I was able fire up the space heater and sit on the porch for a while late yesterday afternoon. If the weather guessers hold true it will be a little too cool for that today.

Don - I know what you mean about going on the weekend. I went to Walmart last Saturday afternoon and it was mobbed. They only had two cashiers but all the self serve checkouts actually had lines also. I dropped what I wanted on a nearby shelf and walked out the door. Went back on Monday morning and was in and out in 10 minutes and that was actually with a cashier. End of today's rant.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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