loft layout
in the late 1960's my layout was built in the loft , British outline to the UK scale of 00 (1-76) , and the flexi code 100 Peco track was laid on foam underlay , now some years later the track & underlay has been lifted , all track & points got a couple of days soak in the bath tub .
Dried and cleaned track has been re-laid and now my first attempt at balasting (Woodlands)


main line with foam underlay
main line with track before balasting , also this section now has water trough's (water pans) fitted ...

Looks wonderful Mr. B. relaid track is a real plus too.
I agree with Charlie, and I must add that your blending of the modelled scenery with that on the painted backdrop is especially well done.   Applause Applause Applause

Thanks for giving us your backstory, it's looking good, keep going and keep us updated.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Nice scenery indeed.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Foam underlay was susceptible to spontaneous disintegration. Both Peco and Hornby.

I set up some sectional track with undelay glued to it (for floor layouts). I still have sections with glue and blobs of foam on the bottom.

What is under the track now?
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
That is one sweet looking scene. Great job!
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Looking good!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
thanks guys , some answers , the back screen/drop is the old Peco and has all been replaced with same from Peco , as still in stock .

the track bed under the track is thin MDF or Ply or Hardboard with PVA and granite (Woodland) , originally laid on soft board (Sundela)
but over the years this has taken a set to the frame under the layout , and my thinking is to try and level the ground to make the track
level once more , and will be ballasted .
more ballast will be added to the track , the photos pick up the faulty area's '

to-day's photo is the water troughs and track and notice new Peco back drop . it's clean !


tunnel mouth - England Wales Scotland we drive on the left (nowadays)

First rate!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
thanks guys for the kind comments , its sad I did not take lots of photos of the old layout during dismanteling .

the station area , old track/foam underlay removed and track laid before balasting , the station is a mainline through junction station with 4 platforms 


mainline track track is Peco code 100 , the 9mm N scale Kato track is for narrow gauge , it was to use the disused branch line from the station but plans have changed as this would prevent the re build of the loco depot in standard gauge 

to be continued ...
its been a long time but the layout has come on , again not many photos of the build , trying sone cork and casting rock face (Woodland ruber mold) ...


to be continued ....

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