The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
Man I never shop on weekends. Not worth it. Walmart here is the same, usually only one cashier and they don't seem to care.
35/49 today. Very unusual winter weather.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
I often say to my wife, "we're retired; why are we shopping on Saturday?"
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning and a happy Presidents Day for us here in the US. No changes here, temps in the 70's, gas is stable, well above the national average. People starting to trickle in again, Spring Training has sprung. Pretty soon we'll be seeing a bunch of guys standing around the practice fields with a glove on waiting to catch a ball that is hit over the fence. Don't really get that, are they souvenirs, do they sell them or maybe exchange them to get in to see practice? Haven't a clue why they'd spend hours waiting around looking at a fence in hopes that someone hits a ball over it.

Got to get to Loews before the price of lumber goes beyond affordable. A sheet of plywood is pushing $100, insane.... I want to make my display case out of oak, but I'm having second thoughts. Looking through my scrape pile to see what I can do.

Gotta go, meet a bunch of folks for breakfast this morning. We've got issues with Brenda's and might never go back, so we've found a new place. Everyone have a great day even if you don't have today off as a holiday.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 45 going up to 59.

With the warm weather the problem with the local street urchins has popped up again on the job site. Last week they broke the windows out of a brand new Cat off road dump truck. Over the weekend they tipped over all the porta potties on the site. Empty beer cans and liquor bottles are littered throughout the site.

This weekend was one where it seemed like nothing got done. Everything we started got halted at some point. My wife sold something online but could not send as the website had the wrong weight so the mailing label and price charged to the buyer was incorrect. She spent all weekend trying to resolve it and hopefully it is finally done. We went to the post office that is open later on Saturday like we normally do but upon arrival find out that their Internet is down so they can’t process any transactions. Since the item is a return my wife wants a receipt with the tracking information, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. Couldn’t do laundry since my daughter was doing her’s. We did get to the produce store, the grocery store, and most importantly the pharmacy. The doctor is changing some of my wife’s medications and we needed the new sizes to begin the change over the weekend.

I inventoried five boxcars that I had repaired. Three of them were brand new Intermountain cars that came with a ladder off and doors off that all required gluing. Next I decided to install a decoder in a DCC ready loco but that did not go well. The loco which ran fine a couple of months ago now barely ran and stalled on switch frogs. Upon inspection I found it soaked in oil and grease. In addition, the wires for the wheel contacts fell off when I was disassembling the trucks. The wires look corroded and brittle. Now my new project is to clean and repair the loco and then install the decoder.

My wife has an MRI this evening so I am not sure if I will get to work on the loco tonight or not.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 37 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Headed for a possible high in the upper 40s. Then everything goes down the drain. Rain, freezing rain, sleet, and snow area all predicted starting tomorrow. By Friday temps will be below zero again.

Quiet day yesterday but it got nice enough that I was able to do my internet surfing on the front porch. This morning I've been to the grocery store and all the goodies are put away except the strawberry cheese danish and I will be putting some of that away very shortly. Next up is a trip to the gym. Maybe after lunch I'll go for a walk as the weather is so nice.

Gas was down to $3.09 this morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
hi all. well, its Monday again things are about the same been on a nonstop building kits/scratch-built buildings nor Ludlow got 8 in various stages only have 9 or 10 to go plus 9 houses and 2 barns for sounding aera. other than that, been trying CBD for hip pain and they seem a bit better i can now walk around the block without taking walker to rest.
stay safe and warm, Jim.
It was too nice to be inside today - last gov't holiday until Memorial Day.

Refurbished my dog's invisible fence which consists of almost 2500 feet of buried wire. At each of the wire joins I have an access cover and occasionally they'll fill up with silt and I'll get an unintended ground loop - think that was the issue. I also got the chain saw out and did some limbing (multiple trips to the dump are now in my future) and followed that up with the weed wacker with the blade attachment to take down my ornamental grasses. Turned over my compost bins and started filling them up with the piles of ornamental grass then washed the truck.

Back's complaining, but not too loudly. Paint brushes are calling, I'm going to try to paint the riverbed and rocky areas near the railroad bridge tonight before going to bed at a decent hour to rouse myself for what's gonna end up being a 3-day work week.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good morning all, today looks like a mixed up day as far as the weather folks are concerned. One report says we'll be in the 60's with a decent chance of rain this morning, another says 70's with a tiny chance of rain, just not when. The weather lady on TV say maybe some rain tonight. I wonder if they ever talk to each other. Going target shooting this morning, got to see if I fixed the guns that I had problems with. The weather report for there is warm, little chance of rain, but windy. That means that our targets will be blown down and rolling all over the place.

I looked though my woodworking scrap pile and I redesigned my display case, so I may be able to get by without buying any lumber. I already bought some trim and acrylic, so I'm going to see what I can do with what I have.  get a woodworking magazine and they usually tell you the cost of materials for a project they show. Used to be most projects were in the low hundreds, now they're over  a thousand dollars, just to give you an idea of what hardwood has gone up. I want to use oak, and that's even hard to find, and out of sight when you do find it.

Gotta go load the truck, we're leaving early as usual. BTW, I'm still missing that trim that the body shop couldn't get. I called them last week, and it's still on back order. They said that some folks have been waiting months for parts.

Take care, have a good day, I hope your weather is improving, sounds like it is, but not everywhere. Flagstaff is looking at snow through the weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

13 at the moment and the NWS is claiming 33 for the high today. Yesterday was very nice and I spent a lot of time on the front porch. The rest of the week will not be nearly as pleasant. Rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow and high winds are all predicted for the next 72 hours, culminating in a low of -7 by Friday morning.

Fairly routine day yesterday. Grocery store run followed by a trip to the gym. Then i managed to get the car washed. Probably a waste of time and money with the approaching storm but it was getting pretty nasty looking.

Don - with the targets moving around it will give you a chance to improve your accuracy.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 40 heading up to 54. We had some rain overnight so the job site is a mud pit. They say we will get more rain later in the day.

We didn’t go to my wife’s MRI last evening. They called and rescheduled due to the machine being down. Didn’t do much as for the first time since the shot in my back I had some pain. It was a 5 so nowhere near the 9-10 I got before the shot. Also it went down with some Tylenol and a heating pad.

Later I did get the last 4 boxless Athearn blue box 50 Ft boxcars tuned up and inventoried. I also got them boxes. It is annoying that once you assemble and install the couplers these cars do not fit in their original boxes. I did not get a chance to work on the locomotive but I did watch some videos on soldering for model railroads.

I have an appointment with the orthopedic doctor after work. I hope to work on cleaning the loco this evening.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I remember years ago that magazines would comment in their reviews whether the car would fit back in its box.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Hello Blue
No train news. Sun 37 degrees. Quite windy. Feels cold.
We were out this morning, got gas @ $2.99, Shell station. Others were $3.29. Wife got a haircut and we stopped for some veggies.
Another ice storm is forecast Wed. afternoon.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, suppose to be a chilly damp day today. Temps in the high 50's, never made it to 70 yesterday. We did go target shooting, was not the best day we've had. We stopped for breakfast as usual at the truck stop only to find the restaurant is being remodeled into a Black Bear. Drove around Tonopah for an hour and all we found was a closed Mexican food truck. We didn't want to go back because they're repaving I-10 and it was down to a single lane. After shooting for a while, we were hit with what seemed like hurricane force winds making the wind-chill somewhere in the negative numbers so we left earlier than usual. We stopped by a Cracker Barrel on the way back, not impressed, the pancakes were underdone and everything else was overdone, I think I'm still trying to digest what I ate Waiting .... We need to find another restaurant before we go out again.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, did not make it to the Mardi Gras yesterday, I consistently forget to buy tickets until the last minute so once again, I missed it all. At least I can brag about not having a hangover today...

Suppose to be some major storms around the US today, take care and stay safe. You guys in Canada, that's understood and you folks in OZ, don't get sunburned.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Some light snow and 25 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Also on the weather schedule for today are freezing rain, sleet, and winds near 40 mph. Gonna be a good day for a pot of chili.

Never did much of anything yesterday and today looks to be a repeat of that. I did go out late yesterday afternoon to order flowers for the funeral for a long time family friend and neighbor. Visitation is tomorrow evening and funeral service on Friday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a little chiller than the past few days at 36. It is heading up to 43.

As predicated after I got hoe from the doctor not much got done. I did throw a load of laundry in the washer.

I added screws to the coupler clips and changed the plastic wheels to metal on some more Athearn blue box kit boxcars. I have one more blue box kit to tune up. I fixed a MDC/Roundhouse kit that was previously built. The original builder apparently did not understand how to attach the weights with the suppled plastic washers. I added the washers and a little glue to secure the weights. I changed the wheels to metal. I need to check the coupler height.

On the Bowser AS16 I reassembled the wheel assembly and lubed it. I was going to solder the wires back to the contacts but found my small wire strippers are missing. I had to order a new pair. I still need to clean the other wheel assembly.

Today I have an EMG on my legs to see if the nerves are causing the pain I am sometimes experiencing. I will see how feel afterwards as to what gets done. There is always laundry. Hopefully I can get some train time in.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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