The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, some nice weather ahead, high 70's today, mid to high 80's from here on. No rain, but we're still dealing with flooding in anticipation of the snow melt. Still, they are talking about changing water distribution from the Colorado River, shifting some from Arizona to California. Crazy people in charge of things like this....

Screwed up, was going to fill up at Costco yesterday at $4.49, but never went out, so I got stuck at $4.55 this morning. Most everyone else is $4.69 and up. One Cheveron station about 2 miles away is $5.19, and others, $5.39 in outlying areas. We are now on par with California, the highest in the nation.

Not much else to talk about, old folk tend to talk a lot about the weather, rising prices and medical care. I'll skip the medical this time if you don't mind.

Take care and have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Another cool windy day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 33 now headed for the low 40s with winds also in the low 40s. Had a light dusting of snow overnight.

Friday was not kind to me. Started to change the oil on my car. The jack wasn't working right. On further investigation there was a seal leaking. The jack is over 30 years old so no parts available. Off to Harbor Freight for a new jack. Nothing under $100. Next stop Bomgaars (a region farm and fleet type store). Found one for $35. Brought it home and the oil change proceeded according to normal practices until the last moment when I went to pick up the oil filler cap I inadvertently knocked it into the air intake. Internet searches reveled that about the only way to get it back was taking off the front wheel, removing the wheel well liner, looking for hidden bolts, etc,, etc, Called the local auto parts store. They could have one for me by Saturday morning. Saturday morning arrives cold and rainy. Hop on the bicycle and get the cap along with a new air filter. There's another possibility for recovering the cap but I will have to take it to a repair shop.

Only activity for today is to watch my nieces in dance competition in Texas. Gotta love live streaming.

Gas was down to $3.39 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, hanging around for a few minutes waiting to go to church. We should be back in the 90's all this week, no sign of rain. Flagstaff is 28 right now, headed to 65, so we will see more snow melt this week.

Gas right now is running around $4.69, some brand names going over $5.00. The lowest price in Arizona is $3.35 in some really remote areas like Bullhead City. Just checked in Texas, gas will under $3.00. Someone is making a fortune here in the Phoenix area.

Tom, really not a good day for doing car maintenance.

Got in touch with Mossberg on sending my gun back and they suggested that I see if I can't take the bolt out and look for a foreign object. That means disassembling the entire gun, but I followed the instructions in their manual, and sure enough, I found a live round of ammo behind the bolt. Eek That my friends is very scary. Pulling the bolt back hard trying to get it to slide and squeezing on a live round could set it off. How it got there and how to prevent it from happening again, is an issue that I need to find out from Mossberg.

Y'all have a fine day today, stay safe, have fun....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
     Tom, you just reinforced my reasons for no longer changing my own oil. The last time I changed my own oil (10 years ago) I figured by the time I got the filter replaced and found a place to get the old oil disposed of it was just cheaper to have it done.  We have some local dealers that often have specials cheaper than I can buy the oil and filter. Of course they try to sell you other stuff but I persevere and get the advertised price with no additional charge.  I take the Kia to the dealership and the last change was $39 (synthetic oil) and that included a free wash job and tire rotation and I had 2 hot dogs and a coke + a cookie on the house while I was waiting. I passed on the $200 dollar brake job and the air and cabin filters and wiper blades even though I did need them. The brakes were done by my son and the filters were a 5 minute job. The wiper blades still work fine but we do have a new pair waiting 

     We had some rain last night but not the storms they predicted. It is a beautiful morning but another chance for thunderstorms this afternoon. They are predicting a cooler week ahead. 

      I got my grass all mowed but it is growing so fast it could be done again. With the price of gas it will get cut once a week whether it needs it or not. 

      I got a few more locomotives out of boxes and on the new yard trackage. I found a few I had misplaced so now it is coming along. I had a district that lost power and I was lucky to find the loose wire immediately.  I did know where to look because I had wired the new section to the main board and I had accidently let one wire out of the terminal block but it was still touching until yesterday when something moved and it became separated completely  causing an open. I had figured it would be tough to find but I would rather be luck than good in this case  Icon_e_biggrin 

       I was glad to see Bruce post on Friday, now if we can hear from Deano, Todd (Tmo) and Steve it will be great. GEC and his tarantulas is still awol too among many others.  

      Tompm I hope they can get your hearing fixed up and I hope you can get your wifes medication.

       Days, I hope all is well with you. I see you posted before I got this up so I will edit. That is real scary about the live round in the wrong place. Is that a semi Automatic?  I hope they can give you some answers. If that was an automobile there would be an instant safety recall.   

       I hope every one has a great week ahead. 

(04-16-2023, 07:27 AM)Charlie B Wrote:        Days, I hope all is well with you. I see you posted before I got this up so I will edit. That is real scary about the live round in the wrong place. Is that a semi Automatic?  I hope they can give you some answers. If that was an automobile there would be an instant safety recall.   
       I hope every one has a great week ahead. 

Yeah Charlie, a semi-auto .22 LR AR tactical (in appearance only). That is a very dangerous situation, and I'm wondering if my original, out-of-the -box problem wasn't from when they test fired it. They said they replaced the bolt, but I can't see how the bolt could malfunction to cause it to lock up like that. I will be on the phone to Mossberg tomorrow for sure, that is a dangerous gun the way it is.

And for what Tom went through, I haven't changed my own oil in so long, I can't remember when. As far as Harbor Freight and buying a jack, I see they currently have jacks on sale for $179. They've gone from a low priced reasonable quality, to high priced, can't be sure quality. I have a jack I bought there well over 25 years ago and all I've done to service it was to put in new oil. I'm sure I didn't spend over $39 for it back then. I have a 10" table saw I bought there for under $100 back in 2002, and it still runs well. Can't be sure if they've upped the quality, but they sure have upped their prices.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 53 with a chilly wind currently along the Schuylkill River in Manayunk. Our high is supposed to be 67 with a chance of some storms. We had one roll through overnight. Apparently, it was bad in some areas but in Drexel Hill the pavement was wet except under the trees.

Had fun getting to the work trailer this morning. The only road in was blocked due to car fire. We had to wait almost an hour before we could get into the site. Second car fire in two weeks. The road into the site has nothing but abandoned lots and woods along it so we are guessing the burnt cars have been stolen cars someone was disposing of.

All plans for the weekend went out the window literally. Our downstair window air conditioner which cools the entire first floor died on Thursday. It was pumping air but the compressor was dead. I ordered a new one Friday was told it would come on Tuesday. To my surprise it was delivered Sunday. My daughter and I spent about four hours installing it. It was an hour and a half for the new one and two and a half hours removing the old one.

Saturday, we did some running. Went to the post office, Staples, and Kohl’s to make some returns. I spent the better part of the day finishing taxes. I was supposed to go to the grocery store but I did not make it until Sunday evening.

Nothing got done on the layout, or workbench. I did enter and edit a few cars in my inventory program.

Today I had to hit the grocery store to get a few items I forgot over the weekend. I then need to begin tackle the laundry as it has been neglected the past week.

If I can get some train time I want to work on the walls for the Morgan House and scenery around the Union Station. Maybe I could try to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning
     It is Monday. My left lower back and hip are in need of a chiropractor. I called mine and found out they have moved out of town because of the derailment. The receptionist said the office smelled too bad to work in. It is rather odd because they are next door to a hot dog shop, McDonalds, and a Rite-Aid drug store that were only closed for 3 days, and the office is farther away from the wreck than my house. I think maybe they are going for the big payout. The other fellow in town is affected because they have the road to his office blocked off because he is within a block of the site. There is a highly recommended chiropractor in Darlington (about 7 miles away) but he takes Monday off so I will call him tomorrow. 

     I got some more models out of boxes and placed in the new yards. I found things I had been missing so it was a good evening. 

     We have light rain and 47 degrees and it will probably remain the same all day. 

      Tom, you gave me a reminder, I haven't cleaned my window AC yet so it is a good time to get it done. I take mine apart every year and clean the fins. The filter allows enough dirt to get through that it will plug if you don't keep them clean. I had one I got for free that didn't cool and would freeze up. It was so bad I sprayed it with Awesome soap full strength and used the hose on it. I let it dry in the sun for 3 days before trying it and I used it for 10 years before it just quit. 

     I have to go get mower gas so I may do that in a while and then just hide in the train room for the remainder of the day. 

Everyone enjoy the spring weather. 
Good morning everyone, things are warming up here, bouncing between normal (mid-80's) and low 90's.

I didn't get the newspaper on Saturday or yesterday, I called and canceled my subscription. It didn't seem to matter too much that I've been a subscriber since 1956. The last words from the agent was, "let's do this...." before I cut him off and said, 'just cancel, I'm tired of paying for papers that I either don't get or get so late, I don't read them".

As for my gun, I talked to Mossberg and they're saying that as long as I've cleared the obstruction, I'm, "good to go". I got a bit upset, but after evaluating the situation, I think my problem originated when I put a friend's magazine in and it kept slipping loose. I think it picked up a round that way and slid it underneath the bolt. Scrapes on the bullet verifies that it wasn't jammed behind the bolt. They think it's safe to shoot and so do I.

Nothing else going on around here, gas is still going up, some stations jumped a nickle to $4.74, while Costco and Sam's Club dropped to $4.45. High for regular is $5.39 in a few places. Why folks pay that when there's a station down the street at $4.69 kinda of boggles my mind.

Enough playing grouchy old man, got a free day today, got a woodworking project that I'm going to start. Everyone have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Yesterday it was 75 degrees. Today it is 39 with wet snow showers from time to time.
Out this morning to the skin oligist. Then Lowes & Menards. My wife burned up my gift cards real fast. I remined her that they were my gift cards, didn't faze her so I said happy Mother's Day.
Gas was holding @ $3.59.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. well its Monday again. not much new around here orange trees are through blooming and looks like it will be a good harvest if the wind doesn't blow the sets off, roses are in full bloom our century plant is blooming it's about 9 feet tall. haven't done much with layout need to get into town and sell a kidney so i can buy some lumber gas prices are on the rise here as everything else.
stay safe Jim.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and cool at 33 degrees this morning. Rain moves in the evening along with temporarily warmer temperatures. 65 today, 70 tomorrow, then back to the 40s and 50 for the rest of the week.

Very quiet day yesterday. I was just in a really down mood. Feeling much better today. Swimming later and I need to run some errands. Baseball this evening at 6.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, nothing new here, as Jim says, prices for everything are out of sight. National brand gas is now $5.19, QT, Circle K, Fry's all at $4.69 and up. Large eggs going for around $4.00/dz at Walmart, and yeah, you have to have second thoughts about building something when a sheet of plywood gets over $100. Someone is getting filthy rich.

A free day today, I know I have enough scraps around to start on my woodworking project. Home Depot gives vets a 10% discount with the exception of lumber, appliances and a few other popular items. Think about that, the things you need the most are the things they won't discount.

The word is out that Brenda's Kitchen has been sold again. Doesn't matter, the early morning crowd has moved on and won't go back, especially since they're not opening until 7:00. I can hear Brenda sobbing in the background, "what have they done to my restaurant?".....  Her husband says that she will not go back because of all the changes.

Take care everyone, enjoy the day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 44. Supposed to get to 70 later on. Maybe some strong storms this evening. Got a quarter inch of much needed rain overnight.

Not much happened yesterday. Trip to the gym was routine. Afterwards I picked up a few groceries. My daughter called about 4:30 and wanted to meet me for supper. Went to a local sports bar and I suffered a little sticker shock. $13 for a cheeseburger and some cottage cheese. Lettuce, tomato, onion etc. to go on top was an extra $2 (not mentioned by the waitress at the time the order was placed).

Went to the ball game but gave up after an hour. Cold and very windy.

Gas jumped from $3.43 to $3.59. Eggs were $3.49.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. I canceled my usual breakfast get-together since I have a last minute ultrasound scheduled. Got to sleep in a bit longer, but not going to eat until after the test.

I have a feeling that someone is driving the prices up more around here than elsewhere, making the Phoenix area undesirable to move to. Yet we are building new sub-divisions and huge apartment and condo complexes as fast as they find people to build them. Maybe they too are trying to beat the increase in lumber prices. I did buy several packages of wood at Hobby Lobby a while back, so I'm OK at the N scale level, but I would like to build some full scale projects, but I may need a second mortgage to do that. Yeah, I go back a long way, I can remember when walnut was $1.00 a board foot and that was expensive back in the 1960's. Now I see red oak at $15 a board foot and a 4' x 8' oak plywood is around $100 (was $35 before the pandemic).

So much for that, not much else to be concerned about right now, can't do anything to change it if we wanted to, so we just go on and hope things get better. Take care, have a great day and smile, that always helps....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
     I rolled out of bed early but haven't got much done. I am sitting on the heating pad getting my back pain to lesen. It is a sunny morning but still cool on the sunporch. When it warms a bit I am going to go to the treadmill and see if I can walk this pain out. I think there may be a pinched nerve in my hip but the heat is helping and so is the Tylenol and ibuprofen. 

     I didn't go to the train room at all yesterday but I am hopeful I can spend ah hour or so today.  I have another Kato locomotive that needs the details installed. I ordered a decoder for an Athearn DCC ready Monday (the 17th) and paid the extra 2 bucks for 2 day priority mail. The post office says I will get it Saturday, the 22nd. I guess they use the new math to figure 2 days. Wink

     Lordstown motors is building trucks again I think they have built 40 in the last 2 years They were supposed to build 500 in 2022 and 2500 this year but the total for 2022 was 2.  They were counting on a big order from the Post Office that went to a company in Wisconsin. I frankly think it is a ponzi scheme. A company is building a plant to supply the batteries for the company too. So far there has been several CEOs that bailed out of Lordstown Motors but got substantial severance benefits   The initial stock was offered at 10 dollars and quickly jumped to 25 . It is trading today at 56 cents.  At 56 cents it is a very risky buy. GERN is doing way better at 2.14 a share. 

      I really think we need to have another video chat. I am free most evenings so if someone will co-ordinate a time maybe we can get more participation. I think we could use google meet for that and that should work for mac's too. Maybe we can get some of the new people to join in. 

     Good Day all

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