The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
We have to get a urine sample from the cat. Just persuade him to pee into that little sample bottle.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning good people, rubber stamp Tuesday, temps still around 100, no rain, gas down slightly but still well above the national average.

Nice trick David if you can do it. Don't even know why a vet would ask without telling you how. Good luck...

Nothing else going on here, no big sporting events scheduled, no automobile or horse auctions until January, pickleball and tennis won't pick up until Fall, I don't know what folks here are going to do with their free time. You use to find them at the mall wondering around in air conditioned indoor shopping, but they've torn down all but one about 8 miles from me, and it's thriving even though a lot of the big stores that were there are no longer in business. The biggest mall in Arizona, Metro Center, shut down about two weeks ago and is now at the mercy of the wrecking ball. I watched them build Paradise Valley Mall in the late 70's, that was leveled about two years ago except they saved Penny's and Costco. Tempe voted down building a complex that included the hockey arena for the Coyotes, so now they are thinking about taking over a mall in Mesa that is still standing, but totally empty.

Enough for now, got an early morning appointment than the rest of the week is open. I hope you all are having a great week, and good to hear that both Charlie's  and Tom's wives are doing better. Prayers for everyone in need.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun is shining through the smokey haze. 80 for today.
Gas is still at the $3.39. Not sure about eggs as we haven't shopped yet.
No train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
We started early this morning with 50° when I got up at 0630. It has made it to 55 and is headed for 74. We have a lot of haze from the wild fires. 
I did get the weeds sprayed yesterday. I have a 50 gallon sprayer so it didn't take long. I mixed 20 gallons and had 5 left. I got my whole drive done and along the back fence where there is some poison ivy coming up.  I filled a pot for My wife so she could use it for a planter.  

         This morning I ordered come concrete brick for tomorrows project.  

          I got up too early..I think it is nap time. 
Good morning folks

It is a pleasant 59 on its way to 78.

When I got home from work the wife was having a rough time. I convinced her to go and sit in the recliner in the living room which she did. She dozed off while I took my shower. I let her nap for a little over an hour before I got her up for dinner. Apparently, the nap was what she needed as she felt a great deal better. Unfortunately, she had a nasty attack around 8:30. After taking a treatment with her medication through the nebulizer she felt well enough to take a shower. No more attacks during the rest of the evening or overnight.

I learned that my first cousin who lived in the Tampa area passed away suddenly. She had gone to the doctor’s office for a check-up. At the doctor's office she fell and was taken to the hospital. She had broken her hip. They also discovered her potassium levels were at the lethal level. She was rushed to the ICU where she spent several days. When they felt she was stable enough they operated on her hip. After a day or two of recovery in the hospital she was sent to a rehab center. Her daughter spoke to her in the morning after she arrived, and all was well. She was upbeat and according to her daughter seemed like her old self. Her daughter received a phone call about 11 PM saying that at 9 PM they found her mom unresponsive. They worked on her for over an hour but could not resuscitate her. My mother and I had a long correspondence with her over the years. When my wife, the kids, and I visited Clearwater several years ago we met her, her daughter (my second cousin), and her daughter’s husband for dinner. My daughter and her daughter have been corresponding for several years now as they are both budding authors. We are waiting to hear about arrangements.

I finished decaling the FTA A-unit. I need to seal it tonight, remove the masking for the windows, and put back the headlight and porthole “glass”, and put the shell back on. I removed the shell from the FTB-unit and the porthole glass. I gave the shell a coat of gloss. If all goes well, I hope to decal it.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Tom - my condolences on your family's loss.

Weather here is remaining pleasant. Lows in the 50s and highs in the low 80s with comfortable levels of humidity. Now, if we could just get rid of that pesky smoke...

My sister-in-law and her husband arrived around two yesterday, Had a nice visit with them. They are on their way back to Michigan. after spending the last year and a half in Nebraska. He served as an interim pastor at a small town in northern Nebraska. They left early this morning. Up next will be a trip to the great-grandson's school for their track and field day. It lasts all day but I don't intend to spend that much time there.

Gas price is starting to jump back up with one station already back to $3.49, up cents after dropping 19 cents the day before.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
'Morning, all.

Spent yesterday recovering from 2 nights and three days of tent camping.  Still cleaning up and putting away.
Wife agrees we probably will be able to do this for maybe only 5 more years til our bodies rebel.
It was fun, but a lot of work to pack up both ways.

: )
Don: There is a trick to it. The vet supplies a special litter which goes in a smallish litter pan. When the cat uses the litter, the liquid isn't absorbed but pools. It can then be sucked up by a syringe and put in the container. Then my wife throws out the syringe before I can find a use for it on the railway.

Condolences to Tom and his family.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning, just about 5:00, sun is due in about a half-hour. The only change in the weather is they say it will be partially cloudy on Monday, no change it the temps. They're forecasting just under 100, actual temps coming in just over 100.

More and more gas stations are now dropping, $4.64 to $4.84 is popular, but I doubt that we'll see anything below $4.00 unless we go out of town. It still boggles my mind, Costco and Sam's are raising prices while everyone else is lowering them. They are both up around 30 cent more than they were a few weeks ago, still have a few hanger-ons, the highest I see is, $5.59 up on I-17

Pat, his wife and my granddaughter will be heading to Jolly ol' England on Saturday. His wife's passport expired and even paying the expediting fees, it was a nail-biter, but it showed up yesterday. So if we have any issues with Big Blue, we may not get them fixed until he returns. He just renewed our SSL certificate (https://) for another year so we are as updated as we need to be. That means that Flatt Bear will be taking a break as well.

That's it, got to get ready to go out for breakfast. I stopped by the old Brenda's Kitchen yesterday, it looks OK, just not the same. All the visual memories are gone. The menu has changed and the food is good. A few of the old staff are still there, but the big change is that the owner is working, just like Brenda and her husband. Unlike to last two previous owners that didn't, he has a chance of making it.

Take care, stay safe and enjoy the day.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
       It's a little cool here but heading for 79 degrees.
       Gas prices are still around 3.50 here but they will take a serious jump tomorrow so the folks can also enjoy higher gas prices for their holiday trip. 

        My wife made some sandwiches yesterday that are made in hot dog buns. When she opened the pack I bought the other day she discovered they had made them lower in calories by making the shorter. They were 4 inches long. This downsizing of products is getting just plain ridiculous. Does anyone stop to think how muck more packaging it takes to package things when you buy more packages to get the same amount of product.  

       I figured out the problem with the Q2 last night. It should have been a no brainer but I took over a week of thinking. It had been stopping dead intermittently and no power to the drivers. It finally dawned on me the trailing truck and pilot truck were taking the weight off the drivers and causing an open. The trailing truck and pilot have insulated wheels on both sides. Some minor adjustment will cure the problem for sure, 

       I hope Packy has a great get away. I have family in England but have no desire to visit there. I am in contact with my second cousin and her husband  and they used to come once a year when my mom was living, even though they were my dad's cousin. 

hi all. Been a tiring week took off last Wednesday and headed to grand junction Colorado youngest son had a somewhat serious operation all went well mom nursed him till he felt better and we drove home yesterday (750 miles Stright through). gas prices were all over the place ranging from 3.09 to 4.34 highest was in tuba city lowest was in grand junction , flag staff was the same as here 4.09   as a side point grand junction got its name where the grand river (now known as the Colorado river) and the Gunnison meant. other than being tired from driving all is the same here  did stop in a hobby store in junction and scored several back issues of the narrow-gauge gazette.
all stay safe.

by the way Charlie interment shorts and opens can be a headache to find glad it worked out.
Hello Blue
66 now with a constant breeze.
Home from Walmart, it's the closest, got out pretty fast for there. 
Egg price is down, I got a two pack of 18 for $3 something. Gas is $3.49 at those we passed.
This month has slipped away, it's almost gone and I don't know where it went.
Almost forgot to get new tabs for the cars as my BD is next month. Had to pay the CC fee in order to get them on time. I usually just mail in.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and a little breezy this morning. 58 now going to 77 later. No sign of rain until the middle of next week.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Did some grocery shopping. Late yesterday afternoon I git the logging train out. Had a number of derailments with five cars in the train. Took two out and it ran very well for quite some time. Added a fourth and all continued to be well. When I put the fifth car on the derailments returned. The engine has plenty of power to 5 cars so I'm not sure what the problem is. All the cars are free rolling. I'll need to check wheel spacing next.

Not much planned for today.

Jim - glad to hear your son is doing well.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, good morning. Had nobody to go to breakfast with today so I slept in an extra hour. Now, all I need to do is to figure out what to make, or do I sneak out on my own.

No change in temps, as for gas, Costco and Sam's are up a few cents, others are down a few. Looks like they're going to meet somewhere around $4.74.... just a guess. Still plenty of stations at $4.99 up to $5.59 so some still aren't giving in.

Eggs at Walmart are $1.40 for a dozen large, a two pack of 18 for $4.12. Someone is trying to make the cost of living in the Phoenix area high enough so folks won't move here I guess... It use to be that housing was well below the national average and we had the cheapest gas prices in the nation. Not anymore. Not too long ago houses in Sun City were going for under $100K, today they're two to three times that.

Nothing else going on here of importance right now, we have a long weekend ahead for lots of folks, that used to be our first camping trip for the season when we had the kids. We'd be up in Oak Creek waiting for the camp grounds to open so we could get our favorite spot. Not like today where you now have to reserve you spot weeks ahead. Back then, you could find a spot, pay the fees and stay there as long as you wanted to. Wouldn't be able to do that today, if I did go camping, I don't know if I would be able to even get into a sleeping bag on the ground, and if I did, I couldn't get out without help.  Nope Those were the good old days...

Time to go rustle up some breakfast, or do I go to Denny's? Everyone have a great day, glad to hear folks are doing better.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hi everyone
      It sounds like everyone has good news so we can lead into a weekend feeling good. We are staying home. I ordered some things from walmart and it was over 35 bucks so they will deliver it to the house for free. 

      I adjusted the trailing truck on the Q2 yesterday and it now runs like a champ. My next project is a decoder in a spectrum F40PH, (No sound) It has strobe lights that need to function so I have to figure how to connect them to the decoder. 

      After breakfast I took our toaster to the shop to see if I could get ti to function as it did when new. I figured it was crumby but the crumb tray wasn't bad. I turned it upside down and used my air blow gun and that brought the crumbs out of their hiding places. I brushed all the ones I could see, then blew air around the control knob and the "put the toast don" lever.  It paid off and once again is toasting as set and is toasting evenly. Cheap Chuck wins again. 

       I did a few more outside jobs yesterday so I am getting caught up but it is time to mow the grass again. 

Happy weekend

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