The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning, Monday isn't it? No change in the weather, another record high yesterday. We were the lead story on "Sunday Morning" yesterday, they didn't talk about it, but the county had to order some extra temporary holding chambers, we're losing too many folks from the heat. They interviewed one guy who is living with no electricity or running water. Don't know how they found him, but there are literally hundreds of places here specifically for people to get out of the heat and they will even pick you up and drive you there.

Just checked, Costco and Sam's are up 19 cents for gas this past week. I filled up last Tuesday at $3.65, they're now at $3.84. Heading to $5.00 a gallon again....

This week is wide open, I have to go to Costco one day. I'm running out of a few things and some of them are on sale. One thing about them is that when they put something on sale, they rarely run out.

Take care, have a great week, and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is currently cloudy, bordering on dreary 73 heading up to 86. We had some rain overnight. Later this afternoon or evening we are supposed to get the kitchen sink. We have thunderstorms, high winds, heavy rain, and the possibility of a tornado.

Saturday, we made all our planned outings. We hit the produce store, the pharmacy, PetSmart, and BJ’s. I did some heavy-duty floor cleaning, trying out a new Swifter for wood floors. I even threw a load of clothes into the washer and dryer. Sunday the wife and daughter headed out to Home Goods while I made an Amazon return at Kohl’s. Went to Home Depot to get a quart of paint we need for some touch ups. The original canned dried up on us. Lastly, I made a stop at the grocery store. We gave the Guinea pig cage a good cleaning. I still have to trim their nails. I do the trimming while the wife holds them.

I fixed the couplers on a Rapido PRR F30D TOFC. I also remedied the problem with them dragging. It was a combination of using the tool to scrap out the axle pocket on the truck and adjust the molded brakes which were rubbing against the wheels. I installed a decoder in one of my Bowser Alco Demonstrator Century C-628’s and programmed the address into. I then added it to the consist of the two Reading C-630’s. However, the C-628 runs faster than the C-630’s so I now have to try my hand at speed matching for the first time.

Hopefully the rain will hold off until after work. The crew is working feverishly to get the formwork and rebar in place for tomorrow’s scheduled concrete pour. We are hoping the coming rain won’t be too bad in Pottsville and Reading, thus keeping the river water level down. After work I need to drop a package off at the post office.

Tonight, I want to attempt to do the speed matching. I also should install a decoder in the other C-628 locomotive. If all goes well I then want to run some trains.

I hope everybody as a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cool and pleasant here in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Very happy to be out of the miserable heat and humidity of southern Texas. 50 now with a high of 80. 40% chance of rain tonight and 50% tomorrow. Got almost 2 inches while I was gone.

Very tired when I got home yesterday. I was in bed asleep by 9:30 last night. Normal bedtime is around 11. Feeling better today but neck muscles still sore from driving that Ford Explorer for two days. I was very happy to return it and get back into my own car.

Grocery run later on this morning. Then get caught up on laundry. Otherwise today has been declared an official day of rest.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, another warm morning here, it's just about 5:00 and it's still 91 out. We may not make it to 110 today, but that could be just a joke by the NWS. Still no rain, this puts us in second place now at 138 days with no measurable rain at the airport, or in my neighborhood.

Apparently gas prices are suppose to rise all over the country, we, of course, are proud to be leaders in that respect. Costco and Sam's are both up to $3.79 here, but are $3.59 in Glendale, about 10 miles away. Strange how they choose to do that, local competition, why not fair competition....

Did a Costco run yesterday, wasn't as bad as I expected. Crowded, but easy in and easy out. I even get help from Costco loading the truck. No way am I going to lift a case of water bottles out of the cart. At home, I can slide them into a rolling cart I have and wheel it over to the spare fridge in the garage. Easy-peasy.... I now have enough TP to get me through another pandemic. Icon_rolleyes Really glad they have limits on that stuff, I still have visions of that woman with a cart filled with TP and fighting an old lady who thought that was a bit excessive.

Nothing else going on, but if this heat keeps up, I might consider a trip to Northern Iowa. Stay cool my friends...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
I got nothing, just checking in. Yesterday was gloomy so my wife did a scrub down in the kitchen. I helped only when called upon. Best to stay out of the way. 
We have sun through a hazy sky, Hi of 83 by afternoon. Mayhaps some storms coming late evening.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Light rain and 64 outside my window this morning. Rain should in in the next half hour or so and the it's supposed to get to the upper 70s later.

All of yesterday's tasks were completed in a routine fashion. Today will be a resumption of my trips to the gym. Not much else planned.

Don - you are more than welcome to visit. I'll even run the Backyard & Southern for you. You may, however, want to bring at least a sweater or 6 as the predicted high for the next week will be on Saturday when it hits 85.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, well we finally had a storm yesterday morning, really dumped almost an inch in some places. The problem is that it never got west of I-17, nope nada, zip, not a drop even at the airport. Mother Nature is really being mean to us on the west side of the valley. Yesterday only reached 110, so it's cooling down. Ya know, it's pretty bad when you go out in the morning and it feels cool, but it's still over 90. Waiting 

Had to change all my local speed dial numbers to add the area code. As of Saturday, we have to dial the area code even if we're calling a neighbor. They are mixing up the area codes here so now we were 623 on this side of town, 602 and 480 on the center and east sides. Now, new phones anywhere could get any of them depending on the whim of their phone company. Anyone remember when we only had one phone company for your entire state? Anyone remember when there weren't area codes and you had to dial "0" to get an operator if you wanted long distance?

Got another free day today, no appointments until next week so time to do some chores around the house. Still too hot to clean up the garage, but I might straighten things out a bit there, maybe. Just looked at my thermometer and it says that it's 97 in the garage. Maybe straightening up can wait.

Take care, have a great day and send some of your rain our way if that's not asking too much of you.... Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I remember when we just picked up the phone and told the nice young* lady what number you wanted. (Well, maybe i was pre-teen and they were all at least twice my age.) Our number was 379-J. My aunt in the big city had a number with two letters and four numbers. And the letters atarted some sort of word.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

62 with some haze going to the low 80s. Got about a quarter inch from yesterday morning's rain.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Today will be a little noisier as I need to mow the yard. After that it's time for the next application of fertilizer.

Our first phone when I was a kid was a party line and I can remember my mother being so upset because she was certain others on the line were listening to her.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. We may not hit 110 today and for a few more days, then back to the grind. We don't talk about rain, 140 days without a drop in most parts of the valley including the airport and right here in Surprise.

Yeah, we had a party line to that ended in "J", and the town was big enough to have prefixes, KE2 and KE3. We had two other families on our line along with an actual dial. Pick up the phone, and you either hear a conversation going on or a dial tone. I remember when we just moved to Wickenburg in the late 90's and I picked up the phone to hear someone talking. Seems like we got cross connected to the local KFC franchise. As I remember, they got shut down shortly after when they found someone cooking drugs in the back room. Maybe if I listened to some of those calls, I'd have heard a drug deal going down... Icon_e_surprised

Still got a open day today, need a few things at Walmart and that's about it.

Take care, stay safe and enjoy the day.... Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun this morning, mayhaps rain later. Hi today of 83.
Fires on Maui, sad, it appears the most popular town on the island is just a memory today. Been there twice, Maui is beautiful.
Need bread and milk so off to Aldis soon.
I read that the winter snow helped Lake Mead at least it is somewhat better.
We too had a party line, I remember each party had a different amount of rings.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Hi all' well things are getting better still don't have any energy tire easily.
the first phone i remember was at my grandfather's house there were 4 lines in the valley one east one West one north and one south if you wanted to call sone on your line you just cranked out there ring code grandfathers house was 2 longs and 1 short if you wanted someone on the other line you had to call operator and she would connect you. my how times have changed.
stay safe and well.
Good morning all, a short one, running a bit late, overslept. I fully understand that tiredness thing Jim, I think it's age related, plus it takes a lot of energy to recover from the medical issues we have.

Little change in the weather, we were suppose to be around 105 yesterday, we hit 109. Maybe today. We also tied the record yesterday for the most consecutive days where it never got below 90. I can't remember the number, but it's a record.

That's it. Need to cut back on driving, Giant jump, normal here is now, $4.19 yesterday, today that could go up higher.

Take care, have a great day and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a fairly nice day thus far with a current temperature of 75. It is heading up to 84 but the humidity is dropping.

This week continues the craziness. Monday I was informed by my wife we had no Internet. Ran all the diagnostics I could to no avail. I called Verizon and set up an appointment for Tuesday. When I got home, I found the outside wire to the house had been cut by our yard people. Second time in a month the wire had been severed. Early it was squirrels, now our landscapers. Monday night we had a round of severe and damaging thunderstorms. Trees were down all around the neighborhood. My drive to work, Tuesday, took an extra 30 plus minutes due to detours from downed trees and/or wires. Verizon showed up and fixed the wire and we were back on the grid. Wednesday was a concrete pour which meant a 5 AM start time. Of course, the first truck arrived with the wrong concrete and had to be rejected. What should have been done by 10 AM now took until almost noon due to the delay caused by the wrong concrete being sent out. Yesterday was mundane except for the thunderstorm after lunch that sent everyone home early.

The only thing I accomplished was adding a decoder to the second Bowser Alco Demonstrator Century C-628 and programming the address. I did mark out where the roadbed goes on a section of track in preparation for gluing it down.

Not sure what the weekend holds for us. If the weather is nice maybe my wife and I will take a drive somewhere. There is some shopping to do and a few small chores around the house.

I would like to glue down one of the curves on the layout and begin wiring the east side of the layout. I have noticed some power issues on that side of the layout. Currently there are no drop feeders. I need to install them and wire them into the system. I still need to speed match the Bowser Alco Centuries. Maybe then I can run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Sunny, humid, and cool this mid August morning. 64 with 93% humidity. Supposed to be in the mid 80s this afternoon. Good chances for rain tomorrow and tomorrow evening.

Went to the gym yesterday. Swimming was easy but the resistance work afterwards was limited. Not because of limitations on my part but a guy had his two young daughters, maybe 7 and 10 years old, experimenting with the equipment. I certainly did not want to interfere with their time together.. I slept rather late this morning to make up for waking up w-a-a-y too early yesterday. After breakfast I'll be going to the cemetery to tend to the graves for my wife and son. Also on tap for today is laundry and I may stop at Walmart to see what they have in the way of new keyboards..

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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