The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. 
       It is a beautiful morning here, currently 72 heading for 86 with afternoon storms possible. We had a hum dinger last night with lightning so close it was cracking. It lasted about an hour and hard rain along with it.  I don't see any damage so the strikes must not have caused damage. 

       I changed a decoder in the SD80 that was malfunctioning and that was the problem. I didn't think to do a reset until I put the unit back on the track to check it out. It might have done the trick.  

       We have a birthday party for my oldest great grand daughter this afternoon. She turns 16. The oldest great grand son just turned 18.  I cqan't really be old enough for that.  

       I mowed the front acre yesterday and the farmer was spreading fertilizer on his crop of soy beans in the field next to us. I imagine it was ammonium nitrate because it was dusty, and I waqs glad there was no wind, but had I know he was there I would have gone in and let the air clear. I am not anti tech, but he lays down round up before planting and chemicals all summer and frankly I don't like the over use of roundup because we need it as a weed killer. When it gets banned because of overuse it will be banned everywhere. 

        No plans for the week end other than parties. We also have one tomorrow for another great grand son turning 14. 

Cheerio and Video.  Icon_e_biggrin
And a good Saturday morning ta ya all... Yup, got 9 1/2 hours in last night, I must be working too hard to be that tired. Nope 

We did not, repeat, did not hit 110 or higher yesterday, only got to 108 and the low got down to 89, giving us 45 days of no less than 90.

Nothing else happening of consequences, just going to kick back and go with the flow... So everyone, have a great weekend and do what you want to do, not what you have to do, much more pleasing that way. Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We were indecisive between the highland games and a model railway club's yard sale. Then the weather forecast became thunderstorms and the rain started so we went to the mall for a walk. Ran into a couple of neighbours and one of my modelling buddies and his wife.
By the time we found that there wasn't much more precip coming, it was too late for either event, assuming they went ahead.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, nothing new going on, weather and gas prices are still too high as is most everything else in the stores. I ordered a pizza yesterday, they had so many different specials that for the same pizza, large with 2 toppings, I could have paid anywhere between $12 and $18. I ordered the $9.99 one topping pick-up special and added another topping for $2.00....Do they do that to confuse you or don't they know any better....

That's it for now, enjoy the weekend, what's left of it

Wizard of Id
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
         We have a beautiful day with no rain in sight. My wife's monthly lunch with her brother, my daughter and my grand daughter is today. We all ways have fun. 

          Our dog Bonnie is really having a rough time and I am afraid it is time to let her go to the rainbow bridge. This is the hardest par of loving a furkid. She has dementia and can hardly walk and has lost her hearing. She can't get up without help and we have her on pain medication. I am a total mess. She is our 4th Samoyed and as much as we love them we are past the point where we can rescue another one. They are the best dogs we have ever had but they are a lot of work too. 

         I don't have anything to contribute today so I wish you all a great day and a great week ahead

Good morning folks, just look though my past posts and rubber stamp them for today. Getting boring, getting frustrating. If it doesn't rain today, we will tie the record for the longest streak of no rain, 143 days. I see spots on my windshield the past few days but not enough to even call a trace of rain. Oh for the good old days when a summer storm would rip apart a neighborhood to take the roof off of a motel.

That's it, might just go back to bed for a couple of days, the heat just seems to take all the energy out of a person.

Anyway, I hope things are better where you are and that you can enjoy the week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and cool this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 60 going to maybe 70 later on with winds 20-25 mph and skies maybe clearing off later.

Very quiet day yesterday. I watched the Second Avatar movie and was not impressed. A simplistic, cliche-filled excuse to play with CGI. This morning it's off to the gym followed by...?

Charlie - my sympathies on your pain. It's hard to watch a loved one deteriorate regardless of whether they have 2 or 4 legs.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. 
       It is very pleasant here this morning but storms are to hit this afternoon. 

       Our dog Bonnie has shown some what of a recovery this morning. I have an appointment with a vet acupuncturist this afternoon. She is on pain medication and I am wondering if that may be causing some of her problems.  I was able to walk her around the yard for about 15 minutes and she seemed to be very alert. She even was able to get up by herself after she laid down. Se appears more alert.  

      No train work at all the past couple days. I got a new AC unit to put in the train room. I have been using a portable when needed but they are not efficient. I decided to permanently mount a window AC in the west wall and found a 12000 btu on sale for $249. 

       My wifes get together yesterday was fun as usual so she is happy and when she is happy I am happy. 

       Don, Hop on a plane and come visit us on Wilderson. I can let you stay in the RV and we can set to AC to teeth chattering mode.  Icon_e_biggrin 

Hello Blue
Cloudy this morning. Hi 0f 72 for the day. Strong storms forecast by evening.
Yesterday was a perfect weather day. We went to #2 sons house for a walleye dinner. Ate outside then went in and watched some football while the ladies stayed out to chit-chat. Nothing on my menu for today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Hi all. things are about the same leg is slowly healing the lungs have cleared out now it's just breathing exercises, still no energy tire out easily bruising is going away slowly still have to watch balance the pneumonia also took out most of what was left of my hearing.

CB we had a dog for 15 years he developed mouth cancer we had to have him put down so i know what you're going through, it's tough.
stay safe and cool,
(08-14-2023, 08:08 AM)Charlie B Wrote: Good morning. 
       It is very pleasant here this morning but storms are to hit this afternoon....

       Don, Hop on a plane and come visit us on Wilderson. I can let you stay in the RV and we can set to AC to teeth chattering mode.  Icon_e_biggrin 

Thank you Charlie, why not just bring the RV to AZ? Lots cheaper and much less of a hassle than flying. Icon_lol

Glad to hear that your dog is doing better, still wish you all the best, I know that they are like family and you are willing to do what it takes to get them healthy again.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Jim, great news, like I said, the older we are the longer it takes, so I wish you the best as well....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is currently 87, going up to 89. The weather guessers are saying we will get storms later with rain, lightning, thunder, and possibly damaging winds.

Weekend started out good. Saturday my wife and I went out. Our first stop was the produce store. My wife ventured into the store and walked around. This was the first time she has done so since her blood clot back in November of 2021. She has gone into stores where she can use a scooter but not into one where she had to rely on her own power. The produce store is small. It was a former gas station. This was a good first step. We then took a drive through Valley Forge National Park. We found the park very empty, something unusual for a Saturday. Then we realized this was the last weekend before high school sports begin preseason and many colleges students begin reporting. This would be the last chance for vacation for many of them.

Sunday, we stayed around the house. I did some of the dreaded laundry and went through some things that had accumulated and threw out what wasn’t needed any longer.

I was not very successful with my modeling plans. I did open and test my Rapido New Haven PA1 that had been sitting in its box since I purchased it at the Greenberg Show in January. It is a sweet runner. I removed about two feet of track and glued down the foam road base. I was planning to attached the track but I just couldn’t find the time.

Tonight, I need to do something with water dripping from the living room air conditioner. Currently it is dripping on the outside windowsill and then down the wall. I can’t tell if our bedroom air conditioner is doing the same. I will need to drag the ladder out and take a look.

I am going to try to tack down the track where I glued the roadbed. Then I hope to move on down the line.

Charlie, I know it is very tough when one of our furbabies approaches that unthinkable day. You have our sympathies and hopefully many more happy days together.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, really no news here to talk about, no change in the weather, gas is going up and we have the usual rash of shootings, drive-by's, robberies and rescues. Why folks think they can hike up a mountain trail when it's so blazing hot is beyond me. They airlifted one woman yesterday in critical condition, another not quite as bad. The other day, a guy brought two dogs on his hike, one didn't make it and the other had to be necessitated. They arrested him for animal cruelty.

I spent most of yesterday in bed, got lots of sleep, almost 12 hours total. Had the 24-hour creeping crud that's going around, tiredness, upset stomach, no appetite. I'm doing fine today so 24 hours is right on the mark.

Ya all have a great day, stay safe and be happy....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 59 outside my window this morning. Supposed to hit the mid 80s. Temps up and down til Saturday then upper 90s for at least the next 7 days according to Yahoo weather.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. I did get a couple of branches cut up that had fallen. Also had a chat with a neighbor and walked to the grocery store. This morning is a trip to the gym. The yard needs to be mowed but I'm going to wait til Friday. That way I shouldn't have to mow it next week in the heat. Not much else going on.

Gas dropped 15 cents to $3.74.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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