The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning.
     58° heading for61° before a cold front comes through this afternoon. A low of 38° is expected tonight.

      I mulched my leaves with the mower and I am just going to let them compost in place. My grass needs the organic material. 

      I sprayed the C636 and the superliner I added the stripe to last night. The unopened bottle of dull coat was still good despite being 50 years old. I will soon use it up. I will probably put the capacitor lighting in a couple more passenger cars tonight. 

Good morning all, I appreciate your caring that I've not been around much. I'm still healing from that sinus surgery a month ago, they removed a tumor, which was benign, but it caused excessive bleeding and did nothing to help the headaches I was having. At this point, the bleeding has finally stopped but the headaches remain. I see two different doctors tomorrow and I'll see what my next step will be. I may not post a lot, but I'll be around, I don't want to miss the fun of banning spammers....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Glad to hear from you Don. We appreciate the update.

Greetings, gang.

Clear and 43 going to maybe the upper 50s but cloudy later on.

I did get yesterday's chores accomplished. Today will be another leaf roundup and then maybe finish sanding the bench. I got the rough sanding done yesterday afternoon. I'll have plenty of time over the winter to stain and varnish it. I keep hoping the people will show up to finish the installation of the conduit to bring fiber optic cable into my house. My guestimate is that it will save me about $100 a month.

Speaking of price, gas is down again to $2.79.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Lite rain @ 38 degrees.
Outside chores for winter are pretty much done now.
That's all folks.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning.
        Don, it is good to hear from you but I am sorry your head aches are not gone.  I suffered with them when I was a teen but they disappeared when I got older so I have some idea how you feel. 

        I got my second shelf up in the train room yesterday and i hope to paint it later today. We have a beautiful day here today with lots of sun and 50° going to 58. 

Stay safe
We had a prediction of cold and precipitation for the afternoon and evening, so we did our outing this morning. When I brought in the bird feeder this evening, it had a layer of ice and a row of icicles.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

32 and clear with a predicted (guessed at) high in the mid 50s but with winds near 30 mph. Not the most pleasant weather.

Yesterday went well. First off I noticed a woman scanning my yard with some kind of device. When I asked what she was looking for she told me the water shutoff. After I showed her where we had a nice little chat. Seems the fiber optic people are getting ready to connect my neighborhood. Yay! She had to mark the water line location for 104 houses yesterday. Looking promising to get me connected soon. After that I picked up some more leaves and today I'll be disposing of those. With the wind from yesterday afternoon the yard looks like I didn't do anything. The next cleanup will have to wait as I'm not fighting 30 mph winds. Enough rambling for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good evening
       Our car was scheduled for an oil change today. I had an appointment at 11:00. I had made it on line. I called at 9 and they had no record. They were supposed to call and verify and give me a price.  I set up an appointment and got a price. I can buy 5 quarts of synthetic oil and a filter for 30 bucks. They gave me a bargain  price of $119.00. Now having worked at a dealership I expect to pay more but in this instance I would think 80 dollars would be a money maker for them and of course they would have the chance to try to sell me something I didn't need.  The car has 28000 miles and will soon need new tires so I think it is time for a new set of wheels and it won't be a Kia. 

     End of rant. I worked on my train shelves yesterday. My wife had some latex paint in a nice tan color so I used it to paint the shelf. It was the nicest paint I have ever used. It was like applying butter and I don't think I used a pint to paint 30 square feet of shelf

     It is 43° and clear right now tomorrow will be 43° and clear. 

      Cheers to all  Another weekend coming fast

Greetings, gang.

30 now going to 43 later. Warmer into next week with highs in the 60s.

Frustrating day yesterday. The furnace has picked up right where it left off last spring. The repairman was out yesterday and thought he had it fixed. 40 minutes later I was on the phone as the furnace was acting up again. Repairman called back and said unless it was urgent he would be here today since he was over an hour away on another call. Of course this morning the furnace is working fine. Grrr!

Wednesday morning I got bounced out of bed by a very intense muscle cramp. Walked it off and all was ok for the day. Yesterday and this morning the pain is still there. I don't recall ever having the residual pain from a cramp last this long. Old age ! Bah, humbug!!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(11-10-2023, 06:34 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Greetings, gang.

30 now going to 43 later.  Warmer into next week with highs in the 60s.

Frustrating day yesterday.  The furnace has picked up right where it left off last spring.  The repairman was out yesterday and thought he had it fixed.  40 minutes later I was on the phone as the furnace was acting up again.  Repairman called back and said unless it was urgent he would be here today since he was over an hour away on another call.  Of course this morning the furnace is working fine.  Grrr!

Wednesday morning I got bounced out of bed by a very intense muscle cramp.  Walked it off and all was ok for the day.  Yesterday and this morning the pain is still there.  I don't recall ever having the residual pain from a cramp last this long.  Old age !  Bah, humbug!!

All stay safe.


Tom ii had the same issue a couple of years ago turned out i had a blood clot you might want to check it out.
Happy Veterans Day, gang.

37 now going to 54 later on with 20+ mph winds.

More good news on the internet front. The white flags appeared in the yard yesterday indicating where the underground conduit will go. Hopefully the conduit will be installed in the next week. The furnace guy showed up and we talked over the problem. It seems in this particular furnace the lower (or smaller, I don't remember which) heat exchanger has holes that get plugged with something resulting in the furnace needing to be replaced so it's gonna be pricey next week. I can limp through the weekend as the weather will be quite mild (upper 50s to 60s) so I don't have to pay overtime/holiday rates. After he left I made a grocery run and then gathered up another bunch of leaves. Today I'll dispose of those. Also need to work with my neighbor. There's a tree from my yard rubbing on the roof of his house. We'll be trimming it back. Yes, I know it's not my legal responsibility be we've been neighbors for close on 30 years. It's what neighbors do.

Jim - thanks for the tip. I've struggle with muscles cramps all my life. I stay hydrated, watch my sodium and potassium levels, and still get them. I've been tested for blood clots and for a genetic tendency to blood clots and all are negative. It's just something I have to live with.

Gas has jumped 20 cents. Up to $2.97 yesterday when I was out.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, rise and shine. Well no, it's Saturday, we can rise when we darn well want to, I did....

Feeling better, kind of leveled out with a mild headache which is a blessing from what I went through these past few months. Going to wait to see a pain specialist since I've improved so much, just don't need anymore poking and prodding and slicing and dicing...

Temps right now running in the high 70's to mid-80's. There's a big "L" over to the west of us, if it actually moves here, we could see some rain next week. I keep looking at the sky and all I see is this giant "H". Been there since Spring and just won't move. Speaking of rain, officially we have had but around 3" so far this year, bound to be another record.

Gas at Costco/Sam's down to $3.49, other's up to $3.85. Lot's of stations in the $2.80 range if you feel like driving down I-10 towards Tucson.

And please, don't forget that today is Veteran's Day, for those of you that are vets, thank you for your service. I was stunned one day when I woman in a medical waiting room came up to me and thanked me. A year ago, I was in the Post Office and a woman asked if I was a vet, she then handed me a small flag, which I still have inside my truck. It feels good to know you are appreciated, so please, when you see a vet, thank them, especially those that did not come back the same as when they left.

Ya all have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(11-11-2023, 06:27 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Happy Veterans Day, gang.

Jim - thanks for the tip.  I've struggle with muscles cramps all my life.  I stay hydrated, watch my sodium and potassium levels, and still get them.  I've been tested for blood clots and for a genetic tendency to blood clots and all are negative.  It's just something I have to live with.

Gas has jumped 20 cents.  Up to $2.97 yesterday when I was out.

All stay safe.


Tom what helped me with the cramps is magnesium .
Hello Blue
We have sun @ 45 degrees.
No train news. Just waiting for the Buckeye game to come on.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good evening all
       It is dark and cloudy here and I am on the way to work in the train room. 

       I decided to make some changes in the transportation around here so I have spent a lot of time on line yesterday and today. We have a 2018 Kia with 28000 miles on it and A 2010 Ford truck with 75000 miles on it.  I want to trade the car for a Ford Maverick and sell the truck. I went on line and got a great offer for the car and truck both and trade or cash didn't matter, (When you trade you only pay tax on the money difference in Ohio) and there was a 500 coupon to add to the value of my trade.  I called today to complete the deal but the truck I wanted was sold. I am looking at probably 6 months lead time to order one so I have decided to sell them the Kia which will be depreciating and keep the truck and trade it when the new one arrives. Not what I want to do but for us the best options. We really don't need to cars. I have had the truck 6 years and drove it 6000 miles. It still will bring a good price because it is in great shape too. 

      I am glad you are feeling better Don and  I hope that continues to improve.

     Tom, I have those leg cramps too. Only occasionally but boy can they pull you awaked in a hurry.  Mine do seem to be getting better. I take so many supplements I don't know what one is helping but for sure it isn't magnesium. 


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