Sound for steam - which one?
Looking at installing more sound in my steamer(s). But which decoder(s) to choose. The steamers in question are the Bachmann 2-8-0 (one) and 4-6-0 (two). The 2-8-0 and one 4-6-0 have Digitrax decoders, but they are older models not compatible with the "SoundBug" add-on SFX-only module.

So my choices appear to be three:

1) New Digitrax decoder + suitable SoundBug
2a) New Digitrax all-in-one sound/motor decoder like SDN144PS (which I like 'cuz it's small, has a plug, and includes a speaker, or
2b) Tsunami. At 3x the price of the Digitrax offering, I wonder if I am getting three times the value. Oh yeah - and speaker and plug are not included.

Your advice is appreciated!

Sorry Andrew, can't help you with steam suggestions.

I did get one of the new Digitrax sound decoders though, with shop discount, around $45 new. I also got the PR3 programmer - great concept, download sound files for whatever loco you want, only thing is there aren't that many sound programs available on the digitrax website. And alot of them have issues. Each of the sound projects has issues. Some of them have great prime mover sounds, but wimpy horns. some have great horns, but crappy diesel sound. I am looking for a CF7 sound project, assume the F7 would be a good fit, but the prime mover does not change based on speed as I would expect.

I haven't listened to the steam projects from digitrax so can't say whether they are good or not. You can listen to them from the digitrax site. May have to download a "player" from them.

Oh... anyone know if there are digitrax sound projects online anywhere?
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Thanks Gary for the heads-up about the downloadable sounds.

I have also come across MRC Brilliance and QSI for sound options, but forgot to mention them above.

If anyone has experience (or even a good reference) for this stuff, please let me know.

Did you find the digitrax site to listen to the sound projects?
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Check out Loksound. Pricey, but lots of great features. Check out Tony's site for information.
I have only steam ... seventeen of them ... fourteen are Reading Company prototypes. DCC has blossomed since I last "played" with them. All are currently straight DC. The concept of sound just has an allure that is intoxicating to me. I know that I am staring a major outlay of funds over an indeterminate period of time, and I will therefore be forced to equip them one at a time, over a long period of time.

Since none have decoders, I've been leaning toward the "decoder/sound" packages. I have been to most of the web sites you listed and spent way too much time listening and comparing the sounds offered by the different manufacturers. I like the Soundtrax offerings for steam (sorry diesel guys, I haven't really listened to any of those yet) because they have divided them into "sizes," Light, Medium, Heavy and there are a wide variety of pumps, steam sounds, whistles, bells, and brake sounds. I was intrigued by the Reading five-chime whistle on the Light version, which most of my locos would fall under, as the largest is a Consolidation ... 2 I5c's, 2 I8's and an I-10se, and those steam sounds and whistles which I remember so well from my childhood. For that reason I will most likely be going with the Soundtrax Light Steam with that Reading five-chime whistle for one of my Reading I5c consols (the one that was in the process of being painted when I had to move back in 1990. It's still all apart, in baked red oxide and packed in many little labelled boxes, just waiting to go back together again! When I get it all unpacked, I guess I'll know then whether I like the Soundtrax or not ... but listening on their web site, it sure sounds pretty good!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
First off I model in N scale.
Well I like the Tsunami sound decoders from Soundtraxx. Yes they cost more. I think that you will find that the LocSound units cost even more.
Digitrax has a new sound decoder out, but I have not used one as of yet. I tried a MRC sound decoder and was very disappointed with it.
I have mostly steam decoders with only one diesel (the MRC). My first sound unit was a LocSound decoder. When the Micro Tsunami’s came out I tried one.
After hearing the Tsunami unit in my second install, I removed the LocSound and replaced it with a Tsunami unit. It was that much better sounding to me.
I sure hope that the new decoder that Digitrax has out will be a good one. We N scalers need a GOOD diesel decoder for the diesels unit in N scale.
As it is today the Micro Tsunami will just not fit into a N scale Diesel unit very well.
If you are a HO modeler you have a lots to choose from. Tsunami, QSI, LocSound, MRC and Digitrax. Having done DCC installs for over three years , I have installed many of the sound decoders into HO models, both steam and diesel. Tsunami is my first choice. QSI next and then LocSound .
Thanks guys for all the feedback and suggestions. Looks like I have some more reading/listening to do...!


For the ability to customize the sound to represent the specific size and type of loco, I'd go with the Tsunami.
Back when I had a job at a Hobby shop, one of our customers brought in three locos. A 2-8-2, a 2-6-6-2, and a 2-8-8-2. He put them on the test track, and then had us listen with our backs to the trains so we couldn't see which was running at the time. We were able to consistently pick which, just from the difference in sound. The 2-8-2 had a "light steam" unit, and the articulateds had "heavy steam" units.
Everything is adjustable. Exhaust sound and pitch, whistle, bell, dynamo, firebox door etc. About the only feature missing was the change from "pulling" to "drifting".....changes in steam admission to the cylinders.
No, they are not "inexpensive".
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
One last item to consider from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is his speakers. He has custom speaker boxes made to fit his speakers. If you put in regular speakers without a box to focus the sound in one direction, the sound will tend to go both out the front and out the back of the speaker and the sound going out the back will to some extent cancel the sound going out the front. His built in speaker boxes are a tight fit on the speakers, so they add almost nothing to the space requirements of the speakers.
My steam locos with pre-installed sound are all QSI but those that a friend has installed for me all have Tsunami which I think is by far the best. For the locos you have listed I would suggest the Tsunami TSU-750 Medium Steam.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Best of luck,

Thanks again guys. Great info.

And WELCOME to the Big Blue forums Mike! Welcome

Welcome Welcome to Big Blue at The-Gauge, there steamrulz Mike! Welcome

Have you made the acquaintence of doctorwayne or cn-nutbar? They too are of the ranks of us "seasoned citizens" and they are both residents of Hamilton. Ontario, Canuckland ... er ... ah ... I, ah ... ah ... ah, that is, ah ... ah, Canada! ... Wink Wink nod, nod, say no more ... Icon_lol Big Grin

Seriously though, welcome! We enjoy having new modelers join our ranks and we have a good time, occasionally poking good-natured phun and laughing about it. Consider yourself "so welcomed." Now ... let's hear about what you are doing, and don't forget to post pictures!!!!! Some of us need pictures because we don't want to waste time reading. Icon_lol

So, Welcome, steamrulz Mike!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Welcome aboard Mike ! I do feel safe in stating, " you are among friends here".
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Many thanks for the welcome guys. I was introduced to the Forum by Marty G and so far he is the only member from Hamilton that I have met.

I started into model railways in the UK in the early 50's but left the hobby in my teens and gave all my equipment to a friend whose layout I operated on. I came to Canada in 1970 and about 2 1/2 years ago I got the bug again. Although I only have a small endecorated layout while I decide on a bigger layout my wife says I have beome obsessed - in that time I have amassed 40 locomotives and considerable rolling stock. I am concentrating on TH&B, CP, & CN between 1945-55 as they operated predominately in the Hamilton area.

I am a member of the Dundas Modular Railway Club, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, and actively operate on their 14' and 30' layouts.

I have been enjoying this forum in particular the Shutterbug threads as my other main life long interest is photography.

Thanks again,

Mike Pearson

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