Ralph's Layout Self-improvement Blog
I hope there's a lot of traffic on that line, because I would LIVE in that pool. Relaxing on a hot day while the trains roll by - nothing could be better!

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

Visit my web site to see layout progress and other information:
That would be pretty good, wouldn't it? Smile I enclosed the stadium seating to make it look better. [Image: IMG_1983.jpg]
Ralph, just wanted to say "thanks" for sharing your layout with us. It is inspirational to see a scenically complete layout, gives me hope that it is possible and someday mine will also be close to completed! You've done some great work here.

Now, for me, I kinda liked the apartment building behind the outfield wall, might just be my fondness of Wrigley Field though. Wink
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Thanks Gary! I thought about putting guys on the roof of Blue Ribbon Flour but it seemed too high. After trying a few mock ups I decided I liked having a taller structure behind the ball field. I've done a little more work on this area before planning to move on to other parts of the layout. I decided the ball field needed lights. After looking up images of stadium lights I scratchbuilt three sets from cheap materials I had on hand. (Coffee stir sticks, plastic yarn needle work sheet, clear sequins, wire, and little wooden cubes). Some of these materials were from Michaels Crafts store and were used for other projects. I bought the sequins just the other day after considering various materials to represent large light bulbs.

[Image: IMG_1986.jpg]

Those of you who know my work are aware that I am not, and don't try to be, a fine scale modeler. I have the greatest admiration for those who might create an HO scale ball field light tower using etched brass parts and scale light fixtures. Worship Worship Worship I'm more of an "impressionist", however, and enjoy using inexpensive everyday items that suggest what I am trying to model. The results from the above materials...

[Image: IMG_1987.jpg]

...and how they look on the layout...

[Image: IMG_1988.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1989.jpg]

I'll go back sometime and attempt to make some ball players from unpainted figures and perhaps see what other details might be added to the overall scene. Now I want to move on and get to work on the Canton box Co. that was supposed to be my Structure Challenge entry :oops: and I also want to redo my small Redy-Mix company.

Meanwhile, as teams approach the post-seaons playoffs...PLAY BALL! (even at night in Kings Port) Goldth

That's my kind of modeling! Very creative- and the look great. Thumbsup
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Fine scale or not, those turned out great! They certainly look like ballfield lights to me.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Ralph ...

There's a very good reason that the impressionist masters have such an important place in art history. They didn't attempt to represent actual reality but rather, convince the eye that an object was what it was with merely an indication that it was there. The eye fills in the details. It's a beautiful thing ... and so are your light standards! There is no question in my mind what they are!!!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
That's cool. I like those stadium lights. Thumbsup
Homerun with the new field lights, fantastic!
Tom Carter
Railroad Training Services
Railroad Trainers & Consultants
Stockton, CA
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[Image: gaugetraingifsigUP.gif]
Oh Ralph! I just noticed something! The white HOM Furniture sign in dead centerfield is gonna play havoc on the batters trying to pick up the ball as it leaves the pitchers hand! :o
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Ralph --

I have no clue how I managed to miss this thread until now, but WOW!

Both for the way the layout looks, and for the inspiring way you show how to use inexpensive materials to look good!

Btw - love the name of that coffee shop in the ad in the ballpark :-)

Ralph, those lights look absolutely fantastic! I'm also glad you took my advice with the bleachers...much improved! Cheers
What kind of bonus do the batters get if they can nail one outta the park and knock out a factory window? Misngth
Tom Carter
Railroad Training Services
Railroad Trainers & Consultants
Stockton, CA
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<!-- e --><a href="mailto:tomwcarter@railroadtrainingservices.com">tomwcarter@railroadtrainingservices.com</a><!-- e -->
[Image: gaugetraingifsigUP.gif]
It has been quite a while since I posted on this blog. Progress has been slow and often affected by distractions and...you know...life! I really need to achieve a better balance in favor of my hobby! Smile Anyway, I've been working on the section where I've moved my Ready-mix plant. I'll repost the photo of the original sad little structure.

Ralph Wrote:[Image: IMG_1854.jpg]

I decided to reuse some of the components but added to them and tried to make the facility look a little more realistic and complex. The conveyor represented by the pipe is temporary and only there as a "fer instance" so I can plan something better. Here are several views of the area.

[Image: IMG_2065.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2064.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2063.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2066.jpg]

I based the model loosely on this abandoned company near where I work...
[Image: IMG_2032.jpg]

So, its coming along. I also made that small industry (Laroche Manufacturing) in the background because I really needed another business that is served by boxcars! Its too small to justify rail service I suppose but I was working with space limitations.

Its nice to be back at it again! Stay tuned!
Lookin' good Ralph. Good to see your layout thread revived. The concrete plant looks good, and nice that you have a protobuilding close by for inspiration.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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