Weathering a CN N scale boxcar
To Lynn:
Thank you for the kind word.
About the rust, I lightly drybrushed some acrylic ( burnt sienna ) along some rivets lines. I used a simple mask: a narrow piece of styrene with a vertical slot.
[Image: RustMask.jpg]

That rust is more visible on the other side of the boxcar

That weathering is not complete, I'll finish it with:
1) some drybrushing acrylic burnt sienna on the trucks
2) very diluted engine black on the ends
3) very diluted L&N gray on the bottom sides

Herc, thanks for taking some of your valuable time to post those pictures.
I can see a subtle difference, ( mostly on the 1st picture ). Well done.
I did my 1st weathering tests using only pastels on another boxcar.
I like the technique but was not satisfied with the result so I cleaned the whole boxcar with soapy water . It is in my opinion an important point for pastels: if you don't like the result just wash it away.
That will be a good oportunity to try and see by myself the result of mixing yellow and white.


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